Not His Lover

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"Oh, isn't this the maid of honor?" A short woman who Fyre remembered as one of the bride's maids, greeted them as soon as they entered the room located at the side of the staircase which he believed was the guest room. The room also had the same french renaissance theme as the whole mansion, it was very big and spacious it felt like he was in a fairytale. Fyre swiftly looked around and no matter how amazed he was with the interior when he first stepped inside the mansion, knowing that this was Mo Hanlu's property kind of made sense.

After all, he was the man who told everyone he was going to have a fairytale-themed wedding at 34 years old.

"Yeah, he's Fyre Long, Mo Tian Zi's friend," Daniel replied as he continued to lead Fyre inside the room and to the woman where there was a crib for the said twins to lie on.

"Fyre this is my friend and assistant, April. She's also one of the bride's maids," Daniel added to which Fyre replied with a simple shy nod.

"Yeah, nice to meet you," Fyre said towards April while the short woman smiled at him sweetly, but later suddenly held both his hands in interest as if looking at Fyre with sparkling eyes.

"You can tell me. Are you or are you not, Young Master Tian Zi's lover?" April asked in excitement, looking up at Fyre, giving no room for the Omega to avoid her question.

"N-No I'm not. Why do you all think I am?" Fyre replied in frustration looking at April's excited expression. He really didn't know why people immediately think he is that bastard Mo Tian Zi's lover. He does not believe they give off that kind of vibe at all.

"Why? Of course, it's because Young Master Tian Zi avoided Omegas more than the Eldest Young Master does. He is super sensitive to pheromones so if he's not careful, he could have accidentally planted his seeds to more than a dozen of fields by now," Letting go of Fyre's hand in disappointment, April waved her hand as if she was stating the obvious, she even had her eyes rolled up as if saying"duh".

"You're the very first person he brought home. And you being the maid of honor, doesn't that say a lot already?" April added, which shocked Fyre to a certain level. First of all, Mo Tian Zi? Sensitive to pheromones? 'But how come he was able to resist when I was in heat in front of him?' Fyre thought and doubted what April was saying was true. And second of all, the only reason he was the maid of honor was because Tian Zi said, Mo Hanlu insisted that he become one or else something was to happen. Tian Zi didn't tell what was going to happen but he said it was indeed going to happen and even begged him to accept the invitation.

"We're really just friends, well more or less and despite me being an Omega, I'm a recessive so I don't have pheromones," Fyre replied awkwardly. He didn't like mentioning that he is recessive but with the situation he couldn't help but mention it. Additionally, he had enough people mistakenly think of him as Mo Tian Zi's lover. Now he definitely understood what the Alpha said earlier when they arrived about saving him from future headaches.

"What? You're recessive? It's the first time I'm meeting one, but didn't they say recessives tend to get attack sessions? Isn't that dangerous with you in this house? We have more Alphas than Betas and Omegas here today," April exclaimed in surprise. Ten percent of the overall population of the world are Omegas, which are already very few compared to Betas who consist of sixty percent of the population. However, recessive Omegas are even rarer, to the point where there are actually researchers wanting to hire one at a high price to be a human test tube for new counter drugs.

"Yeah, I do get attacks. Actually, Tian Zi saved me twice, and he didn't seem very sensitive to pheromones," Fyre replied, and instantly, as if her ears twitched, April looked again at Fyre with interest. It was obvious she wanted a more detailed story about what Fyre had just said. As for Fyre, he was the one who experienced being with Tian Zi in his heat so he knew better how the Alpha had control over his instincts but if Mo Tian Zi was as sensitive as April had said, he does not believe the Alpha would have control himself in front of him.

Suddenly blushing, Fyre remembered Mo Tian Zi having an erection in front of him but that was just about it. Nothing happened between then and he was thankful for that.

"Ohh, he's sensitive alright. You see, Daniel is a submissive Omega and he almost doesn't have pheromones when he's on heat but whenever he does, Young Master Tian Zi notices it first before anyone else. Even before the Eldest Young Master. So if he saved you during a splurge of pheromones, I could just imagine how difficult it must have been for him to hold back from attacking you. Not to mention twice? And you didn't even kiss?" April said at once that listening to her, Fyre wondered how he was going to ever end the conversation because it felt like even if he explained, the short woman wouldn't believe him and would demand more info anyway.

"We honestly didn't," Fyre replied again in frustration that this time Daniel had to interrupt knowing how April could most of the time be so talkative and make the person she was talking to become very uncomfortable. She might be small but she had a very strong personality. She is also a very cunning woman and could manipulate anyone she wants into telling or doing what she wanted from the person.

"April, I think it's best to not ask Fyre about the topic. He would share with us one day if he wanted to," Daniel smiled, putting both his arms against April's shoulder, making her pout. "And Fyre, let me show you my angels. They're mostly asleep since they're just a few months old but I wanted to show you because I feel like we'll be seeing each other a lot from now on and I'm hoping someday I can ask you to babysit them sometimes with Tian Zi," Daniel said leading Fyre to the crib in excitement.

