Kaloo Lord Shaizu

A voice comes whispering out as it's all black to see anything.

"Seriously? her? the holy queen of the stars gave birth to a child of that hideous Kaloo? She's a disgrace!."

In a room filled with Darkness, some unfamiliar, yet very familiar voices echoed as the Darkness coated their faces to be seen.

Kaloos were those creatures born out of Darkness, they feed on the negative emotions of a person.






Powered by these emotions. kaloos grew up with nothing but a cold blooded personality, they Didn't contain hearts and their instinct only told them one thing.


And their representation was:


Star queen of planet Cosmala was the complete opposite as she was a holy lifeform born out of light.. she spread hope and kindness to her people throughout the Galaxies while the demonic kaloos took it away.

"We cannot accept that demon child.!"

Who knows when his Kaloo blood may kick in and betray us like his father!

just as they say, like father like son? you may never know!

A group of people talked in a form of silhouette as the door shut down with a loud creak.

Shaizu had never been accepted by it's kingdom because of Being a child between two opposite creatures.

He was a child born of forbidden love, kaloos who knew nothing but destruction and calamity while Cosmalans whom only know kindness and betterness of their people, the hybrid prince became an entity which knew the Right actions for the time and replied evil with evil.

He became a living example of "An eye for an eye" as he lacked any other emotions to hold him back

"Sniff Sniff"

"Moma I'm scared!" Little guy held her mother tearing his eyes down.

As soon the emotionless prince heard that voice, a vague image transferred in his mind showing him in his childhood state crying and saying the same line.

Or maybe.. The isolated prince had felt loneliness just like any regular child after all, he was sad.

Prince shaizu snaps out his flashback shortly afterwards.

"Ah I missed this nostalgia from the society, Won't they drop that habit of judgin..."

"Oye? what's up with that treatment you long ears? hunh?!"

"Yeah! is that how you treat the person who just saved your lives?"

It was none other than prince's royal guards Who shouted to the villagers loudly.

*Tap Tap* The boy pats on his young knights' head as they show a little redness on their cheeks.

"Mano, Kano.. Do you remember why we came here?" the prince asks with a soft gentle voice.

"Y-yeah it was to kick the butt of the bad guys causing the Galaxies trouble!"

Shaizu closes his eyes as he giggles, "that's right, we didn't come here to gain people's merit.. what they think about us won't change our main objective.

"But that objective may have a change on these people, as long as we have hope."

The warm smiles on prince's face whipes off the tensioned look on the duo as they smile back at their lord and nod.

It was about time shaizu would face his main opponent. The man covered in a black cloak.. Who was that mysterious guy? and how did he know about the prince?

Prince shaizu and Zorakh are standing face to face as neither one is breaking an inch.

"Stones of immortality, the sacrificial chants carved on the ground with magic circles and lastly the broken souls." The prince spoke those words as he looked at the stones, magical circles on the ground and the sad villagers afterwards.

"As I thought, you've come for that exact purpose after all!"

The villagers stared surprisingly as they wondered what the boy is talking about.

The villagers were scared, a loud voice of panick resounded in the entire village,

Prince shaizu Signalled Kano and mano as he snapped his fingers.

The brave knights understood the signal as they began scattering up to free the villagers!

"Not so fast you ants, I won't allow you to lay a hand on my Shovels!

In intents to crush away the knights Zorakh moves swiftly ignoring the prince standing right besides him.

"Your opponent is me, Bud!"

THAAAK!! A loud sound bursts out as prince shaizu had blocked his attack.

Before his attack could leave it's damage, Prince shaizu kicks him off into the horizon. Zorakh hits the crates containing some rocks resulting their damage.

Crawling out from the broken stones, Zorakh enrages with humaliation brought upon him.

B-DUM, An ear bursting noise Burst up the place, Zorakh creates a dark Dom covering up the village, traping everyone inside. Children let their cries out by the fear as the village has blacked out completely, leaving enough light to barely see a movement.. Leaving no way out.

"Now you've done it..! I wasn't planning on hurting you my young Kaloo Lord, but it seems like spoiled brats need their spanking regardless." With an intimidating voice zorakh starts laughing!

"Bwahaha, Well? how is it, can't bring out your powers, thinking you might put them in danger? afraid to involve them?"

"How do you feel about your kindness becoming a burden to you."

"Kindness is rather stupidity, the real man shows no mercy!"

Zorakh Plays his cards by Blocking prince shaizu's movement through involving the village.

A single wrong move could result the loss of many people. By taking that in consideration, zorakh ends up plotting the idea.

Inorder to conquer the battlefield you must know you opponents well.. but unfortunately for that fool, he may have mistaken about the prince's nature.

Laughter turns into desperation as the prince Summons a sphere of flame on his right hand, he's ready to attack and his eyes show no emotion.

"It if helps saving the Galaxy, then I offer them my sincere gratitude for a small sacrifice they'll need to pay."

Zorakh is surprised to see his actions..

surprised but not sad, a Smile could be seen on his face.

The villagers jolt anxiously as mano and Kano are also surprised.

"See? I told you we couldn't hope of any better."

"The demon wants to kill us."

"Huh no way? so he's not here to save us."

"No I don't want to die!

With never stopping panicking noise of the villagers Zorakh burst up with a laughter, the knights believe in their prince so they turn calm afterwards.

They have nothing to worry.

"BWAHAHA, so you truly are the son of Lord Nomed."

"Lives infront of you mean nothing as you conquer your goals, that's a true demon!"

"But unfortunately, it doesn't seem like you have any intention of stepping out of my way, so I call for a cleaning regiment!"

"Dear my Lord, You're not the only one who obtains his achievements through other people's sacrifices, We kaloos are all the same."

"You're like our prince? don't flush the gold in toilet, you're nothing like his majesty!" Kano and mano respond to zorakh with an offend.

"Pipe down ants! I intend to kill as many lives necessary in order bring my Lord back! and I won't hesitate to kill even his highness' traitorous son, after all he's the reason my lord's in that state."

The prince smiles as he is called out for his father death, he doesn't seem to have any regrets, and why would he?

-Chap 6 End.