Chapter 115: Cold Battle(1)


In the northern empire's royal palace, Marinette was confined in the royal palace with Prince Philip at the west palace.

"Don't do anything, stay still." Diana uttered her warning to Marinette.

"Of course." replied with a smile.

"By the way, where is the duke?" Diana before leaving Marinette's room turned herself one last time to Marinette who stood bowing to her asked that question.

Hesitation rose up in Marinette's eyes as she answered that question, "I...left him in the forest and came here..."

"Is that so? Did he know that you're Sun-hee?" Diana's voice and action were shown testing Marinette, she had no zero trust in the person standing in front of her.

"He didn't...but judging his personality, he won't spare me..."

"I'm busy right now, so let's talk later." Diana inhaled and sighed before she left, Marinette walked quickly to the door and stood in the hallway calling Diana.