Chapter 21

'.. seriously?...', he glance at Flynn, and then when, Flynn nodded his head, William let out a big sigh as he rubbed his temples in stress, ' I told you to escape, didn't I?', he spout, Flynn looks away, and after some time he responded, ' ...yes...', but he did not dare look at William, he was oddly intimate by him,

William let another big sigh, ' if you had escaped that TIME, you would have survived!, and now we're both stuck.!', Flynn keep silent, ' I can't belive it..', William muttered, then Flynn grumbled, ' ..but you should be thankful and thank me, instead of complaining because I did saved you..', he muttered that to himself in a low voice, ' well whatever we can't do anything now there's no crying over the spilt milk, ans what's done is already been done. So now let's think of a way to miraculously find some supplies, and survive.', William said in a stressed tone, and so Flynn nodded in silence,

as they sat there in silence, William peeks from a little hole and to his shock he saw that there were no Zombies around, he was relief then he turns back, ' do you any idea?', he asked Flynn, ' I don't know..', he grumbled, he was a biting his nails as he pondered hardly, but he had no idea what they should do, even if there were no zombies around for now, it was certain that they would definitely encounter then, and it was getting a bit chilly that day as the sun was setting down, then when he averted his gaze to the other direction, his eyes widen he poked William's back and pointed straight, William was a bit confused but when he saw what Flynn was pointing at, he was shock to find a car just across the road,

and Flynn looks at him and nods, William glance at him, and turns his back, ' but the question is will it even run?', he tells Flynn, ' w-well, we can give it a try!', he replies, the car looked rusty but still it was in a pretty good condition except that part, they did not know if it was still working or not, but there was not much harm in trying it!... that's what flynn wanted to convince himself, after staring at that rusty car for a while William speaks, ' it may still be useful',

but the main problem was. they do not know weither it's keys were inside it or not, and if they went there and while searching for the key, and for example gets attacked then it would be nearly impossible to get away, even if the keys were there what if the car does not starts, and escaping from the Zombies while inside the car they would have like only 10% chance of surviving out of 100, or even less, much less considering their situation right now, it was now a do or die situation, since even if they decided to saty there for the night, they would not have enough time to find a suitable place and moreover Flynn only had one bullet left, and it would be hard even for William to protect the both of them with just one arm,

when Flynn thought of it he gulped, but somehow William still had his composure, Flynn was amazed as to how he could keep his cool even in this situation, and when William turns his head he caught Flynn staring at him, Flynn flinch then he quickly looked away as he awkwardly laugh and tried to quickly come up with some excuse, when William saw him he let out a laugh chuckle, ' pfft- what are you up to?', he asks Flynn, it was the first that Flynn saw him laugh like that or even smile,

" so he could laugh like that... it's the first time I even saw his smile..", flynn was dazed in his thoughts, " no I shouldn't be thinking about this now!, we have to make it!", he snaps himself out of it, because they had much important things at their hands now, and ' but let's come up with a plan first.', William sits down, '' mn.', and so they started discussing, ' we still have to find supplies.', William mentioned while gazing in his eyes, and after some thought, they decided that one person will try to find the key while the other would go inside the closest shop he could find and search for some supplies like foods and even weapons if possible, Flynn decided in his mind that he would take every supplies that he saw, they had only about twenty or thirty minutes left before the sun sets,

we both decided that william will search the car, as I go in search of some supplies, since flynn did not know how to drive or even start a car, and William would not be able to take many supplies with him, it was the only option that they saw, then after they decides their role without wasting any time longer, William steps out of that hiding spot first, and after he made sure that there were no Zombies around he waved at Flynn, he mumbled something, Flynn saw that and when he read his lips, he was glad, and he too goes as soon as he saw William's wave, he Swiftly went towards the other direction, " thank goodness we were lucky that there were no zombie nearby", Flynn sigh, after that he saw a w**mart

" lucky" he thought and went inside the store, ' let's get it on now, shall we.', he says that to himself as he rushes inside,


Emilia's POV

" the sky is orange.", she says to herself when she looks up, " I wonder when they would return?l,", she was concerned for them because it has been hours since they've gone in search for supplies, she goes towards Ivy, ' what if something happened to them?', she mumbles, and Ivy glance at her, then she looks up at the sky, she says, ' I think they are just late searching for supplies', she gave Emilia a smile, ' don't you think so emi', she gazed into her eyes,

'hm.. if you think so... then.. I guess you are right after all', she smiles back, and sat down near her,

' by the way I've been wondering, where did Mike go?', she asks Ivy, ' oh, you probably don't have to worry about him, he is probably just nearby in the corner.', ivy told her, ' okay. if you say so.', and she gazes at the sky again, ' isn't it beautiful.', ivy said to her, and she agreed, and afterwards Emilia says to herself " she's right they will probably be on their way I'm just overthinking to much", so she starts chit chatting with ivy again, " I do hope that they are okay?', ivy concernly hoped for them to be okay, in her mind, she sighed,

Mike was sitting in the corner looking at his crossbow, " I wonder if they're on their way back", he was surprised when that sentence crossed his mind, as he dazing out while staring at it, Mike was also worried for the both of them, as he anxiously waited for them, the sun was about to set and they also had very little water, and almost no food, so if they did not return, they have to carry on going forward without them, untill they find a suitable shelter with enough supplies around, " I hope that they would return before it's too dark.",


it was dark inside the store "maybe because the sun was also setting and there were no light inside that store", that was his conclusion, while walking he accidentally hits his foot, ' ouch-!', he cried, as he bend down in pain and grab his foot and rubbed it, he was not so very happy, it was very inconvenient because moreover he did not have anything that would radiate light, only a single gun with a single bullet, ' I regret not bringing anything other than this gun.', he whined, but he went to the side where he could still see some bit because of the light coming through the entrance door,

" shot I don't have much time!", he tried to hurry and finish things fast, ' he must probably have found the key by now,' he mumbled, as he quickly grabbed everything that he could see or feel, well it's not like he could see and be picky in this situation, so he grabbed as many supplies as he could without looking at them, he even grabbed some drinks, " I feel like i'm forgetting something", he was just out of the store, then he remembered, how could he forget the water, he ran back in and grabbed some bottle of them, crushed or not as long as it was not leaking he did not care anymore, then he heard a whistle outside the store, he then knew that william was already done, and waiting outside,

Flynn quickly sprints outside, but as he was near the exit, he felt something pulling on his clothes, he felt chills as his face darken and he quickly pulled out his gun, he could not see it, and it would be a waste of he just shots and it doesn't hit it, so he kicks it off, he runs towards the entrance with full speed, and when he was finally outside he looked back to see what it was, he could see nothing but then he saw a hand crawling from the dark, and then he heard a plead, '',
