Chapter 23

and now as everyone were fast asleep, there was complete silence surrounding him, and Flynn was sitting at the corner while leaning in it, he was also just almost about to doze off, he stubbornly insisted on keeping awake, even as he could hardly keep his eyes open, and when he was at the mist of blacking out he would shake his head or slap himself to be awake for as long as he could, " I should guard them. " he would repeat those words in his mind to himself as he tries to keep himself awake, and just as he was about to loss consciousness again. a sort of a ball like light appears,

" what is that?", he was drowsy as he thought to himself, he could not tell if it was his own imagination or not, he was just too sleepy, and then it flickers for some split second then vanish almost instantly right after appearing that he hardly had any time to differentiate between them, and then he feels a sharp headache out of the blue, it was so intense that he almost shouted, but then he blacks out all of a sudden because of that pain, failing to keep himself awake,

Flynn suddenly opens his eyes,then he quickly jerks up and sits up, ' ouch-!', as he abruptly sat up he felt that same pain in his head, 'what the heck is that pain..?', he groans as he touched his forehead, and soon after that, it disappears just within some seconds, then his first instinct was to look around the surroundings,he turned his head here and there, 'wha_..', he was speechless, he found himself in a completely new environment,

'where am i...?', he mumbles, then he felt something beneath his hand he quickly raise his hand and looks down, ' a scraped metal...?', he picks it up and stares at it, he sees some faint marks, he begins observing it very carefully, it was quite an old and rusty piece of metal and moreover it was covered in dirt, he wipes away the dirt and so he saw the mark, it was a sort of code....?

some words were already disappearing which made them unrecognisable, the only thing that he recognised was a '5...7...?', he could hardly see it with just the moonlight, it was written at the near edge, and the words before it were already faint he could no longer recognise it, after a while he proceeds to stand up, and place that metal where it was before, and he starts to observe the place while walking around, it took him some time till he realised that he was sitting in some sort of collapse structure, he was not really sure what it was as they were covered in wild grasses and dirt, but sure enough whatever it was it was.... huuugee!

'is this some type of dream?', he says, and then while touching his chin he tries to remember, ' oh yeah, I was sitting on that corner then I felt like I saw some sort of a ball of light and then I felt a strong headache- I must have blacken out.', he finally realises it, 'so that means this must be some type of a lucid dream', he convinces himself, ' does that mean... I would have to wait untill I wake up, to get out of this dream_', he frowns and then sighs, ' well whatever, it's not like I've never had any lucid dream before, im pretty sure I'll wake up sooner or later- *swoshh* he flinches

'w-what was that?', he shutters, as he suddenly freezes on spot,

then he turns his head to the side and glares at the bushes, *phew'maybe it was just the wind. ', he shrugs it off, and continues to observe the place, then he looks at those collapse pieces of metals and cements, 'now what should I do?', he scratches his head, and then starts to walk around, 'how long am I gonna be stuck here anyway?', he grumbles, as he was walking around he sees a slight glow from the corner of his eyes, *fwip* he quickly turns his head, and then saw something glowing from the ground, he stops and crouches down, and starts looking for whatever it was, he felt around those wild weeds with his hand, as he was feeling around the grasses with his hand, he accidentally cuts himself, 'tch-', he retract his hand quickly, he pricked his figer in something pointy, it was already bleeding,

'ouch... it was quite a deep cut.', he groan, then he finally saw a stone, it was definitely the one that he was searching for, it had a very glowy texture, it looked like a crystal, since it was totally not some random stone, he picks it up, "wahh, it's actually really pretty.", he thought, he was fascinated by that thing, now as he looked closer it looked different from the crystals too, it looked more like a.. um.. 'what was it?', he ponders very hard, ' metal... Yeah! like a metal!', he suddenly freezes up as he recalled, "wait... how the hell did I get a cut in a dream?!", he was confuse, he quickly takes a looks at his hand, but that wound was now already gone, 'strange?', considering how it was bleeding just some seconds before... "but the pain was so realistic..", he wondered, then he starts feeling strangely anxious, "wait something is wrong here. why haven't I woken up yet?", 'you finally realised it.', he heard a soft sinister voice whisper in his ear,

