Babymaking (2)

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After shopping and having dinner, their group finally left driving the mall to each of their destinations and as expected, even though Fyre seemed like he was fine when he was talking to both Ian and Daniel earlier, he reverted back to feeling down when they got home. Tian Zi noticed it almost immediately that he hugged the Omega from his back before kissing his bare nape.

"Are you okay? Do you have to go to work tomorrow? I think it would be good to take a break for just a day," Tian Zi whispered softly, swaying their bodies. Meanwhile, Fyre blushed at the action as always as he shook his head left to right saying that he doesn't have work tomorrow since the actual taping hasn't even started and at the same time hummed, indicating that he was fine. Of course, Tian Zi knew he was lying about him being fine but he never insisted it to him and instead smiled tenderly.

"That's good. Do you want to go with me and look for our place tomorrow then? I've already arranged someone to list down places that we might like," Tian Zi offered and this time they were facing each other, still hugging. Since he knew that Fyre was not fine at all knowing that the earlier news was still weighing on his lover, he wanted to distract him a bit, and luckily their house hunting was on schedule.

"Yeah, I'm fine with that," Fyre replied softly, staring back at the Alpha with his sultry gaze making Tian Zi unable to look away. His mind quickly became crowded with thoughts such as wanting to kiss and ravish the Omega then and there but before he could fully get a grasp of his thoughts he was already leaning down to kiss his lover.

Obviously, he considered that Fyre might be already tired physically and emotionally so wanted to give up the thought but opposite to what he wanted to do, he ended up kissing the Omega causing him to jump in surprise as he abruptly pulled away. However for some reason, he really thought that Fyre was looking at him as if asking for him to comfort him in this kind of way.

"Fuck, I'm sorry. I know you're tired and you'd probably want to rest than do this," Tian Zi said shortly after kissing Fyre who frowned at the sudden loss. Tian Zi held both of the Omega's shoulders and slightly pushed him away but seeing how the Omega pouted, Tian Zi blinked in surprise. Clearly, this wasn't the time for such a thing but why was the Omega looking at him like that? Really as if he was begging for him to continue but at the same time didn't want to say it?!

"Y-You want to do it?" Tian Zi asked, making sure he wasn't interpreting his lover's gaze and making a mistake again.

"Hmm..." Fyre hummed as he nodded shyly. Meanwhile, as soon as the intention was relayed, Tian Zi froze for a brief moment before he swiftly lifted Fyre into his arms and later walked toward their bed. Needless to say, they began kissing again until they were eventually laying in bed with Tian Zi on top.

"Are you sure?? I know this isn't the time for this… and you aren't emotionally stable," Tian Zi asked again as soon as their lips separated.

"Hmm, I-I want you," Fyre muttered as he hid himself against his palms. Just like Tian Zi had thought, the doctor's words indeed still remained in his mind but he simply couldn't admit it because he knew the Alpha would get worried and he didn't want that.

"T-Then should we try it today?" Tian Zi suggested hesitantly while lifting Fyre's clothes just enough to expose his stomach. Fyre was confused at the remark at first but he later blushed when he felt the Alpha's hand against his flat stomach and pressing lightly. "Should I start planting my seeds here tonight?" Tian Zi added, looking at Fyre so lovingly which made the Omega blush even deeper. Of course, both of them knew he wasn't ovulating at the moment but Fyre wasn't really against the suggestion so he nodded while hiding his face against his palms in embarrassment.

Since he was depressed earlier when he found out about his condition, he hastily decided that he want to try and have a baby together but now that he had calmed down a little and heard Tian Zi's suggestion, he realized they would have to have sex to be able to conceive. And because it'll be difficult for him to be impregnated, they will need to do it as often as they can. Thinking about this fact now made him even more embarrassed.

"Then I'll fill you up to the brim tonight," Tian Zi said, seeing Fyre consented before he began to pull down the Omega's pants along with his underwear and put it aside. After what he had done in Mali a week ago, he had already learned his lesson and so now he would always make sure that Fyre has given his consent first before he does something to him.

"W-Wait... I haven't showered yet..." Fyre suddenly said, noticing that the Alpha was already spreading his thighs to settle over his vulva. Since it had been a long day for him, he might smell bad as he sweated a lot but the Alpha was already ready to eat him out like always. It has become a habit of his to do so that Fyre was forced to get used to such an embarrassing act.

"It's okay, you don't smell bad at all. If anything, it's making me feel even more aroused," Tian Zi admitted, ignoring the fact that all this time, his groin was becoming tighter and tighter against his pants. On the other hand, when Fyre heard the remark, he chewed on his lips feeling his face heat up even more but this time no longer stopped Tian Zi from doing what he wanted to do to him.

Honestly, Fyre still wondered why the Alpha liked to get down on him so much. He wasn't really a fan of blowjobs himself, especially since Tian Zi was so big to fit his mouth and it starts to get painful after a long while but when Tian Zi does it to him, he won't deny that it felt good rather than him performing it to the Alpha.

"Ahhh mmmm," Fyre moaned as soon as he felt the warm slick flesh slide against the surface of his vulva before he started feeling a light suction. Goosebumps began to cover his body as his toe curled at the technique being used against him. He simply couldn't understand the feeling. He liked being penetrated deep by Tian Zi but this kind of thing also does not fall behind when it comes to pleasure to the point that it has made him light-headed.

