Everything Is Blue

In the vast open universe there was a Star that shone brightly. It was not a shooting star, it was Shaizu, he was going back to his Homeland thanks to the help of lady Ascella.

Since shaizu's breed was an alien they never needed to put on a mask, he could fly all by himself in the giant Galaxies to travel back to any planet he'd like, with his fast speed it'd never been a rough journey.

Smiling through the rushing asteroids, rising toward the Gigantic stars, He headed back to the green planet where his loved ones awaited his arrival. His family was worried sick because it had already been a day since he was taken to planet cosmala. Shane had never been away from his house for long so they were worried about something might have happened to him.

With their Dried eyes they let open their door, waiting for their Shane to complete his family once again.

Meanwhile shaizu had been hearing a strange voice that called for his help. it didn't let him go back to his earth, it was attracting him toward it own self.

The strange voice echoed in his ears louder and louder as he was approaching a gigantic Blue rock that shone like a diamond, the beautiful sparkling of other stars that were surrounding shaizu were put to shame against this planet.

Shaizu was amazed, but he couldn't get time to praise it, the voice was no longer bearable to his ears.

"I wonder if this planet is calling for me? could it be that I can hear their calling because I'm a Star Lord?"

Shaizu's movements froze as he just float against that Gigantic ball. He wondered to himself, it seems he was having deep thoughts on whether to help his family or this planet.

"Someone out there must be worried about their family just as much as I am.. No, they seem more desperate."

Shaizu decided on what to do and he dived into the giant planet, He could notice his self burning like a comet as he had been crashing toward the surface, Shaizu could collide any moment now.

Shaizu couldn't control his self and ended up crash landing, the hardened surface created a huge crater as he fell down.

"Ow ow, I guess I better learn to control my powers, I may feel so natural to have them but it's rather hard to manipulate."

He tried to stand up on two of his legs. He noticed he'd been standing inside the destroyed land, He really does need to be careful about his landing!

Shaizu was shocked as soon as he stood on his feet. Crater wasn't what made him surprise it was the surface itself, the land he'd been standing on was made out of blue stones, something that looked like it was made out of diamonds just as the outer structure.

"Woah, NASA from earth sure would've been crazy over discovering something this majestic, to think such miracles existed in our Cosmos."

"But of course it's a vast universe, you tend to bump around many surprises."

Everything till the sight went was blue, the ground, sky even those mountains and boulders were sparkling blue.

"Hmm I wonder if this planet doesn't have life, it doesn't seem like it's lacking gravity, it does have oxygen too, they're almost absent but I can feel it."

"Strange, it's seem like this planet has concealed their oxygen. Is it so the outsiders would not be able to land? if I weren't a specie of light spirits I might have died by now!"

Shaizu walks around with a surprised yet a very excited look on his face. Those giant blue mountains and those countless of tiny moons around them certainly made the scenery awe inspiring.

"Ehh, It's really a dead planet, if there were any people they could have shown up by now since there was a huge blast from my landing, but it rather prefers to stay silent."

That mysterious voice which called out to shaizu suddenly grew more wild, it was as if it stood right infront of him. He could sense hundreds of thousands of lives suddenly popping infront of him. but they didn't appear in his eyes.

He only sensed their presence.

"That's strange, I could have sworn I felt so many people around me, then why do my eyes refuse to show me."

He stood there scratching his head while blankly staring into the horizon. Shaizu was in a deep thought but the pain in his ears didn't stop increasing.

"Eyes refusing to Show Me, THAT'S IT!"


Shaizu chanted some words like they were a spell.

Suddenly the environment that seemed so empty and silent started to reform right after that verbal spell.. The blue land was trembling, Gigantic boulders started to shrink, and beautiful blue buildings started to come out of the ground. There were now many people standing right infront of his eyes, types of people shaizu had never seen.

Shaizu stood there with no words from his mouth, the sight of entire planet changing made him speechless, but he could be seem happy as well since he was right about this.

"See? That's it! most planets can't trust the outside worlds so they cast a spell to not allow any foreigner eyes to see them."

"But only the most trusted ones Such as the star patrol organization can have the access to see them, this is one of the reasons why earth never discovered any aliens, because they'd been hidden right under their noses."

"I can't believe it, Kano and Mano were always telling me about this theory back on Earth, who knew they were right all along

"But the real wonder is why I was called here, just what's with these blue people, I'm ignored?"

It wasn't just The planet, The people who lived there were also blue, hundreds of people were busy living their life's moment on that blue rock but none decided to break an eye on shaizu as he walked among them. These blue people were almost 11 feet taller, making them twice as big as shaizu who was almost 6 feet taller, Not only the people, but their houses, their clothes and even their food and jewels were blue.

With Blue beautiful tombs made out of silky soft clay the streets were also made out of bluish clean Crystal, Shaizu almost mistook it for a river. If he hadn't seen these people walking on it he had definitely tried jumping into it.

Shaizu tried to gain some attention by pulling out many tricks, He stuck his tongue out infront of them, made funny faces and even pinched them, but it seemed like shaizu's entire existence was ignored, no one reacted to anything he did.

As he walked a bit deeper into the crowd that strange voice echoed in his ears once again, this was the loudest he'd heard it. Pain in his ears kept rising high enough to put Shaizu on the ground.

Suddenly he noticed a strange little kid that didn't fit in the crowd, was he the one calling out to shaizu?

-Chap 24 End.