Shaizu's Tactics

"BWAHAHA! soon our Lord would finally be back, what a coincidence both the son and the father will be freed together!"

"This has to be fate, I win!"

Zorakh keeps laughing loudly as he's succeeded in creating the revival fluid by distracting the prince and his royal guards.

"Finally, I was right about this all along, the stones that could be noticed all around the place and the stones placed on the victimized planets were the collection of Razai's cursed Stones.

"When all Stones are reunited they create 'Stones of immortality' or rather known for their dark side 'Stones of one's graveyard.' These are magical artifacts created by the original inhabitants of this planets whom perished long in history.

"However before their unknown Disappearance the owners divided these stones into various different rocks and spread them on other planets. But now I know why? it was to keep them away from evils like Zorakh so they won't be put in wrong use!"

"As for zorakh and his pirate, they had already found the other required stones so revival fluid could be ready, that's why the only planets with the stones were taken down!"

"Do you now believe my superiority you little pipsqueaks, Mano, Kano? I won another perfect score by solving the case I was right all along!"

The prince touches the sky excitingly as he speaks down to Mano and Kano, leaving them all lost on the ground.

"What are you jumping like a monkey about? do you not see the situation we're in? now's not the time!" Mano nags down the prince as she worriedly stares at the villagers disappearing completely into the thin air.

"And here I'm about to earn some more points, just you wait."

The prince points his index finger at Mano telling her to stay silent. A short while of silence passes by bringing a familiar voice ringing.

Much to zorakh's disappointment, the process stops and the villagers start coming back to their lives.

Popping back one after the other the villagers are surprised on what happened them just now?

Zorakh falls on his knees as he wonders how did he failed.

"Stones of Razia,"

"Stones of ozelle,"

"Stones of Raz,"

"Stones of Ramez."

"N-no way.. how?" The ground breaks as zorakh's hits his fist.

"I managed to grab hold of each stone by sacrificing their planets and the inhabitants, they'd all been reactivated from their souls so why are you not accepting request and bring back my lord to life!"

The man's eyes pop out as the useless stones scatter all around him, rift closes up letting the ordinary stones falling back to the ground one by one. Soon the stones lose their shine and turn back to some normal rocks!

Zorakh is surprised on what his eyes show him, mano and Kano laugh as Shaizu speaks about his strategy he had played.

"With a quick observation of this planet and a research beforehand, I already knew what were you going to commit."

"When people of these planets are fed to the stones, that's when the true power is awaken inside the stones, correct?"

"A power to take over other people's lives known as Stone of one's graveyard. But bringing back another desired dead person within a never ending life also made them known by stones of immortality."

"A formula that was created by some mages of this planet long in history."

"I asked a favor from a very special librarian from our planet cosmala, with her book knowledge of the entire worlds she told me about, Razia, ozelle, Raz and Ramez. These were originally the names of those people who made these stones, but after creating such a cursed item the gang feared their own creation and seperated them on different planets so they won't have to be used by someone evil."

"Of course in order for nobody to Learn about the Stones' whereabouts the gang took their own lives, such an ironic ending for someone who tried gaining immortality wouldn't you agree?"

"So what I'm saying is, all I simply needed was to replace these stones before your impious hands could lay a finger on them. I knew you'd come eventually so I waited here for it all to begin and see your precious disappointed look."

"And then you ran away from us and had all the fun in the ruins while we got lost in the forest! geez my lord You're such a handful of a child."

"Hmph, I won't have to feel anything bad when a 3 feet tall person would call me a kid!"

"I'm talking about maturity!"

"Then I have beat you on that too."


Mano smiles after losing an argument with the prince, she's happy to see him so cheerful.

"But that's impossible!" A lost voice perceived.

"How did you replaced all of the stones in such a short time?" asks zorakh with a sense of loss in his eyes.

"Illogica land!" shaizu shouts as he raises his hand above!

A giant door opens up through space as all the original stones are stored inside.

"With this I clearly don't have anything to explain, I simply teleported them into the alternative world I own as the Cosmalan prince."

"Since I can't allow these stones to cause trouble anymore, I'll be keeping them to myself."

"Give up but don't feel bad, nobody has ever won against me. Even that lord of yours that you try so hard to bring back to life lost to me when I was just an infant."

The prince proudly declares himself the winner, Other soldiers show up to the scene carrying the dead bodies of pirates.

Prince smiles he raises his hand above to greet them. "Heyyo, look at all you soldiers getting so late, it's just like those earth movies where the police is never on right time."

With the prince mocking them, the entire area now gets taken over the star patrol soldiers. They're here to protect when everything's already safe thanks to the prince.

With prince's job being here is done, he also gets shacked down from his hands by the space cops. It's about time the demonic prince is taken back to his prison.

The soldiers try to take zorakh under their custody next, until they realize something's wrong.

"Give up? not in your life! if you can't bring me my Lord back then I will take your lives as well!"

As zorakh is laying on his hands on the ground.

The lands starts bursting with a light as it cracks opens zigzagging-ly seperating the entire place.

Wha- what's going on?? says Kano as he's being blown by the sudden change in the wind and the aftershocks throwing their feets off the ground!

The whole place has started to die, the lands are breaking, mountains are bursting leaving the forest burn in fire.

The animals struggle for their lives not knowing the world is about to end!

"That's right! I've destroyed the core of this world and it'll be shattered into hundreds of pieces floating in the space before a minute could pass!"

"I may have lost the fight, but I'll win the war! it's my victory as we're all going down huahua!" -Chap 8 end.