"Ohh... Hmmm," shutting his mouth trying to prevent his moans from coming out, Fyre tried to distract himself by looking at the side but since the room was quiet and well lit, he felt even more embarrassed if possible. Not to mention, not only could he strongly hear his moans echo in the room, but he could also hear the noise Tian Zi was making while enjoying playing with his sensitive flesh. He tried to ignore that pleasure that the naughty mouth was doing to him but as minutes passed by, he became more and more aroused and uncomfortably wet. The thought of wanting Tian Zi inside him already overwhelmed his system especially when he felt himself about to climax.

"Zi~ e-enough... I want you inside me now," Fyre whined, reaching for the Alpha's head. However, instead of stopping, Tian Zi grabbed both Fyre's thighs and continued to flick his tongue aggressively knowing that the reason why the Omega wanted him to stop was because he was about to come. And naturally, he felt proud that he was able to give this much pleasure to his lover and so a strong desire to have the Omega come from his mouth overwhelmed his mind.

"Ahh~ S-Stop... Ahh N-No~ Hmmmn ahhh ohhh..."

Just as he planned, Fyre helplessly came arching his body backward and later started twitching at the chain of pleasure he had just received before he dazedly watched Tian Zi finally pulling away but this time instead of making him rest for the next big thing, the Alpha then ventured to devour another organ of him.

"Ahhh N-No... I-I just caaaame~ Ohhh! Ahh!" Fyre whined looking at his lover bobbing his head while his thick fingers tried to loosen him up. Being stimulated at the same time, he wanted the Alpha to stop already but he could only really grab a handful of Tian Zi locks and helplessly beg him. Thankfully, not long after as he felt himself coming again, Tian Zi finally pulled away panting heavily while he wiped the side of his mouth.

At this point, Fyre was already in too much stimulation that his body continued to tremble uncontrollably even when the Alpha was no longer doing anything. Tian Zi looked at his lover's dazed eyes and he cursed internally as he hurried up to strip his own clothes. He enjoyed that so much that he almost forgot the pain he was feeling in his groin.

"I'm coming in..." Tian Zi warned between his heavy pants while jerking his thick and massive girth against his beloved's twitching organ. Because both of them hated using condoms and that really takes the main purpose of breeding, he proceeded to slowly push his cock inside inch by inch until he was resting inside Fyre from the hilt.

"Ahhh fuck!" Tian Zi cursed, feeling the tight contractions of the muscles against him. It was so hot and wet at the same time that if he moved now, he might not be able to hold back and come.

"Fyre…" Tian Zi called, leaning forward planning to kiss the Omega as he didn't want to move yet but seeing Fyre's unresponsive expression reaction to his call, he frowned in confusion. The Omega's eyes were open but as if his mind had traveled a different dimension, he remained silent. Tian Zi had a bit of an idea of what was happening but he really didn't have the patience to stop right now.

"Fyre, are you still with me?" Tian Zi asked, leaning close as he began to thrust hard and deep while he lightly tapped on his glistening cheeks. Luckily, after a couple of deep thrusts, the Omega's eyes widened as it focused before he started moaning loudly.

"Ahhh Ohh God~ Hmmnn..." Fyre whined as his body squirmed uncontrollably. Needless to say, he knew Fyre had finally woken up.

"Ahhh~ W-Wait... Time out! Time out!" Fyre yelled desperately, tapping on his lover's shoulder which Tian Zi didn't hesitate to comply with and halted, resting his heavy size deeply.

"Fyre, did you just faint?" Tian Zi asked with a chuckle but later he groaned feeling the tight contractions against his poor staff.

"Y-You....fucker...!" Fyre groaned angrily as tears started streaming down his cheeks. He was out of breath, his eyes were still out of focus, and his mind continued to feel light. "...D-Don't just make me come twice in a row without stopping! I don't have that much stamina in me, you premature ejaculator!" Fyre scolded while he pulled the Alpha's hair in annoyance. Meanwhile listening to Fyre, Tian Zi let the Omega let out his anger as he reached out to wipe his tears but hearing the last remark, a couple of veins in his brain popped.

He couldn't believe Fyre was calling 'premature ejaculator' again when he knew he hated it so much. Fortunately, unlike last time when he got a little pissed, this time he endured it and instead smiled.

In his mind, he was thinking… Was it his fault that going inside his lover felt so good that he couldn't hold back? Besides, he was a virgin not long ago and his imagery is wild but it's not like he had such an embarrassing condition. He can definitely hold back longer if he wanted to but he didn't! After all, he liked seeing Fyre's adorable reaction when he came inside him. And clearly, the Omega liked it anyway so why was he being teased with it over and over again!?

"Since you're already this energetic, I supposed I can start breeding you now," Tian Zi smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. When Fyre noticed it, he choked on his own saliva remembering the Alpha hated being called as such.

"W-Wait… I-I'm sor—Ahhh hmm, n-no—Ahh!" Fyre tried to apologize but there was no way Tian Zi was having that. He loves Fyre and he would do just about anything for him but he was also no pushover.

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To be Continued…