Chapter 24

'shit... what's up with this pain.....', he grumbled, he rubs his back as he opened his eyes, *urk*, he was surprised when he saw Emilia just beneath him, staring at him, he glance at her, *stareeeeeee*, she just kept staring at him without a word, "what the heck is happening here", he was uncomfortable as she kept on staring even when he looked away, he laughed awkwardly, then after some while ivy opened the door and rushed forward with a worried face, she spoke, 'thank god you're finally awake!', 'haha-', he laugh awkwardly, 'Don't "haha" me!, we were worried sick you know', then ivy noticed emilia, she was silenced at once, she was not sure what was up with that position they were in, it was awkward in the room as no one said anything, then she saw his face, she finally realise and spoke, 'oh Oh-, um hey Emily why don't you bring some water for him he must be thirsty', she smiles as she told her to goi, (after she realised what he was trying to hint at her)

' yeah sure!.', Emilia gets up and goes out of the room, finally after she was gone, Flynn sits comfortably, 'AheM, so what were you guys doing anyway?', she grins, while staring at him, 'im not actually sure too, haha....', he averted his gaze, 'hmmm', she teased him, 'Oh, almost forgot-', she mumbled, 'what?', he ask as he did not hear her,

'oh, no it's nothing', '???', 'but anyway what happened to you?', she quickly gets serious, it was a fast expression change, "huh?" he was confused, 'what do you mean what happened to me?, and anyway where even are we?', he stated, 'huh, you don't know it.. yourself?', he nodded while being clueless about everything,

'okay so first of all, we are in a new hideout right now after we moved from that town, we came to this remote place, and it's in the middle of a forest so there's less of them, which is convenient, and so that's how we ended up here, and the thing that I asked you is.. well you were unconscious for days, What even happened to you that night?, while we were in that building a week ago? you just suddenly went unconscious, and when we woke up you were already totally knocked out, we tried with all our might to wake you up but it was to no avail-,' she kept explaining, 'WAIT.', he interrupts her, he was having trouble swallowing that info, and he tries to process up everything which she had just said, it was chaos inside his mind, "WHat the hell?!!", "what is she talking about?!, he scream internally "....but wait.... how come I only felt like I slept for about just some hours, how many days have I been unconscious anyway?", he starts pondering by himself,

"didn't she say something like a week ago.... wait a sec. DoES that mean_, I WAS KNOCK OUT FOR A WEEK STRAIGHT!!", he was messed up inside, and then he recalled his so called "dream", he quickly feels around his neck, anxiously hoping it's just his imagination, but oddly_ he found a small stone hanging atound in his neck, "Where did this even came from_", he was speechless, then he felt chill down his spine, Ivy noticed that his skin quickly lost it's colour, then ivy lower her eyes, '..huh_?', she notices that stone that he was gripping very tightly around his palm, she was pique with sudden curiosity, "how come I've never seen that thing before_?", she thought and

she stretches her hand towards it to touch it,

*fwoosh*, her eyes were widen,

as Flynn quickly snatches it away from her touch flynn: '....huh?..', "why did I do that..?", he was confuse, then he turns back, and ivy was staring at him straight, Flynn started realising what he did just a seconds ago, he started sweating, 'uh_ i-it I-i was wa_', he starts to shutter, his body acted on his own just a seconds ago, "w-why did I do that?", he was frozen and didn't what to say, she sighs 'what happened?', she stared at him, '..uh.. well nothing.', he smiled brightly, "like hell that will convince her!", he was screaming at himself internally, "and when the f*** is she gonna come back anyway?!!, she's not here only when I need her...", (by she he meant emilia) *meanwhile emilia*, 'acho!', she rubs her nose, 'wonder whose talking about me', she looks in the sky while laying on the rooftop, (as she have completely forgotten about what ivy had told her)

he was getting more anxious as minutes passed cause no one said a thing, the atmosphere in that room was totally uncomfortable, he just sat down hanging his head low, he was trying to say something but no matter how he tried the words wouldn't just come to his mouth, Ivy sighs and sits back *flinch*,

flynn's hands were shaking , ivy glances at it, 'you don't have to be so nervous. I won't ask about it since it bothers you', she stated, then she begin folding the cloth,(which was used to cover Flynn) he felt a bit guilty when ivy said that, but was relieved at the same time, 'haaah-, as he was just letting out his breath, she added after a long pause, 'back to the topic, did really nothing happen that night?,', she gazed into his eyes he felt as tho he was transparent, *gulped* he looks away, 'w-well I don't particularly remember anything happening- "wait-", he paused, ivy saw that he suddenly got quiet, she peek at him,

