The Start of Something Else

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Inside the massive greenhouse of Mo Hanlu's estate where all kinds of edible plants were planted around like a massive fruits and vegetable garden, Fyre had no time to appreciate the place as he looked at the two Alphas standing in front of him like defeated puppies.

"So?? What's your explanation?" Fyre asked, sitting on the chair while both Tian Zi and Jonathan stood three meters away from him as if they were little kids being scolded by their mother. Tian Zi initially wondered why he looked like he was cowering down in front of the Omega but he felt like if he didn't do this, the Omega would start causing him trouble.

"I-I was forced to do it, okay!? My Sister is here and she found out I was with Tian Zi. I also don't want to be with Margarete but my Older sister forced me to be with her. You don't know how scary my older sisters are when they're angry," Jonathan defensively explained, making Fyre look at him disinterested. However, what Jonathan was saying was true, his parents are strict and most of the time cold-hearted but his sisters are more like a beast. He couldn't count how many times he had been beaten by them when he was younger whenever he wouldn't listen or if he did something wrong. It's what they call tough love.

". . ." Diverting his attention to Tian Zi, the Alpha twitched a little before he subconsciously scratched his nape seeing how unimpressed the Omega was with Jonathan's explanation.

"A-as for me, I forgot. I was worried you wouldn't accept the invitation and forgot," Tian Zi replied in all honesty while still scratching his nape. And as he was saying this, he still wondered why he was being intimidated by a mere Omega but then again let it go again because he didn't want Fyre to suddenly say he didn't want to attend the wedding anymore when they've already arranged today's mock ceremony just for him.

"Jonathan, this wedding will be live on TV. Do you seriously think you can hide from my sister any further if you appeared on the wedding day with a different woman?" After listening to Tian Zi's side, Fyre rolled his eyes and directed his glare to Jonathan again, and said as calmly as he could, unfortunately, even though his voice was soft, both Alphas knew he was just keeping in his anger.

"I know. I'll tell Remi the whole truth before the wedding and make her understand my identity and my position," Jonathan said again and sigh in defeat. He can no longer drag this on especially when his older sister was in the country. Although his older sister wouldn't do something that would shame their family reputation, he still had to make sure Remi was well protected. Meanwhile, listening to the Alpha's words, Fyre had nothing to add. From the beginning he knew that it was not right for him to involve himself in his sister's relationship, he already warned Remi of what might become of her if she trusted Jonathan too much and if Remi ignored his warning, then Remi had nothing to blame but herself.

Although, he would surely do his best to make Jonathan's life miserable if he hurt his sister.

"Fine. Then I apologize for making a scene earlier, I probably shouldn't have done that," Fyre said while sounding like pouting. When both Tian Zi and Jonathan heard that, they both smiled in relief while Jonathan was the first one to jump in happiness and pounced on Fyre, rubbing the Omega's hair.

"Look at you! You're so nice today, are you shy because this isn't your territory?? Usually, you're always barking like a mad chihuahua," Jonathan laughed, trapping Fyre inside his armpit and continued to mess with his hair. It's truly unusual for them for the Omega to be nice and considerate after knowing how moody he was for the past months. And while it was fun teasing him, this kind of Fyre is also not bad at all.

"The fuck! Let go of me you fucker! Do you prefer me shouting and getting angry with you, huh!? Be grateful that I'm tired and that I'm being nice to you!" Fyre roared in annoyance. If it wasn't because he was so tired from all the eyes looking at him and questions bombarded him for the whole day, he would've gushed out in anger towards the Alpha. Right now, he just wants to go home and rest already.

"Ahww, don't be like that. Remi will get sad if she finds out you're still bullying me," Jonathan playfully said while still continuing to mess with the Omega's hair. Meanwhile, looking at the two, Tian Zi hadn't realized the frown forming on his forehead before he cleared his throat to catch the attention of the two.

"Ehumm, now that we've cleared that up, why don't we all join the dinner celebration? I'm quite hungry," Tian Zi said and didn't wait for Fyre and Jonathan to reply as he turned around heading out of the entrance/exit of the massive greenhouse of the estate. When Fyre had thought about it, he was indeed robbed of the chance to enjoy the delicious food served at the party because he was surrounded by people who wanted to know him and then later on he was dragged away by Daniel Mo, only to be interrogated by his friend, April. After that he immediately went to this greenhouse to talk to the two that he didn't realize that he was actually also very hungry after going through that mock ceremony, which by the way looked legit like the actual wedding.

"Oh right. I'm quite famished too. I wasn't able to eat anything with that hateful woman following me around," Jonathan mumbled irritably at the mention of his fiance.

"Can you let me go now?!" Fyre said and struggled away from the Alpha's grip but Jonathan only smirked and didn't let go.

"I don't want to," Jonathan said again and dragged Fyre as the Omega continued to struggle. He kept cursing as he struggled but even when they were out of the greenhouse, Jonathan didn't let go and instead really enjoyed teasing Fyre. However, when they were about to enter the mansion again, Tian Zi who ignored their bickering earlier suddenly pulled Fyre away from his friend's grip. The frown he had on his forehead since earlier persist, making Jonathan look at his friend confused.

"Do you still want to act like this inside?" Tian Zi asked, successfully pulling Fyre close. Jonathan is engaged to Margarette, if people inside saw how the two acted with each other, surely bad rumors would start to circulate. Sure there was nothing wrong with being friendly with each other, they're always like this but today is different with people around looking at their every move. Fyre is an Omega and Jonathan is an Alpha, bad rumors will surely start to spread if not prevented.

"Chill Zi, it's not like Fyre and I are doing something malicious," Jonathan said leisurely with a hand gesture. Of course, he knew what Tian Zi meant to say but is there something wrong with playing with a friend? If they see him and Fyre maliciously then it's their problem.

"Suit yourself," Tian Zi said with a sigh as he gave up, hearing his friend's careless reply before he turned around again and proceeded to go inside the mansion leaving Fyre and Jonathan confused with how the Alpha was acting.

"Why is he one being moody now?" Jonathan asked Fyre.

"Beats me. Anyway, don't touch me again like that unless you want me to send pictures of you and your past lovers to your fiance, " Fyre replied with a shrug and later glared at the Alpha then followed Tian Zi.

"What?? Since when did you have such pictures?? Don't you dare send her that, she's going to go freaking nuts when she sees something like that, " Jonathan replied urgently and followed Fyre as well. He didn't really believe if what Fyre was saying was true or a bluff but it's not impossible for the Omega to get a hold of such photos with his hacking skills. And if such pictures were to be sent to that crazy woman, it would be like a murder list.

"Then I guess I can trust you to be good from now on," Fyre halted his walk before he looked at Jonathan with a smile. It was a smile never before the Alpha seen from the Omega's face so when he saw that, he was taken aback. Although Fyre was threatening him, that smile made him feel something he shouldn't.

Looking at Fyre walking away, Jonathan remained on his spot still unable to get a grasp of himself. If it was before, there would have been no problem. He was very much familiar with his emotions because he had always been indulgent to it but for the first time, he wanted to prevent what he just suddenly felt there. Fyre is a friend, he is also the younger brother of his girlfriend Remi. He loved Remi, nothing has changed, but what he was feeling right now was always the start of something else. If not prevented, things could turn out bad.

'I should start avoiding him from now on. I shouldn't have felt that towards him,' Jonathan thought but as he said it to himself, he felt a throbbing pain inside his chest. Subconsciously, he caressed his chest hoping to ease the pain he felt there; however it was useless. He wondered why, towards Fyre? But that's probably a question he could never answer now.

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To be Continued…