Strange Emotions 2

Lily's Pov

I later decided to speak to Ray Manchester, so I picked up my phone again and called him. "Hello, Mr. Manchester," I said. "How are you, Miss Anderson?" he asked. "I'm good. I want to get to know you more, that is, if you don't mind me invading your privacy," I said, going straight to the point.

There was a pause, and I wondered if I had said something wrong. "Are you still there?" I had to make sure I was still speaking to someone. "Yes, yes," he answered when he heard my voice again, which may have woken him up from his thoughts.

"Can I get to know you?" I repeated my question patiently, trying to make him say yes and . "Of course, you can. I also want to get to know you, but I was surprised that you asked first."

"I'm a woman who knows what she wants and goes for it," I said.

"And right now, I am what you want," he asked.

"Yes, for now, you are what I want. I wish you were here," I said, even though I didn't believe in wishes and all but really wanted him here right now.

"Why?" he asked with a surprised voice

"Because I want to kiss you."

There was another pause, and I wondered if he didn't want to kiss me again, did he lose interest so fast or what something else.

"Don't you want to kiss me as well?" I finally asked. "No, no, I also want to kiss you," he said almost immediately. then what with him pausing and not responding to my questions.

Ray's Pov

I was extremely happy when I heard my phone ringing and realized who was calling me.

"Hello, Mr. Manchester," she said.

When I heard the voice of the woman who had set my heart on fire, the woman I had been thinking about, the same woman who refused to leave my mind, I felt satisfied when I heard her enchanting but emotionless voice.

why was her voice always like this anyway? Why does it seem to lack emotions

I was speechless when she said she wanted to get to know me. I didn't know what to say. She was too straightforward, and here I was thinking about her, trying to figure out how to court her, but she was doing the opposite.

I almost choked when she said she wanted to kiss me.

'You're just shameless. Don't you know what to say to a man you just kissed for the first time?'I thought to myself, not daring to say it out loud.

"Don't you want to kiss me too?" When she asked me this question, my face just turned red. Shameless, just shameless, but I like her just like that. She's not afraid to express herself or say what's on her mind, and that's what's so unique about her. The fact that she doesn't even smile or make any faces when she says all these things is quite amusing. I can't wait to get to know this special woman, and I'll make sure to rock her world.