'.... That's it!', ivy flinch, as she was caught up by his expression, 'huh? what happened?', he looked at Ivy,

'no-nothing', she blushed, "what was I doing just now?!", but she quickly gets herself together, ' so did you recall anything which could be the cause?', she tilts her head, 'well if I remember correctly, I think I did see something before I blacked out_', he mentioned, 'but I can't really remember what it was_', in the heat of the conversation they heard a knock, and Mike slowly slide the door open and peeks in with a concern expression,

both me and Ivy were a bit surprised since we were so into our conversation, 'oh, yeah Mike what it's it?', she says after a bit delay, I glanced at him, he looked nervous about something, ' I thought you guys might probably be thirsty..', 'so I brought some water', he raised the water bottle that he had in his hand, 'oh_ thank you', she smiled, "but now that I think about it.. what happened to emilia I thought she was the one who_", 'by the way, what about emilia?', she asks, " Huh?! did she read my mind?!", he was stunned,

'..huh. Oh she's at the rooftop, ... probably', he said tha last sentence in a small voice, 'then what bout the others', she mentioned, 'william may be at the basement, for Mary.... I think she's in the other room_?, do I need to call them?', he adds, 'ah, no need I was just curious, anyway why don't you come here and sit with us', she called him over, he was a bit hesitant at first, but he came over and sat beside them, even Mike's attention was caught by that stone,, he stared at it for some time but eventually looked away,

it was already noon, and William soon came to call us for the meal, fast forward to nightime,

"it was so exhausting there", he fell on the bed with a flop, he was completely worn off,


he was bombarded with many questions and many things he got so tired especially cause of emilia, then an image of emilia sulking came to his mind, 'haaah- what eve am I thinking', he chuckled as he waved above his head hoping for that image to go away, but no matter what he was extremely grateful that he wasn't left behind and that they were concerned for him, now that he thinks back on it, he imagines how hard it must have been protecting an unconscious man, when you can't even guarantee your own safety, he laughed as he covered his eyes,

soon after that tears started rolling down from his eyes, he was very very glad that he met them, and when he remembered the past he was just overwhelmed with things that he stared to sob, ' I'm so glad.', he smiled while sobbing in that room only filled with candle light, it was his first time expiriencing something like that, he never had any proper friends that he just couldn't hold his tears back anymore, then he suddenly felt a warm hug from his back, that he suddenly remembered his mother smiling out of blue, after that he totally started brawling his eyes out,

while grabbing that pillow tightly in his arms in that lonely night,'' he muttered, as he sobbed away the night, along with that warmth that he felt he was constantly reminded of his family that night, he didn't realise that the stone had changed its colour it was sparkly shining in that dark room, ' I'm here.', he heard a whisper in his ear, which made his heart ache more, and he continued sobbing the whole night,

he cried the whole night while hugging that pillow that he didn't even realise when he fell asleep, and when he opened his eyes it was already bright outside, he was still sniffling, and still had a runny nose moreover his eyes were all puffy , "Crap I shouldn't have cried that much last night", he slowly got up from the bed, ' as expected my eyes are all aching.', he says as he touches his eyes, "but it sure has been so long since I last thought about them and cried this badly", *sniff*, and he begin making the bed,

after he was done he sat down on the bed with his arms crossed, as he exhaled with relief, "but now that I actually think about what ivy said yesterday, what the hell happened?, it possibly can't simply be a dream anymore_ can it_?", he quietly sat for some while, "What the heck was that?! really! I don't know anymore_", *sigh*, he was so into his thoughts that he didn't notice ivy entering the room,

he anxiously looks around and he notice her feets he flinched and sprinted backward in shock, but when he saw her face he was even more surprised, (don't know why), that his heart almost jumped out, 'w-what are you doing here?!!', ivy tilted his head a bit then smiled, 'why are you so surprised to see me?, it's almost like you've seen some ghost.', she chuckled, 'WHEN DID YOU EVEN CAME IN?!!', he yelled, 'I was almost surprised to DeaTH!', he glared at her, 'i called your name a few times, but were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn't even notice it.', she explains,
