Love at First Sight?!

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"...hah…hah… Y-You… fucker! Jerk! A-Asshole… Hmmm~ hah…hah…" Panting heavily as well as his body trembling, Fyre gripped his lover's arms as he was forced to savor the feeling of being filled for who knows how many times now. Even when he repeatedly apologized for calling the Alpha a premature ejaculator he still continued to ravish him until he had become such a mess.

"I guess I am…" Tian Zi admitted as he leaned close to claim such an unruly mouth. He didn't really mind if Fyre cursed at him but sometimes when the Omega did it, he had the urge to just shut his mouth and make him submit. "You know you'll only gonna make me want to make this mouth of yours moan for me even more," Tian Zi added as he smirked, grinding his hips against Fyre.

"Ahh~ s-stop! I can't come anymore…" Fyre whined, seeing that the Alpha was planning to go for another round. They've been at it without taking a break, Tian Zi also didn't pull out even once and so Fyre felt uncomfortably bloated and sore after many hours.

"Are you sure? Your lower half doesn't seem like it wanted me out though. You're really milking me dry," Tian Zi mentioned with a smirk, still feeling the tight contractions against his lengthy staff which made Fyre blush before trying to push the Alpha away.

"S-Shut up and j-just pull out already, you dick head! I-I really feel uncomfortable…" Fyre whined. Of course, he would tighten against the Alpha! Tian Zi was so big and was stretching him out. With the amount of cum inside him right now, it felt like if he didn't tighten up it would just flow without restriction. Furthermore, he's been stimulated way too much and his muscles couldn't relax at all even if he wanted to.

"I don't wanna. I want to go one more time," Tian Zi whined back, pushing himself deeper not wanting to pull away just yet. He hasn't even calmed down yet and Fyre should know that with him still hard as rock inside him.

"Ahhh Fuck! I-I told you to pull away, you persistent Prick!" Fyre insisted and this time kicked Tian Zi causing their connection to finally separate which Tian Zi was no longer surprised about being shown with that hidden strength before. Honestly, if the Omega wanted to, he could kick him out of the bed but he hasn't done it until now. By this, Tan Zi knew that Fyre had already reached his limit since he's now kicking him away, making him pout again in disappointment.

Meanwhile, in an instant, Fyre shivered at the sudden loss before he moaned, feeling the lumps of warm semen gushing out of him along with an embarrassing audible sound that he did not expect it would make. All the hair on his body stood up at the feeling that he could not help but curse.

"S-Shit, t-this is so embarrassing!" Fyre immediately expressed, hiding his twitching organ. Even though he asked for this, wasn't this way too much?! Tian Zi didn't hold back at all that he was now farting through a place that shouldn't.

"Should I help you get it out?" Watching his lover tremble as his seeds continued to drip out, Tian Zi gulped. His prominent Adam's apple moved up and down as he felt his cock twitch at the view. He narrowed his eyes on the twitching pinkish flesh and he so badly wanted to wreck it again but knowing that Fyre was struggling because of what he did, he hesitantly tried to suggest a solution.

"Fuck you! Dammit…! J-Just help me to the toilet," Fyre yelled in annoyance, still covering himself. He nodded when the Alpha said they'd try tonight but he never thought it would be like this! He never thought Tian Zi was holding back all this time, thinking about doing this every day or even every other day or maybe every couple of days, he didn't think his body would make it until he's finally impregnated. He believed his womb would break before then.

"Okay, okay. Please, don't be mad at me," Tian Zi abruptly replied as he quickly lifted Fyre into his arms and hastily marched towards the toilet room. When they finally arrived, Fyre sat on the toilet bowl before he moaned again as another lump of that hot cum came out just in time making him have goosebumps again. At the same time, seeing the view Tian Zi immediately hid his stiffness as hesitantly called his lover with a blush.


"WHAT! Shit…" The Omega roared before his eyes widened when another lump gushed out. This is the first time he had experienced something like this so his emotions are mixed.

"Chill, okay? Don't be mad at me… but anyway, don't we need that inside you? Why are you taking it out? …Ireallyworkedhardforthose," Tian Zi stepped back a little, raising one of his hands as a defense seeing that his lover was being moody but later he mumbled his last words not wanting to further anger his human volcano. However, even though his words weren't clear, Fyre was able to understand him without a problem which instantly made him blush. Well… he did enjoy that 'hard work' that he actually forgot their main purpose, but he would never admit to that.

"F-Fuck you! I didn't need this much! What am I, an animal?... A-Anyway, I'm taking a shower now," Fyre yelled, acting angry before he quickly stood up after flushing the toilet. His legs trembled at his abrupt movement but he held on to his pride and forced himself to walk. Fortunately, Tian Zi noticed it and helplessly held the Omega to support him. And as always, Fyre tried to resist his touch but he later gave up as they both got into the shower room.

