Strange Emotions

Ray Pov

I stood there, stunned, as Lily walked away from me. I couldn't believe what had just happened. One minute we were kissing, the next she was analyzing her feelings like a scientist. I was both impressed and intimidated by her bluntness.

As I watched her leave, I realized I was still reeling from our kiss. I had never felt such a strong connection with anyone before. And her response - "I think what I felt earlier was pleasure" - was both refreshing and terrifying. Refreshing because it was honest, terrifying because I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

I shook my head, trying to clear the cobwebs. What was I doing? I didn't even know this girl, and yet I was already in over my head. But I couldn't deny the attraction between us. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before.

I took a deep breath and tried to process everything that had just happened. Lily was...different. She was unlike any woman I had ever met. And I found myself wanting to know more about her, to understand what made her tick.

As I stood there, trying to make sense of it all, I realized that I was already looking forward to our next encounter. And that was both exciting and terrifying.

Lilly's Pov

So many questions popped up at my head at the same time, but I need to know why I felt such. I need to experiment it this, so immediately I entered my room I picked up my book and wrote this

Title: Emotion Felt While Kissing

Purpose: To investigate whether kissing elicits emotions

Hypothesis: Kissing can not be pleasurable

Take 1: First kiss - pleasurable

I needed to kiss him again to confirm my findings. According to Google, kissing releases happy hormones and ignites the pleasure centre of the brain. But this body doesn't feel emotions like other humans do. Why was it suddenly feeling something now?

What triggers it?

Is it the rebirth or just because this is a first

The internet wasn't providing the answers I sought, but I knew I had to find out more. The only way to do so was to go back to him, kiss him again, and get to know him better. If he was willing to help me, I would cooperate fully. I needed to feel, and this body needed to feel.

I sat in my room, staring at my book, trying to process my emotions. I had never felt this way before. The kiss with Ray had awakened something inside me, and I couldn't ignore it.

I began to evaluate my emotions, trying to understand what was happening.

Emotion Evaluation:

- Happiness: 0/10 (I felt no sense of joy and excitement during and after the kiss)

Sadness: 0/10 (I felt not even a slight pang of uncertainty and fear)

Anger: 0/10 (I didn't feel any anger or frustration)

- Fear: 0/10 (I was not scared of the unknown and the intensity of my feelings)

- Surprise: 9/10 (I was shocked by my reaction to the kiss)

- Disgust: 0/10 (I didn't feel any disgust or revulsion)

I analyzed my results, trying to make sense of my emotions. I realized that I was feeling a mix of emotions, but happiness and surprise were dominant. I was excited to explore this newfound feeling, but I was also scared of getting hurt.

I decided to take a break and clear my head. I went for a walk, trying to process my thoughts and emotions. As I walked, I realized that I needed to talk to Ray again. I needed to understand what he was feeling and if he was willing t

o help me explore these new emotions.