Lady Ascella

"Earth huh? What a coincidence, I've just been reading about it."

After a while when things calmed down, Ascella and shaizu decided to sit together, it was time for Ascella to show what she was capable of.

Ascella was pouring some tea which her tiny little pets similar to manabi had brought for them. She showed the book to shaizu, the same book she'd been reading, it had planet earth's photo printed on it's cover.

"Woah that's it, this is earth!"

"That's right, it is the Home of your Milafing."

"So do you know how can I go there?" Shaizu asked as his legs with trembling from frustration.

Ascella ignored him as she passed a cup of hot tea, the aroma made shaizu curious enough to have a sip.

"Here's your tea, try it!"

She smiled gently at him while shaizu worriedly looked at the cup, it just like what they had on earth. The cup, the tea, Everything seemed so familiar as if he was on earth.

She wasn't giving him any chance to ask what he came here for, she wanted him to stay longer, she wanted to spend more time with her prince.

"Delicious right? I love how these earthlings make their food, although I can only try imitating them, the stars know how delicious the food would be if an actual earthling had made them."

She stared at shaizu, he couldn't stop gulping down the tea, it was so delicious. She really knew everything of the other worlds from her knowledge power, The tea was just as good as it'd be made on earth.

"N-no, it's so delicious! I almost felt like being back on earth." Compliments coming from shaizu made Ascella smile.

"I'm glad.. Hey, tell me, why do you wanna go back to earth so badly, perhaps your highness do not like staying here?"

"Is it because your people didn't accept you?"

Her gentle smile faded, she was looking curiously to get replies from him.. shaizu stayed silent for while to let lady Ascella speak once again.

"When I heard the prince's Milafing was an earthling, I couldn't hold myself from rushing to the library and read the whole book in a go!"

"I thought if i know everything about your world, I could be able welcome you in earth's tradition."

"It's hard for the people to accept things, but I'm sure they'll know how generous the prince is Once the time arrives."

"I believe in you." Ascella seemed rather happy to meet shaizu then how nunama, her father made it sound. It was very puzzling for shaizu to take a grasp on her real personality, for the whole time he felt as if she'd been acting differently than the strange feeling he had for her.

"Have we seen each other before?" After breaking his short while of silence shaizu curiously asked.

"I wish, but no one was allowed to meet you until your melafing ceremony, I have been waiting for your highness' arrival. It deeply pleasures me to be in your care."

It was a lie, shaizu could tell the way she turned her eyes awkwardly, it was clear she was hiding something, but he knew he had no choice but to pretend like he knows nothing, perhaps he was scared of knowing the truth. He needed his time to face her someday again.

"Tell me, do you know how important life holds a meaning? You're the prince of Cosmalan Rights?"

"Do you know your own life's meaning?"

"Why do you ask that?" Shaizu asked.

"I have a feeling my prince remains clueless about the little question I have asked, but it's alright. I want you to know that if you can't value your own life.."

"It's a given you won't value others life either, then can you really call your the star lord?"

Shaizu looked down, he'd supposed to have already decided his fate when he was in the room with nunama. This wasn't a conversation anymore, at least he thought this shouldn't have.. but he couldn't answer anything to her questions either.

Shaizu suddenly heard a screaming.

"EEEEKKK! I can't believe I almost forgot!"

Ascella was being poked from her cheeks by her tiny little pets floating around her, she seemed like she was in a hurry to go.

"I'm so sorry for asking so many questions and now to just run away, but it's time for me to clean the library.

"If the books are remained on the floor for long they will depart and settle themselves in other libraries of knowledge!"

"I can't lose my collection which I worked years to gain!"

Her footsteps were echoing through the whole room, she was panicking as if her life was on the line. Shaizu remained akward as their topic no longer had anything to continue on.

"Sure I'll help you."

"No! You don't have time, look at all the books. Do you not want to reach the earth in a hurry?"

"But I don't know the way there, that's I was here so you can help."

Lady Ascella suddenly she stopped panicking. "Oh that, all you have to do is place your hand on top of this book, I'll transfer the data into your memories."

"This will guide you about where you're going."

"But what about you? Can you clean all this place by yourself, I don't know but It's unexpected that the one who truly needed help was you."

He stared at all the books floating out or falling out of their shelves, her tiny little pets came angrily out of the books to shaizu and started pinching his ears.

"Owaa, lady Ascella, help me, these tiny little creatures have called on me!" Shaizu was pretending to get rid of those strange little creatures, he kind of had loved them since they acted so adorable.

"Lima, nara, Jaha, how rude of you to do that to our prince? Let him go!"

Heheh, I'm so sorry, these are the Guardians of this Library and they're mad at you for looking down on them."

"They are the ones to always help me clean this room and it doesn't seem like they need your help."

Ascella was laughing at shaizu as he stood right infront of her while his ears and cheeks were still being pinched by the angry little guardians anyway.

"Geez, fine if that's the case. You're in good hands, but what about me? How can I go back to earth?"

"Here, put your hand on top of the book" lady Ascella put the book infront of him as she waited for shaizu to lay his hand on it.

As shaizu was about to put his hand on book's cover his hand mistakenly got placed on ascella's hand, both of their hands connected and shaizu felt like a huge current was Swifting through his brain. It left him in surprise because now he suddenly knew where he must go.

"Thank youkhwwwa.." poor shaizu didn't even had a chance to properly thank her while Ascella started panicking and turned completely red, she had hit his face with the book once again and Disappeared out of shaizu's sight. She had left with her guardians to clean the giant room.

Shaizu stood there as the book had turned his face red after their collision. Since he now knew what he had to do, it was time he'd take on his own path as well.

"Sighs, I guess I better hurry up to earth, hopefully one day I'll be able to visit this place again and see you once more."

Shaizu left the room empty with a smile as he teleported out.

-Chap 23 End.