No Questions, Only Answers!

The statue strikes the gigantic boulder down, the ground rumbles, is it an earthquake? The single strike of hammer shakes the entire land.

But despite all that shock in the air or on the ground Shaizu's feet hadn't moved an inch, he just stood there on his spot refusing to move. When he turns his face backwards to the land where the hammer had strike, he notices the other broken statues had stood up with their shields to shelter themselves against the calamative hammer. Although, none of them stood a chance as they had no longer remained in any form to be recognized as statues, they were just millions of tiny little shards now since the giant statue had crushed them all.

Shaizu grins. "Ehh, so I was right about this huh?"


Shaizu turns back to where the applauds came from. There stands a very old and scronny man, what's shocking is that this old man isn't blue, instead he's red, he has a long white beard touching the ground, on various spots the beard is tied up with ropes and his entire beard is embedded with rocks of many different colors. He's also about 11 feet taller.

"Impressive Alien, how did you know Throwing the rock was the correct option?" Old man asked as he sat on the hammer of the giant statue."

"Be it luck or not to think you'd move this far on Tampora Rock, no wonder you're a choosen one." The old man spoke with his spiritual voice as his lips didn't move.

Shaizu smiled and began talking "That was simple, really.. once you carefully observe the area it'll tell you everything."

"The giant untouched statue had a hammer made out of a boulder, meaning it's the rock to throw down(attack your opponents)"

"While the other side had countless of broken statues and they all had a shield, meaning the shelter."

Shaizu looks up at the old man sitting at top and smiles.

"I knew right away as I noticed the statues being broke. If their shields were my shelter and I was supposed to protect myself from the crashing rock of the hammer, then I'd definitely be crushed."

Shaizu Jumps over to the shards of all the broken statues and grabs a piece to take a look at

"The shields had already been broken and no one would count on a soldier who'd lost both his arms to hold a gun Again. Am I wrong?"

Old man laughs and jumps down to shaizu.

"You've amazed me even more, your quick response and the observant nature is something to look at."

"You made correct judgments in a grave situation, congratulations, you've successfully completed your second task 'The judge'."

Shaizu was confused and he stared up at the tallest man standing up to him

"Huh, I think you've mistaken gramps, this isn't the second one, it's my first time I was tested here, and who're you?"

"Incorrect! You've already completed your first test of 'The heart' you refused to go back to the people you cared about and chose to protect another Lives."

"You showed a caring heart, you've won because you put others before yourself!" The old man praised shaizu once more

Shaizu was still confused at who he was so he asked him again.

"Why am I being tested? And who are you to observe me?"

It seemed as if everything stood there were just statues, no answer could be perceived to any questions.

"And what is this place? Something tells me you're not gonna say it too now will you?"

"Unfortunately I am but a question, I dyo have any answers." Old man spoke

"All the souls here are respond, they're not the one to ask questions, you're only here to create your own self."

"If you make a way, make it through your answers, if you find yourself on the way, don't forget who you are."

"But a warning, where that way leads you won't always be an happy ending. Every street may have a dead end."

"Woah woah, wait up. I don't think you can answer a question if you haven't do your homework?"

"That's correct, and that's why this place is here to give you the life lessons."

"Oh? I see, I don't have time for this, I came here to look for a kid who was calling for me.. I need to save him before I can go back to earth."

"Can you at least let me know if you have seen him?"

Shaizu Stood under the narrow Ravine as nothing but a sound of wind gusts throw.

"Can't answer huh?"

"I cannot tell, although you may meet the child very soon, remember the road isn't always straight, the buildings you see might not be your destination."

"The path may cross and lead you to a destination that has no buildings."

"Learn to recognize the buildings, don't Let them betray your eyes."

Old man kept on talking shaizu didn't know what was going on here, no one would let him know either. The old man started shining and Disappeared, however as soon he Disappeared a path leading him out of the ravine appeared right after.

"The road here may have reached it's conclusion, but the next road has long to go. Good luck, you may depart."

As he Disappeared a voice that gave the final words also Disappeared

Shaizu may have know idea what's going on, but he certainly knew he couldn't let his guard off.

As shaizu took a step forward to the newly found path through a cave, a loud voice came! "Don't move, you puppy!"

Something was wrong about this voice, it unsettled Shaizu's heart so he quickly rushed into the middle of the cave that, He was chasing the voice his ears couldn't forget.

Shaizu could only wish to cherish his moments through these transparent rocks of the cave, the beautiful calligraphies on the walls had showing him a movie, they moved, and they told him the entire planet's history. The shiny ghostly creatures couldn't be ignored to get attracted either. Although it's entire beauty had been ruined by a single ugly fiend standing there, shaizu could only stare at him with his raged eyes.

"Y-you! I- I know you?!" Shaizu stared at the fiend."

He was very taller than shaizu, his ears were like an elephant with a very wrinkly skin, there were many holes on his body. His arms were dripping blood as he'd killed a blue Man. A child who sat near him was crying, poor thing was trying to wake him up. Shaizu also recognized that child.

"Huh? Who are you scronny little guy, I don't believe we've ever met, and I don't have time for it now either."

"I need to kill this brat!"

The fiend's long eyes turned red he swiftly moved his claw to rip the boy apart.

Before his sharp paws had turned the young Child into minced meat, the fiend noticed his claw had stopped. The slow dripping sound of the water that had kept reminding shaizu of each second he'd pass had stopped, all the creatures had left the place empty to escape, Shaizu Stood right infront of that fiend while holding his hand. It was as if the time had stopped.

He turned his gaze at the young child who'd been crying over the gravely injured body fallen on ground. It was definitely the same child who'd been signaling shaizu, they'd meet once again. But this time there was no overbearing noise. It was a very low voice of cries.

Shaizu raised his hand and pointed it at the injured body, a tiny bit of energy flowed over to the injuries of that blue man's torned chest. He started glowing!

"I don't know who you are and why did you call for me, but your cries have been answered, I'll protect you, and I've protected him as well."

"He'll heal!"

"Bastard, do you know what you're doing?"

"Shall I ask you the same question, or do you know you were about to take a life of a young child but just couldn't care?"

"A child? What are you talking about, this fiend is a threat, all these blue devils are."

"If you don't want to die, move"

"And if you don't want to die, don't move." Shaizu returned his own words to that strange elephant ears. He stared into his eyes while threatening him from making a move.

The fiend forced his self to free his arm as he stepped away from the prince.

"Tsk, fine! You want to die first then."

-Chap 26 end.