Should I Kiss You?

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"Why are you overreacting?" Fyre asked as he walked in the kitchen and to the kitchen bar where Tian Zi was eating a dessert alone. He was talking about the Alpha's earlier behavior in front of his parents and relatives when he could just simply deny their assumptions without bursting out like he did.

"You don't understand. This family doesn't go through normal problems like a normal household is, here, they are obsessed about marriage," Tian Zi replied and scooped a little of his vanilla cake, and into his mouth. What he said was true, since they don't have to worry about money, fame, or power, all his parents think about is to marry off their children and hope they have lots and lots of grandchildren. As of now, thankfully his Eldest Brother was fulfilling that dream at a speedy rate. His Second Eldest Brother was also in the process of doing so, and now that Tian Zi was the only one that was not married, he is being pressured to do so. It may not be as persistent as when it was his brother's time, but he just like anyone else, didn't like being forced to do something he didn't want.

"You're right but who said your family is normal?" Fyre sassed as he rolled his eyes. After spending time with the Mos for a few hours, he realized that the family was not as bad as he thought they would be. They are pretty down to earth despite the public claiming they would be, the only thing Fyre was worried about is the fact that he's been hot seated due to the fact that he was the first Omega Mo Tian Zi had brought home. Of course, Fyre tried his best to clarify his relationship with the Alpha so they should understand now that there is nothing between him and Tian Zi except the fact that he wanted to repay his debts and along the way satisfy his motives.

". . ." Hearing Fyre, Tian Zi didn't reply and instead continued on eating his food.

"Come on, don't be mad. They asked me to come and get you. Apparently, the rest of the guests had arrived and the mock ceremony was about to start," Fyre said and patted Tian Zi's back.

"How are you warming up with them already? You weren't like this when we first met, even until now you're still like a little chihuahua barking at me," Tian Zi complained with a wrinkled forehead. He sounded pouting despite his displeased expression which only made Fyre chuckle. Being called a little chihuahua slightly irritated him but he was going to let it go because he's a visitor and he didn't want to appeal badly to the Mos who were nothing but sweet to him.

"Stop complaining and stand up already, I thought you said this was important?" Fyre said and slapped the Alpha's back again urging him to stop eating and stand. Tian Zi was still upset but he stood up and did what Fyre asked him to do as he was reminded why he was doing this.

"By the way, your brother-in-law Daniel Mo is gorgeous and really nice and sweet. I heard he's your age, I'm surprised you didn't fall in love with him. That would have been a huge drama," Fyre commented, remembering how Daniel Mo treated him nicely earlier. He couldn't forget his small and angelic face, he's the kind of person that you'd want to be friends with and just hang out with him 24/7. Fyre is 2 years older than both Tian Zi and Daniel Mo but meeting the two made him realize he hasn't matured at all.

"If I did, I would probably be missing right now, possibly buried somewhere or locked down," Tian Zi replied in a monotone instantly making Fyre laugh out loud. While it sounded like a joke, he could totally understand. Mo Laotian is just too much, he's the type of person you don't want to mess with even if you're family.

"*laughs* Still, you can't deny he's too beautiful for his own good," Fyre said, still laughing. Tian Zi didn't reply and instead, he halted his walk looking at the front. When Fyre looked at the front as well, he realized there was someone there standing.

"Uhhh?" Fyre looked at Tian Zi and then looked at the person as well as they looked at each other as if they were surprised to see one another. Fyre stayed his sight to the newly arrived person and realized he actually knew him. He's also a famous personality due to his family background and business talent. He is Maverick Sullen, the Second Eldest Young Master of the Sullen household, one of the three elite brothers who helped the Sullen Corp. to where it is now.

"H-Hello, I was just a-about to get some water," Maverick Sullen said and briefly pointed at the kitchen before he chewed on his lips nervously. After what had happened between him and Tian Zi that time, he had been seriously avoiding him. This was the first time facing Mo Tian Zi since that time.

"You could have just asked someone to get you one," Tian Zi replied softly. He knew that the Omega had been avoiding him after what had happened between them months ago so he didn't expect he would talk to him first.

"I wanted to get it myself," Maverick replied timidly, his voice becoming silent by the end to which Tian Zi replied with a simple nod and proceeded to walk past him. Fyre followed Tian Zi silently, he looked back at Maverick Sullen who was still standing at his spot before he tugged on Tian Zi curiously.

"Is there something between you and him? You two are being too obvious," Fyre asked, intrigued. It is becoming more common for both Alpha Male to be in a relationship so if Mo Tian Zi came out saying that was his preference then he wouldn't be surprised anymore.

"Is that why you didn't like being forced to marry women or Omega? Why are you two hiding it though?" Fyre added.

"No, we don't have that kind of relationship," Tian Zi replied, stopping whatever Fyre was thinking about.

"I don't believe it. He's totally blushing when he looked at you and even though it was for a quick moment, I felt you froze in front of him," Fyre said, crossing both his arms and giving Tian Zi a playful smile.

"You're imagining things," Tian Zi denied. Aside from that one time, there was absolutely nothing between him and Maverick Sullen. There were times when he was curious about him and his eyes would follow the Omega every now and then but he was positive he had no feelings for him or whatsoever.

"No, I'm totally not. Come one, we're friends, right? You can totally tell me. If you preferred men over women or Omega, I can totally understand," Fyre insisted and slightly teased the Alpha into spilling the tea. He refused to believe there was nothing between him and Maverick Sullen. Additionally, seeing how Tian Zi reacted to his words just verified all his assumptions so he wanted to tease the Alpha a little since this was once in a lifetime chance, however, what happened next suddenly made his own heart stop beating.

He suddenly found himself pushed against the wall with Mo Tian Zi's face inches away from him. Everything was so sudden, he froze in shock. This was the first time Mo Tian Zi snapped at him since most of the time, he was the one who usually gets angry with the teasing.

"Would you believe me if I kiss you right now?" Tian Zi asked , his eyes as sharp as a knife looking at Fyre. One hand holding Fyre in place while the other on the Omega's chin as his thumb lifted his face up to look up.

"Y-Your lines are you s-so overused," Fyre replied stubbornly, his personality automatically didn't let him submit.

"But that doesn't prove I wouldn't do it," Tian Zi replied, his eyes still sharp as a knife before the small distance between them slowly closed, and as if on cue, both of them heard something fall that they looked in the direction where it came from. Their eyes first landed on the clear plastic baby bottle still rolling on the floor and later to the panicking Omega, Daniel Mo.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I'm leaving now," Daniel said and abruptly escaped forgetting that he was headed to the kitchen to help his cousin with the water.

"Fuck! Great, now they won't believe that we're just friends," Tian Zi breathed and finally let go of Fyre. Getting caught in the most inconvenient position by the most honest person in the household is definitely the recipe for future headaches.

"Asshole, what did you do that for? This is all your fault, you think I like being shipped to you? As if," Fyre whined and shivered at the thought of people thinking he's in a relationship with Mo Tian Zi. Yes, most people would want to but definitely, he's not one of them.

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To be Continued…