S*xually Frustrated (1)

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"Hmmn... e-enough..." Fyre whined, pushing Tian Zi away from him before covering his mouth. He was sitting on his lover's lap while the latter was on the toilet bowl, and they had been kissing for more than 5 minutes now that Fyre was afraid people might discover soon that he was missing.

"Just... one more time..." Just requested again, his eyes dazed with desire as he urged his lover to uncover his lips for him to claim again, which Fyre resisted at first while leaning back as far as he could but with the Alpha's arm wrapped around his waist pulling him close, he eventually got swayed as they began kissing again; and the sound echoed in the small cubicle.

Since they had been very busy for the past week, it is obvious that they didn't even have time to mate as they should because they were exhausted--or at least Fyre was. As for Tian Zi, he wasn't really that busy and he wasn't tired either but compared to Fyre who was mostly all drained out of all his energy after his tapings, when they get back home, the Omega usually just sleeps right away after taking a shower.

It would be a lie on Tian Zi's part if he said that he wasn't feeling lonely but of course, he wanted to be that doting and understanding partner so he never complained. He just always made sure that Fyre was taken good care of in terms of his physical and mental health even though he was already sexually frustrated and wanted to jump on to the Omega so badly.

It is also good that the distraction was working but he never expected it to be this effective. He didn't want Fyre to be so busy in the first place that he wouldn't even have time for him. Luckily, he accepted the assistant job because if not, he might not even see his lover's face as often and by then he might have gone crazy.

At least when he's with Fyre, he could do things like this every now and then. It took a lot of shameless acts on his part but it was worth it. It's been a while since Fyre had been very indulgent of him; he'd definitely satisfy himself.

"I've missed you so much," Tian Zi confessed. Even though they've been together the whole day every day, it still feels like there was distance between them so it can't be helped that he would only feel like he was truly with his beloved when they're touching like this.

"..." Hearing the Alpha's words, Fyre blushed a deeper shade of red if possible before he pouted, cowering against his lover's chest. "I miss you too," Fyre shyly replied and needless to say, Tian Zi found it adorable that he couldn't stop himself from becoming so aroused even after trying to suppress it all this time.

Well, after finally having this moment with the Omega, it's only reasonable. Fyre was so adorable that he wanted to put his hand all over him and ravish him all he wanted. After all, it's been more than a week since they last did it and he couldn't even make out until now.

"Oh my God, Zi~" Pulling away, Fyre whined blushing as he felt the hot and hard shaft pressing against his thighs. They are currently in one of the cubicles in the public toilet in the building and he couldn't believe the Alpha had become this hard in such a place.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it. You're too adorable," Tian Zi shyly said as he scratched his nape. Obviously, he couldn't hide it since Fyre was on top of him sitting directly against his bulge. "I'll take care of it myself, don't worry," he added, thinking Fyre would definitely hate it if he ever asked something so ridiculous in such a place and time.

Meanwhile, blushing all over his face down to his neck, Fyre's eyes began to show desire despite what Tian Zi had thought. He chewed on his lips trying to suppress himself but of course, he's an Omega and after living with Tian Zi and having no constraints when it came to love-making and then suddenly they no longer have the time to do it, it's obvious he too would become sexually frustrated. The memories of this same hot and hard rod sliding inside him roughly made him steaming with lust, knowing how good it felt.

Regrettably, looking at the Alpha's face right now, if he was to say the truth, he didn't really want to do it with the face he's currently wearing because it truly felt like he was with someone even though he still smelled and sounded the same. However, right now, he could care less about it. He wanted Tian Zi so bad!

"..." Fyre contemplated as his desires intensified when he watched his lover fish out his erection and began silently jerking himself.

"Can you hold mine?" Tian Zi suddenly asked, his eyes still in a daze before they suddenly widened when he began to smell Fyre's pheromones getting stronger and stronger.

"Fyre, your pheromones," Tian Zi mentioned as he reached out for his lover's flushed cheeks. He made sure he wasn't releasing his Alpha pheromones aside from his normal ones to prevent Fyre from going into a stimulated heat but still it happened no matter how careful he was.

"Hmmm," Fyre hummed before his slump forward against Tian Zi's neck—his forehead touching it as he looked down at the stiff rod in front of him and held it. At the same time, Tian Zi gasped when he felt Fyre's soft palms against his sensitive flesh and lightly tugged on it. It felt so good that he quickly shut his mouth making sure he wouldn't let out his groans loudly.

"S-should we do it here?" Fyre whispered, his pheromones getting stronger that Tian Zi was becoming more alarmed. Thankfully, even until now, no one was going inside the public toilet. Maybe because everyone is still busy and most actors have their own rooms or trucks that already have their own private toilet room but they are indeed very fortunate to be able to get away with this.