"The one wearing the dark blue is Mo Chao Yu, and the light blue is Mo Ching Li," Daniel whispered, pointing which was which with a proud smile.

Meanwhile, thankful that he was finally able to escape talking about Mo Tian Zi, Fyre followed Daniel to the crib. He didn't really know why the younger Omega just had to mention Mo Tian Zi again but he ignored that and watched the most beautiful babies he had ever seen in his life. Fyre leaned a little closer to the crib, almost unable to believe what he was seeing but when he confirmed that it was indeed live babies sleeping on the crib and not some artificial silicone dummies he had seen from the internet, Fyre gasped.

All this time, the babies he had seen are like ugly naked mole rats but Daniel Mo and Mo Laotian's offsprings were just out of this world. Their chemistry was just level 9999. He never thought that babies could actually look so beautiful despite their features still underdeveloped.

"Can you believe it? I mean, I already expected they would have beautiful babies but isn't this so over the top? Now I'm more afraid to have my own babies because I know they're never going to look like that," April suddenly commented in a depressed tone leaning forward to the bars of the crib now looking at the sleeping twins as well.

"*giggles* You're exaggerating again. I'm sure if you and Joshua married, I'm sure you'll have beautiful babies as well," Daniel mentioned that quickly made April pout, remembering her now lover, Joshua Bronson. It was an unexpected encounter and match up but they have reached the point where they find each other attractive and become lovers but thinking about babies involving Joshua, April was kind of reluctant.

"I doubt we'll last that long anyway," April commented from the side making Daniel frown.

"Hey, don't say that. Joshua loves you and you know that." Daniel cooed and lightly slapped his friend's arm. April only nodded and chose to believe but she does know that Joshua initially liked Daniel and she wasn't even angry or jealous about it because it's very much justified just by looking at the Omega's angel-like personality and breathtaking appearance.

"Uhmm, your babies are very beautiful," Fyre commented, waking up from his stunned state when he saw one of the babies moved, whined a little, and suddenly fell asleep again.

"Really? Who do you think they inherited their looks?" Daniel enthusiastically asked when Fyre finally replied. When the twins were still inside his womb, he prayed every day that at least one of them would look like him, and now that they're out he's wishing that his prayers came true but he couldn't really tell so it was great that Fyre was here.

"Uhmm, I think both of them looked very much like Mr. Mo Laotian," Fyre replied honestly, looking at the twins' prominent eyebrow shape, their nose, and lips were very similar to Mo Laotian despite still being infants. Fyre looked at Daniel thinking the younger Omega would be delighted with his answer but when he did, Daniel looked upset instead. Fyre was taken aback wondering if he said something wrong however no matter how he recalled it, he definitely didn't say anything that would lead the Younger Omega to feel agitated.

"Bwahahahaha, I told you so! Young Master Ching Li and Chao Yu both inherited their looks from the Eldest Young Master. Why wouldn't you believe us?" Meanwhile, still confused, all of a sudden April burst into laughter holding onto her stomach making Daniel pout at his friend before he looked at Fyre again desperately.

"Fyre... are you absolutely sure they looked like Laotian?" Daniel asked and urged Fyre to look again but no matter how Fyre looked at the babies, he could truly only see Mo Laotian.

"I-Is there something wrong i-if they didn't?"

"I want at least one of my angels to look like me. Minmin already looked so much like Laotian and he's even very smart like Laotian," Daniel pouted, upset to which Fyre didn't truly know how to respond. He was contemplating whether to lie or not but thankfully he didn't have to when the subject of their topic walked inside the room.

"Speaking of the devil," April whispered, watching the Alpha who seemed to have heard their earlier conversation, approach his upset wife and kiss his forehead.

"Laotian, why do you have to look like that? This is so unfair," Daniel mentioned upset hugging the Alpha for comfort. Clearly, Daniel had overreacted but who would call him out for it? He is Mo Laotian's doted wife. If you don't want to ruin your life, then it's better for one to just watch and nod.

"They're still, infants, their appearance will still change when they grow up. Don't be upset," Laotian cooed helplessly while caressing Daniel's hair. Fyre and April watched the whole scene unfold for a couple of minutes. While April rolled her eyes, used to see the couple act like this, Fyre was dying to leave. He internally groaned wondering again when he was going to escape the room when luckily, as if his wish was granted, his phone rang flashing Mo Tian Zi's caller ID. He had never been so happy seeing Mo Tain Zi's caller ID flashing on his phone so he quickly lightly excused himself before accepting the call.


[Get out of there and come find us at the garden,] Tian Zi instructed. Fyre didn't like how the Alpha ordered him but he nodded anyway and soon left after bidding his farewell to April, Daniel, and Mo Laotian.

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To be Continued…