Of course, with Tian Zi still having the vigor to perform one more intercourse, Fyre was once again swayed by his persistence that that night he was extremely exhausted but at the same time sexually sated leaving his worries behind him as he fell into a deep slumber right after his head hit the bed this time.

Past midnight, Tian Zi was still in his robe as he tucked Fyre into the bed. He softly brushed his lover's hair while smiling sweetly at his peacefully sleeping figure. If he didn't know Fyre personally, he wouldn't have thought the Omega would be someone who resembled an active volcano that would erupt just about anything and everything that pisses him off. Still, he loved that about Fyre that he couldn't help but chuckle and pinch his nose.

"You little angry chihuahua," Tian Zi laughed softly before he leaned close and showered the Omega with soft and flowery kisses. If he could, he really just wanted to have the Omega stay with him in this room and make love every chance they get but he knew he couldn't do that and even if he could, he also shouldn't do that.

Sighing as he got off of the bed, Tian Zi walked to one of his drawers and took out a small piece of paper that had the logo of the Sunrise Entertainment company and Julie Walker's name on it. Tian Zi briefly dialed the number and waited for it to connect, which didn't take long as Julie Walker herself picked up the phone.

[Hello, this is Julie Walker speaking from Sunrise Entertainment. Who am I speaking to?] She answered with her memorized monologue.

"I'm going to take it… that personal assistant position," Tian Zi simply said without introducing himself. He really thought about this not just after the position was offered to him but even after he had found out Fyre's condition. Fyre is pretty sensitive about the pregnancy topic at this moment, feeling both the urgency and pressure of their time limit but knowing Fyre, he would never quit a job that he had already agreed to do. So Tian Zi had no choice but to keep close to him to ensure his mental and physical state were stable during the whole movie taping.

And to be honest, he was relieved that Fyre had something like this that would help him distract his mind from thinking about his worries since he couldn't just tease him all day long just so he could forget all his worries. For now really, he just wanted to be always there for Fyre whenever and wherever he needed him, both as his friend and lover.

[Great! I will work on your papers as soon as possible. I'll contact you when it's ready,] After a long pause, Julie Walker replied with a smile on her lips. Truth be told, she already expected that the Alpha might actually agree to her offer but she didn't really think he would call him this early. Nevertheless, she was more than happy to accept him since who wouldn't want a third-generation heir and a multi-millionaire company owner to work under her supervision? Well… not all have the guts but Julie Walker liked the challenge.

"Great! For now, please don't let Fyre know. I want to surprise him when the time comes," Tian Zi requested, to which Julie didn't mind since she actually enjoyed teasing Fyre just like how she enjoyed teasing Remi as well.

[Okay.] She replied. After the short conversion. Tian Zi briefly saved the number before he finally walked back to the bed again where his beloved was still deep in slumber. Tian Zi caressed Fyre's face and kissed his cheeks softly until he finally wanted to call it a day as he turned off the lights leaving only the lamp at his bed table and later climbed on the bed and tucked the Omega inside his arms.

And the next day, as expected, Fyre was feeling sore all over his body and he wasn't in the mood to get up but noticing that Tian Zi was no longer beside him, he was forced to sit up and later looked for his phone.

When he saw what time it was, it was already 11 am and was about to turn at noon… explaining why the Alpha was no longer in bed with him since he's probably working on his company papers that he kept stalling for weeks. Not getting off of the bed just yet, he decided to scroll on his phone just to help him wake up a little when he suddenly gasped as he saw his face right in the front page of his newspaper feed.

"Oh my God!" Fyre gawked wide eyes at his phone. Thankfully, the headline wasn't about him doing something bad but instead, now people know that he was the person who took over the previous actor who recently got into a big mess. Of course, he was aware this was going to happen soon and Julie warned him about it, but he didn't really think it was this soon. Furthermore, people are also already talking about him and the male lead actor as 'looking good' together.

Fyre read more lines on the article and later the comments and although he was glad that there were not many negative comments and most people were happy and anticipated his participation in the movie, it was a little overwhelming for him and at the same time terrifying. There was even a leaked video of him acting alongside the male lead and people were convinced that the both of them fell in love at first sight.

"Fell in love at first sight, my ass! There's no way that's going to happen… Dammit! That idiot's definitely going to take this seriously," Fyre mumbled to himself, already thinking about Tian Zi's reaction to this. So without waiting for more, he quickly jumped off the bed and looked for the Alpha in a rush only to find him, peacefully working on his files just as he initially had expected.

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To be Continued…