Mrs Anderson temperament

Mrs Anderson Pov

I thought I killed her but no she just have to live, why can't she just die, ' I can't believe that bitch is still alive after everything I did to get rid of her, "James you need to do what you did to her mother to her as well " I yelled

I know I shouldn't be shouting at my husband but what can i do, he caused this anyways, he fathered that bitch to beg with, she is an evident to proof that my beloved cheated on me, not that I mind this much in this past,

Everything he did in the past was so that I could live in luxury

" you know that's impossible, she don't even trust me like her mother, she won't even come back here . I can't kill her from afar without people suspecting anything. And ever since she came back from the hospital She is being acting weird, she is no longer living like a robot, now she cares about the empire I'm beginning to think she feels now"

How can she suddenly feel, if she does then she may avenge her family as well as herself, this is bad, very bad , if an heartless soul like her decides to avenge then she won't show mercy. I really hope she doesn't feel.

Although I couldn't say it out loud but the truth is that she is more competent than my husband, that is why I let it be in the past but now that the company is more stable , I want her gone for good, i need to come up with a great plan on how to kill her

" We need to find out what made her change after being discharged" I suddenly said

" Right now she needs investors and am going to make sure she never finds any body to invest". "That is very good then, once you show her incompetence to the stakeholders they will have no other choice than to remove her from her position, even if she is the biggest shareholder, all they want is someone who Will make money for them not someone who will sit there and do nothing " I said in one breathe.

I know I can't guarantee that this plan will work but we need to give it a shot , that bitch is so scheming so i really hope I can come up with a great plan , because James plan doesn't always go accordingly.

" I can't wait for all this to be over I just want her to die or to vanish, i don't really care about her anymore, i just want her out of our lives for good, she is too stubborn like her mother she refused to die even when she was an infant" James said angrily.

I can even feel his anger and it is understandable that bitch is like an ugly plague that refuses to let go.

" Father! mother! I'm home " Helena screamed while walking in.

Whenever i see my daughter I always feel some sense of pride knowing that I gave birth to her.

"Are you guys okay? your faces doesn't look pleasant, who troubled my amazing mother and father this time around, let me guess is it that bitch again? .