he grew pale and sprints and turns backward with high alert, but nothing was there, 'no way it CAN'T be a ghost!', he was terrified, he felt a cold shiver down his spine, 'oh dear don't be afraid.', said the voice followed by a very suspicious chuckle, 'what are you...?', he tries to gets himself together and questions at it, 'oh don't worry, I'm not to harm you.', it replies back, but now with a gentle tone, the voice sounded very familiar as if like he had heard it somewhere before, but Flynn just had this gut feeling that something was very odd about it, and he couldn't shake it off, and then he swiftly turns his head and looks at the piece of stone that was tightly gripped between his hand, he didn't know why he did it.

but when he looked at it, he witnessed a sudden colour change in it, the stone which was baby pink coloured before was now a very deep violet, he was dazed by that sudden change, and it starts to glow brightly lighting up the whole surrounding around him, it really was truly bizzare, just like some fantasy anime, and then his gaze was caught by a small path between the forest, when he suddenly sees it his chest was filled with warmth that all his anxiousness flew away, he oddly felt very drawn to it, the voice says something but he was so intrigued by it, that he did not even realise it, and he slowly begin walking towards that path, he had already forgotten about that voice,

and as he goes further towards the path, it start to lit up by the stone, and he hears a faint melody coming from the end of the path, it became clearer and clearer the closser he got to the end, as he venture deeper into it,

and finally at the end, he saw a huge oak tree in the middle of it, it was somehow seemed different from all the other trees I. the forest, and the moonlight lits up the whole tree, the tree seemed like it was glowing, it seemed out of this world, and there was a very serene melody coming from behind, he slowly goes forward, then he was amazed when he saw a serene woman figure sitting there alone while singing, her song was echoing around that place underneath the moon very beautifully, her song was filled with love and a little mixed with sorrow, the song felt strangely familiar that a nostalgic figure suddenly flash throught his mind from childhood, he could not recall her face but her voice was so tender and as she called his name, and he was filled with the same warm feeling around his chest, he gripped his chest tightly,

then she suddenly stops and glance at him, Flynn was surprise when she warmly smiled at him, as she gazed into his eyes, she was surrounded by warm light like and she gave off the same feeling like the sun, then she waves and Flynn she murmurs telling him to come forward, he gulped and took some steps forward, his heart was pounding as he was nervous, his mind was blank and he could not think of anything at that time anymore, but as he got closer and closer, he noticed that the stone became brighter and brighter as it got back to its original colour as before,

and then Flynn stops as he realise he was only some more steps far from the place which she was sitting on, when she noticed his nervousness she giggles and suddenly stands up, she pulled him in a warm embrace, he felt a warm and comfortable stream of energy flowing in him as she squeezed him tightly with her arms, Flynn was clueless as for why she does that, then as she lets go, she whispers gently,'keep it save.', and she breaks free from the embrace she smiles and says, 'take that crystal as your guide, and it shall show you the way and protect you.', he stares deep into it and grabs it tightly and nods, "I don't know what even is going on here so I'll just play along", he thought that to himself, 'i don't have enought time, so.. let me tell you one last thing, do not trust anybody.', i was confuse when she suddenly said that with a serious tone, that I raised one of my brows,

but then before I could even let out a word, I felt the same sharp pain that I felt just before, then I felt very drowsy as my consciousness slowly starts to fade away, "wait I think I'm forgetting something-", *thump!* he fells on the ground, and the woman stares at his unconscious body, 'im glad that I could meet you at least once,' then after a pause she continued, 'in this lifetime.', she smiles bitterly, 'are you sure about that?', a voice says from behind the bushes as a figure emerges from the shadows, 'yeah, and I'm sure I made the right decision.', she cheerfully turns back and smiles, as a drop of tear rolled down from her cheeks, "I'm sorry... but... I hope you're... doing well.", she hopes to herself as she looks up to the moon,

Flynn's POV

'argh_' I begin waking up while I could still feel the sharp pain in my head, ' hey!, he's finally waking up!', I heard a loud similar voice, as i opened my eyes.....