"Wha!? Are you sure?" Tian Zi asked surprised, gawking at his lover. However, when he saw the Omega's eyes contoured with lust and desire. Just then he knew what he was supposed to do. In panic, he almost cursed out loud and quickly fished his cellphone out of his pocket. Not a second later, he put the device over his ears and only said a few words.

"Don't let anyone near the west wing public toilet," Tian Zi ordered and not waiting for the other person to reply, he already ended the call.

On the other line, flabbergasted at the command, Julie Walker gawked at her mobile phone, unable to believe it. Although Mo Hanlu hired her privately to take care of the two, she didn't expect she would be ordered like this by a young man 10 years younger than her. Alas, she sighed as she gave up massaging her temples since she indeed did this to herself. It was her idea to make Tian Zi an assistant for her personal motive but now she is starting to regret it. A young master is still after all a young master.

"..." Standing up from her office chair, Julie then called the person in the highest position and made it possible to close off the hallway towards the west wing of the building, particularly the aisle towards the public toilet.

* * *

"Why is it so strong?" Tian Zi growled, squeezing Fyre's behind as he pressed his nose against his lover's neck and inhaled it. That was probably a bad idea as it serves as a strong aphrodisiac but he's already so addicted to it that his eyes had become foggy with lust.

"Because... i-it's been a while," Fyre whined, and as soon as he finished his words, they began kissing again not caring about anything else as both of them just wanted to pleasure each other at this moment.

"Zi~ I can't hold back anymore~" The second their lips separated, Fyre subconsciously squeezed on the Alpha's shaft which was still on his hand as he jerked him rubbing the tip where Tian Zi was most sensitive. For some reason, Fyre was really eager to do it immediately as he felt himself getting wet. He didn't think of it before and he didn't really believe it because he survived until now without someone but after he had done it with Tian Zi, a week had become too much that even though he knew Tian Zi have a different face right now, somehow he's seeing his real face without a problem. Maybe he's already too intoxicated by the Alpha pheromones but it is definitely what he's seeing right now.

"I should be the one saying that," Tian Zi growled again, his deep and dominant voice reverberating inside his chest as he began to strip down the Omega's pants and underwear. And when Fyre was finally naked down, Tian Zi immediately pressed his fingers against his lover's sensitive part and quickly found out that he was so wet for him already. Tian Zi gulped in anticipation pushing two of his in without a problem until he was knuckles deep.

"Fuck! You're so hot," Tian Zi mumbled, feeling the familiar warm and slimy insides.

"Ahh! Hmmmn," Fyre moaned, halting the movement of his own hand, feeling the thick and calloused fingers pressed against his most sensitive part that his hips trembled in need. At the same time, Tian Zi's breathing became even more labored knowing that Fyre was eagerly sucking his fingers to the point where he could feel his insides tremble. He could only imagine how it would feel when he finally slipped inside the Omega that he was so sure he'd come quick if he didn't restrain himself.

"Ahh! E-Enough... put it in," Fyre whined, his upper body falling against his lover's. He's already used to Tian Zi so it wouldn't hurt even if it has been a while.

"What if I hurt you?" Tian Zi stubbornly said, continuing on increasing the number of fingers spreading his beloved so carefully. He had been keeping the promise he made to himself about never to hurt Fyre again and he wasn't planning to break that today even if he was barely holding on to himself.

"I won't. Please... I want you," Fyre whined and this time chewed on his lips and took it to himself to pull Tian Zi's fingers away and position himself against the tip of the Alpha's rod which the latter couldn't resist. It's really cute that Fyre was eager for him but if he's stimulated too much, he would definitely not be able to hold back. He didn't want to make anything difficult for Fyre, especially since they're already in a difficult place and position.

"F-Fyre wait, this is a bit difficult... will it be okay if I do you from behind?" Tian Zi asked softly between his labored breaths, groaning when the tip of his rod was already entering the Omega. Meanwhile, although still dazed, Fyre nodded and later proceeded to get off of the Alpha. And from there, things got a little bit easier as Tian Zi could control everything from behind. He stared down at Fyre's small and delicate body before finally and without delay, he thrust in his painfully standing organ, groaning in both relief and pleasure as his tip rested at the base of his beloved welcoming womb.

Honestly and at least for Fyre, if he was fully sane, he wouldn't have imagined he'd one day agree to have sex in a public toilet that he'd one day look back into this and comment about how it was one hell of an experience.

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To be Continued...

A/N: OMG Guys! Love Chase had finally reached Chapter 158 on P a t r e o n and just a few more chapters till the end of this book. I know it's still too early to say this but thank you so much for always being supportive of me. I really appreciate it as I would not have persevered if not for all your support.