Mrs Anderson temperamental 2

Matilda (Mrs. Anderson) Pov

I feel guilty seeing my daughter worrying about my husband, and I always do my best to make sure she's not worried. "Helena, love, go to your room. Your father and I will make sure everything is okay. That's a promise. And no matter what it takes, we are going to make sure you become the real heiress to the Anderson empire. Now, go to your room and freshen up. Everything is going to be okay, baby," I said, trying to calm her.

The least I can do right now is to calm my baby girl. I know she may be nice at times, but when she loses her temper, she finds it hard to control it. "Alright, mother. Love you." After making sure she had entered her room, I faced my husband. "Whatever you need to do, be fast about it."

James Pov

When the doctor announced her death, I finally felt free from my late wife's shadow. No matter how hard I tried, I was never as good as her. Her daughter, Lilianna, was just like her in every way. The only difference between them was that Lilianna had no emotions, nor did she feel any attachment or empathy towards anyone.

Evelyn, her mother, loved me blindly, always ready to do anything for me, which led to her death. But Lilianna doesn't care if I'm alive or dead. Intellectually, she's like her mother, but emotionally, she's just the famous ice queen. I tried running the company by myself in the past, but no matter how hard I tried, I was never able to make the company bigger or more successful.

But Lilianna took the company to another level within a year after taking over. It was quite humiliating. She reminds me of her mother in all manners. I'm even surprised with her recent behaviour. Although in the past, she didn't care about anybody, not even me, her father. She has never opposed my decisions concerning the company before.

If it were in the past, she would have left the position of becoming the next CEO to me without saying anything. She wouldn't have bought the company shares secretly without letting me know about it. I need to come up with a good plan to silence her for good this time around.

I could have called everybody I know who can invest not to, but I know they won't bother themselves anyway, so I can chill for the time being. Lilianna intends to find the person who wants her dead, which is also new. I really hope she doesn't suspect me, which may be the reason for her recent change of attitude.

I think I need to call the secret guard I employed to trace Lilianna secretly. "Hello."Good day, boss."Has Lilianna been going anywhere recently?"But boss, you announced her dead."Well, she's not. Do your job the usual way." "Yes, boss."

I should have notified them immediately. I left the office the other day. At least I would have known everything she has been up to and not be sitting here guessing it.