First kiss

Liliy Pov

My driver drove towards the new investors' house, although I have seen many houses since I came to this world, but the one in front of me right now looks magnificant. I just like the way it looks may be i should negotiate buying the house from him.

"Welcome ma'am, master is waiting for you inside, this way please." A man whom I believe to be the butler said to me immediately I came down from my car.

Butler John Pov

It was quite surprising to know that's my young master invited a female guest over and asked every worker to treat her with a lot of respect, I know something is off right away or else my stone of boss will never ask for such.

I have known him since he was a child, and everything he had ever done has an ulterior motive. I just hope that the female guest is coming over as a good heart and will be able to make him fall for her. When I saw her coming down from her car, I was surprised to see who it was, and my hope of shipping them together just crashed just like that. I mean, how will a woman know for lack of emotion to be able to make my stone of a boss fall for her. They both don't fit in together. but wait, isn't she dead?

How is it possible?

she is standing here alright, or was the news fake or made up by her family?

I'm sure their a reasonable explanation for all this. I better make sure everyone workers here keep this a secret until it reveals to the public, else everyone may be fired for incompetency.

Third person Pov

"Good evening, Miss Anderson," Ray greeted her with an enchanting smile. He was surprised when he saw her walking towards him, she looked more beautiful than he remembered.

"Good evening, Mr Manchester," she greeted with her usual blank face, showing no emotion.

it still remains a surprise to him with what he found out after investigating her 'never seen smiling'

"Please have a seat," he said, acting like a gentleman that he was.

" Thank you,"

" Well, let's eat."

" And discuss business at the same time"

" ok, so I was thinking of investing in some of your new project mostly the one with the government, and am ready to invest 100 millions US dollars and return the profit will be divided 70/30"

" Good Anderson Empire will take 70% after all the ideas for the project belong to my empire, so I like it. Let's keep it that way.

"Actually, the 70% is for the Manchester group of company, the 30% is yours since no one is willing to invest in a sinking company than me"

" You think so highly of yourself, don't you, Mr Manchester?"

"What do you insinuating?

"The idea used for the project is mine, so the highest profit belongs to my empire, the only thing you are doing is just investing and you should expect nothing than the profit given to you not demanding basically all the profit like all the project to begin with" she said in one breath.

If Ray wasn't looking closely he would have thought she was angry, heck he assumed she was angry until he saw not even a trace of any emotion on her face she was just expressing her mind and it turned him on so bad that he almost lost control of his own body.