Helena falls I love

Helena Pov

Although my life seems to be a mess all because of Liliana, I know I still need to put up my fake facade. Here I am to see my Daddy in his office, I really need an excitement in this my boring life...

I can't keep hoping that things are great were as everything always ends in chaos.

" Be careful, miss."

I looked up to see whom I just bumped into only to see the most handsome man I've ever seen in my life. He practically left me dump stock, and I believe and drool right now.

"Hi, a mmm hmm I'm.... God please help I don't really know what's going on with me like I can't introduce myself, I'm short of words, nothing is coming out of my mouth, I don't know how to stretch my hands to him to introduce my self...

why can't I tell him my telling my name is it ? Oh my omg what is going on with my heart is pounding, oh my gosh, gosh, what is going on.

"Well, miss be careful next time,"

Oh my, even his voice is so sexy. He tried leaving, but I stopped him instantly

"Excuse me." I guess I must be running out of patience, but that doesn't matter if I introduce myself he will be falling all over me. I bet he will literally throw him at me.

" Well, I'm Helena Anderson, the heiress to the Anderson empire,"

The moment I introduced myself to him I can see the glint in his eyes now that what I was expecting, now am certain houses pattern now that you want me as much as I want him and I won't let someone has good looking and drop dead gorgeous like he his pass me by.

I bet he's good in bed, and he will know how to handle me perfectly.

"I'm Ray," he said, stretching out his hand for a handshake

Gosh, I am wet with just a hand shake. This has never happened to me before. Only god knows what will happen if I kiss is enticing lip.

" See you around, Miss Helena."

All I could imagine when he called my name was he would call out my name when I make him cum in my mouth.

I didn't even know when he left I can't wait to make him mine.

this was the first time a man had a man's handshake had made wet instantly even before doing anything that could be consider intimate,

Lord even is voice turns me on.

"wait, excuse me" I said to the person about to walk pass me.

"is there anyone who work here named Ray that works here?

"No ma'am but Ray Manchester was here today for a meeting.

Oh my god, Ray Manchester as in the king of the business world the dream man of every woman, he so hot and about to be mine

"ma'am is there is there any other thing you need help with?

"No you can leave " in my excitement I totally forgot about the person in front of me.

I can imagine myself being married to him then my husband will definitely help me in taking over what was rightfully mine to begin with, but I need to do something big to attract my love interest. Heaven I'm madly in love already.

Ray Pov

The girl earlier was totally weird, if not for the fact that she is going to be my sister-in-law in the future, I won't have even bother introducing myself to her to begin with, but I need to impress her at all cost since I didn't know how close she is with my future wife.

Who knows if she will discourage her against being with me in the future, the good thing is my Lily is a woman that doesn't listen to anybody, she always does whatever comes to your mind without a second thought and I really hope being with me is also something that she wants and will want in the future, that way she will definitely chose to be with me if that what she want later on.

Now, all I have to do is come up with ideas that we make her to have a little bit of interest in me and win my woman over for ever.,