collaboration 1

Third person Pov

A board meeting was organized for the collaboration between the Anderson Empire and the Manchester group of companies. Some board members from the Manchester group of companies were quite surprised with this new development, while Anderson's finds it had to be believed. Just two days after their CEO promised to find investors, she found the biggest and the richest company in New York to invest. They still find it hard to believe that she was able to fulfil her promise.

The Manchester never expected their president to collaborate with a falling empire like the Anderson, but his sudden decision to invest was bewildering. Know that the person behind the Anderson success is dead and her father not a good leader nor a businessman. They just hope that their president does no ot invedt much into a falling empire.

They believe there must be a reason for this decision that he made without in forming them, all the decision he has made concerning the company in the past had alwaysd favoured the company a lot. And some of them believe that the decision he made was a good one. After all, the Anderson empire has always been on top until the sudden announcement of Lillianna death.

They didn't even know that Lillianna is alive that why some of them are having a second thought about the collaboration, but they trust their president anyway. Everyone was sitted waiting for their various presidents. The Manchester were waiting for the newly elected CEO of the Anderson empire while the Anderson were waiting for their ice queen.

Ray came in, and everybody sitting down, standing up, and waiting for him to sit down before sitting down asd well as a sign of resdpect ft or him as the president even though he was younger than them. He asked his assistant for the documents he asked him to bring.

"Is everything ready? he asked Mr Jerry, who was sitting besdide him.

" Everything is ready, president," he replied

Some of the board memebers were busy looking at the documents in front of them while some were looking towards the door to see who wi

l come in next when the door suddenly opened and Chole Lillianna's assistant stepped in and behind her was hger boss Lillianna.

The moment the board member saw her, mostly those that didn't know she was alive, they were terrified dur to the fact they thought she was a ghost.

"Are you really Miss Anderson? one of them asked braveky when he saw thgat his president wasd not that surprised which that he must have find out that she was nt really dead to bring with and that must have being the reasdon he decided to collaborate with the Anderson.

After all, his president won't stirk a deal with a drowning empire

" Yeah! am alive, " she answered with a hint of sarcasim in her voice.

"But your father declared you dead,"

Seriously, is that even a question.

"Well, I am alive and breathing, so why don't you ask him that question when you see him?

" But...

"Mr am sorry for the misinformation you heard cause I am alive and breathing," she apologized without any form of sincerity.

"Also Anderson empire we soon make a fomal annoucement about the miscommunication and also rather a public apology for thoise that werre mislead because of this so gentlmen shall we being his meeting.

Her insincerity didn't go unnoticed by the board members, and they were displeased by her astitude, afterall she wasd the one in need of their cooperation

She was the one who needed their help

She was also the one who needed their investment

So why is she being arrogant.