Chapter 116: Cold Battle(2)

"Give us our money back!!!!!"

"Everyone, calm down!!!"

The empire fell into chaos as the ruler changed, the barrier creation team also went bankrupt when more and more people came to complain and protested to get the money they just paid two days earlier back.

"Your barrier couldn't even help us one bit!!!!! All this time, we only relied on the barrier the dragon created to keep us warm!! What's your protection barrier???!!! We almost died because of your useless barrier!!!!"

"Give us our money back!!!!!" the leader of the barrier team couldn't keep up with all of the people, quickly ran inside the building closing all the doors.

The worker and magician there held the meeting to find a solution or an excuse to the situation meanwhile a man with his long hair tied in a ponytail was sipping the coffee from his cup sitting at a table at the corner of the inner building.