Razai's Sacrifice

As our lord would wake up any moment, I can't allow you to interrupt.


The zorakh starts shape shifting.

His pale skinny body starts to bulk up tearing apart his dark cloak.

With scales appearing all over his body his hideous face is revealed.

Irises whiter than his eyes, jaws large enough to cover his face, the man stands with his sharp claws, breaking down the ground with his heavily packed body.

"Now then? let's start with the strongest shall we?"

With his tremendous speed zorakh ends up wiping out the ground moving forward to attack the prince, leaving there are the dark thunders sparkling to the runned down area.

With his swift speed zorakh returns the favor as he punches the prince in his same off guard state.

With barely able to dodge it by his hands, Shaizu's arms steam up as if they've been freshly brought out the cooker.

"Hehe", prince smiles as he's in a slight pained state.

His wounds regenerate, making his arms good as new.

"Impressive, that's to be expected from a high class Kaloo soldier."

"But if you think that's enough to put me down, then wait till I make you cry just like your so called precious lord, just like my own rebellious father!"

Zorakh goes berserk soon after hearing out the prince, he moves swiftly to attack once again, exchanging blows after another, the villagers are shocked to see duo battling in the sky as they tear apart the dense air. They're battling in such a speed the eyes can't see them.

Except for Kano and mano's sparkling eyes as they see with excitement. "woah, it has an entire different look when you see him in person"

Kano replies with a worried look on his face as he chomps his fingers.. "But those swift punches being delivered at that beast and the way he's blocking him all without breaking a sweat is not something to be happy about, we're in trouble!"

Mano replies as she seems disappointed at kano, "Geez there you go again, speaking as if you know nothing about our Lord!"

"Just wait till he warms up, (no pun intended)."

The villagers are covered by some sweet as they're still panicked about what would happen to them.

"Is it me or the place is getting hotter after each blow?"

"Eh, so you've finally started getting the 'heat'."

"When lord shaizu is excited about his battles, his body heat keeps increasing until it makes the sun look like a candle infront of him."

"Good news is we'll win."

"Bad news is.. we may see the galaxies being destroyed."

"Or in this case we might not be able to see them cause we'd die!"

"N-no way!"

The panicking noise increased even more as the knights explain the situation.

Villagers become more afraid of the prince's destructive ability and of his persona being ready to sacrifice them at any moment, meanwhile a smile on the royal knight's face tells them there's more to it than simple annihilation!

After countless of punches and kicks exchanged by the prince and the kaloo.. they move away from each other with an exhausting breathe coming out.

"Huff huff" M-marvelous, I wouldn't expect anything less from the prince that's gonna rule us kaloos one day."

"But you're indeed inexperienced, running away from the fate that's already been decided"

Zorakh smiles as the prince looks with a disgusting glare

With continuestly heating up by his battle against mighty Zorakh, shaizu had transformed beyond his state, eyes burning red like the sun, his normal skin had turned into bursting lava and his strange triangular eyebrows had caught on fire.

"Behold, this is what I call 'Imperfect cosmalan form'"

"Oh, How ignorant of the situation, so you're not gonna use your Astral body? You might be our lord's son, but even you have no chance to stand against me in this state I am in, unless you Go perfect."

The prince had his owns rules to follow, because of so..

"Normally a perfect Cosmalan is just an astral being, they're not creatures with a physical form, right Mano?"

"That's right Kano, but in order to be allowed in this universe they had to follow the rules of taking over a physical form, it's to put a limiter to their destructive strength threatening the universe."

"You seem rather worried, I suggest, not! because my imperfection is perfect when i stand to make you crawl over my feet." The prince bubbles up with lava.

"If I let anymore heat, my limiter might break and cause destruction to this universe more than it's due, so let's pack this up quick."

"You might not need to hurry anymore!." zorakh shouts!


Another blow lands in the sky.


"The villagers are blown away as the attack leaves it's shockwaves.


Zorakh delivers an undeliverable punch and he notices.

"W-what the?" he stares at his fist.

"Oh excuse me, has anyone seen my arm?" says prince shaizu as he mocks, zorakh's hand had been Disappeared but he wonders how?

"My heat has enough strength to blow up the entire space, however I'm bound to seal that off inside my physical form before a damage could cause."

"However it automatically activates inside my target as soon as they get in a contact with my body. Channeling enough heat to burn them off!"

"Next hit will be your last"

"So, 'even you won't be able to stop me' where did that strength of yours hide? Even those pirates were more fun than fighting with you."

Zorakh slowly recovers his arm "Dear young lord, I never had thought of being able to stop you by strength, I wouldn't even think of competing with the Lord's son."

"But Only what I needed was to manage enough time, the real fun has began now!"

The prince, mano, Kano and entire villagers' eyes wide open as they're all looking above.

A godly voice tears open the sky taking everyone's sight on it as it speaks.

The magical circle on ground starts lighting up, interacting with the stones as they shine brightly together. A scream bursts out from the illuminated circle where the unfortunate feet of the villagers step over.

Millions of tiny atomic particles fly toward the rift in the space, leaving the villagers disolve in air.

"Kkkyaa it hurts! what's happening?"

"Woahh, look your hand is disappearing!"

"No it's your leg!"

"Bwaaa, papa! I can't withstand this pain."


Cries of the painful villagers echoed as the ritual to create the revival fluid had finally started.

-Chap 7 End