Last Surviving Member Of The Judgment Clan

"But I must warn you, you'll be losing your life for the wrong person. This child is fated for Mass destruction."

"If you protect him, you'll be committing an equal crime, and as the last surviving member of the judgment clan I can not overlook your actions!"

"You'll be punished!"

Just who was this strange feline opponent blocking shaizu's path in the middle of a cave. He now claimed his self a member of judgment clan? This was a title which felt so familiar with shaizu. But More importantly, Why was shaizu being called to this rock by this child? Was he a threat? Or being threatened? Shaizu had to solve all these puzzles if he wanted to go out alive.

As shaizu faced that beast in order to protect the child and the other person. The beast once more started threatening shaizu.

"I'm not an opponent you can just face and get away unharmed. I've been to enough worlds on similar missions."

"One common thing about all of them was there were many foolish kitten who got in my way thinking they were doing an act of kindness."

"But you know what? They soon realized they had no paws so they all went down regretting."

The beast grinned at shaizu with a provoking look. He tried to put an impression on him, but shaizu didn't respond anything to his words, taking his fighting stance was enough to tell his opponent he won't go without a fight. Shaizu just stared back at him, telling him to step forward.

"Why you..! I don't like those eyes of yours, I'll make sure to pop them out, put them in my most hated collections"

As he realized talking to shaizu was pointless, he started off with his swift speed instead. Suddenly the beast turned into many different copies, were those his twin brothers? No these are his afterimages, he was moving too fast on the walls and ceilings of the cave as if there were more than just one person moving.

Shaizu should have been enough busy reading on his opponent's patterns so he'd have a chance to retaliate. However there may have been something else he'd paid more attention to.


A voice came screaming down to Shaizu's ears, distracting him away from his opponent. It was the child screaming, the adult sleeping next to him had turned pale, his eyes were white and he was coughing pink blood.

"N-NO way! I channeled my sacrad blaze on him. All the wounds or impurities Should have been removed!"

Shaizu stared at the rapidly dying man with a shock. He wanted to rush, he wanted to go his aid so the child won't cry. Although he may have taken care of his opponent first, letting your guard off for even a second counted as a chance for the opponent to strike. And he did so too.

Before shaizu could have gone to injured body his own body was found injured, how? It was his opponent he'd ignored. Now the sharp and unavoidable claws of his opponent had ripped off his chest. Just Because he ignored his opponent for a moment, he faced a threatening fatality, Shaizu couldn't even notice his opponent's movement, he was too fast as he attacked without a fail.

With death in his eyes, Suddenly a strange feeling came into his tattered heart, a very similar heart that had once stopped it's beating. Shaizu's memories from Shane rushed into his brain, will he so easily die here? Is this even believable? He's the mighty star lord, isn't he? That's what he thought, but those weren't his thoughts, he wanted to be that young, frail but a happy child, was he bullied by some fellow students, people creeped out of him? He was rejected? What did those matter? He was still happy and the reason? The loving mother who was always so proud of having a child different than the others, a unique boy.

Will shaizu ever go back to them? Will his parents ever know what happened to his child they cherished, will he ever go back to apologise to Minashi, his only friend on earth?

When others laughed at Shane for being a different child, his mother looked down at them for always giving birth to the same old goats. Not only her, her husband who was Shane's father was so happy to have him as well. These were enough for him to be proud of himself and never question his difference.

Shaizu remembered that life in peace and thought this moment he's living isn't what he wanted. He wasn't ready for a complicated relationship with a space organization, he was just a normal guy who was never good at anything, why's he even fighting against inter galactic monster all of a sudden, is this place worth dying? After all these aren't the people he'd Known. He doesn't want to pretend like he's okay with everything presented to him. He was afraid. He was shaking.

But then suddenly his fears turned into rage and rage turned into power. The flames ooze out of his body burning away his opponent's claw who's stabbed him. That fiend was scared as he got away from him. He wondered what may be going on to Shaizu's head, he was dying a moment ago. But his injuries had been rapidly healing, his injured chest let out a strange smoke as it got fixed.

"T-that energy.. it's not a cosmalan, Y-you.. W-why is someone like you here?" The beast asked with a slightly feared voice.

While shaizu was raging down and refusing his to agree this fate, the boy sat desperately as the injured body's Condition got worsen each moment. The boy gazed at shaizu as his eyes were filled with bloody tears.

The child looked at shaizu with his gritting teeth, but shaizu was too focused on his opponent so he didn't see his anger toward him.

"Didn't you listen to me? Why are you here? The Devil Prince of Cosmala!"

"Let's see.. Why exactly? Surely it was to step on the tails of someone like you so you couldn't move any further."

"But isn't that too boring? How about I put you on a stop permanently, you murderer!"

Shaizu's anger had taken an entire different form. It could be described as hatred now, the loathe! His opponent was confused about this behavior. He stood in the middle of these silent stones forming the cave. He could see shaizu's reflection in water stored on the bumpy ground. It was a devil in rage.

"I-i can't understand.. all this for protecting a life who's rated to be a high threat to all of the worlds near this blue rock?"

"What are you trying to accomplish?" The beast was rather confused on shaizu's action as they rather seemed personal.

Why did he kept calling the child and blue people a threat? And why was shaizu so mad at him. Was it really just for the child? It rather seemed so personal.

"That reaction of your describes you've forgotten it all." Shaizu spoke.

"Forgotten what?"

"Do you remember a young man who had no heart beat? Go on.. remember which planet you faced him on."

-Chap 27 End.