Collaboration 2

"Shall we begin the meeting?" Ray finally said

Although the Manchester were displeased with the way she spoke to them, they could only keep quiet for the sake of their president. The Anderson were not really offended with her arrogant attitude cause they knew that was who she was and how she spoke.

" Mr Ray and I have gone through all the necessary formalities, as well as the project plans and the proposal together, and he has shown the documents to his lawyers for confirmation. We concluded that the project should I go on, and the profits shall be divided 70/30, 70 for the Anderson 30 for Manchester group of company, the idea was the Anderson Empire to begin with and your company is just investing and should expect nothing but the profits so all you get is that much, thank you"

Unbelievable everyone find it hard to believe if they have already made a decision concerning this on their own, so why organise a meeting to begin with? They have already decided on their own perspective.

" we are against what you guys have decided on."

" Yes, I'm certainly against it," the Manchester board members spoke up.

" What are you all trying to insinuate? I didn't remember when I needed to consult the board member before making a decision concerning MY COMPANY," he said, emphasizing my company to shut them all up.

After the meeting was concluded the board members all left, some left dishearted and some want satisfied with the decision their bosses both made but they had no choice but to swallow their pride as well as their egos and let go.

But some left filling contented with everything that took place in the board meeting and these people that felt this way are mostly the Andersons knowing fully well that this is going to be the beginning of a better day for their company.

Lilly Pov

I watched as everyone left one after the other with different emotions on their faces. Mr. Ray Manchester and I were the only one left in the boardroom.

" I've been thinking about you," he suddenly said.

Well, that explains why I couldn't keep his eyes off me, which was quite awkward.

" Was that why you can't stop staring at me all through the meeting?" I asked even though I knew the obvious answer.

" I couldn't stop thinking about you,"

" Really?" I asked absent minded, I was busy staring at his lip, which created a new emotional in me before. His lip was over me, I just realised.

" I want to kiss you right now." I decided to speak my mind

"What! he exclaimed.

why was he surprise? I thought he also wanted to kiss me as well.

" I also want to kiss you here right now." Now that's more like it.

"But this place is inappropriate, when I kiss you I want to do more than that, and anyone could walk in anytime which was inappropriate why don't you come over to my place for dinner tonight. Just the two of us, then it won't be inappropriate. I know there's a CCTV camera installed here in the boardroom.

well, that was also true.

" Am in 8 p.m."

"Great! do you mind if I call you by your name? " "You can call me Lilly. "

" Good, you should also call me Ray,"

"ok, see you tonight, Ray.