S*xually Frustrated (2)

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The sound of their skin slapping along with their heavy groans echoed not just in the small cubicle but also in the whole room and if anyone was to pass by the aisle leading to the public toilet, one could hear these moans softly. But despite this, the two people who were responsible for these suggestive noises didn't care in the slightest bit as both their minds were filled with only the desire for each other.

"Ahh... hmmn... D-Don't stop!" Fyre whined, feeling Tian Zi halt his thrusts, and began to grind inside him instead. Fyre was far from coming and he wanted more but Tian Zi was as if teasing him. Of course, unknown to him this was Tian Zi's strategy to keep himself from coming so soon. Fyre is so tight and is sucking him in as if not wanting to let him go. It felt so good, and there were also that pheromones along with the sound that Fyre made, making him more aroused than he already was. If he kept on thrusting deep, he might end up coming and being teased again about it.

He didn't want that and so stopping here and there was his only solution.

"Be patient... I'm trying my best," Tian Zi's voice sounded deep and dominant as he squeezed the narrow waist against his palms before he pulled out halfway and once again thrusts back in. He released a deep and tortured groan while throwing his head back.

"Shit... you feel so good, Fyre," Tian Zi commented with the same deep and dominant voice making Fyre shiver as he moaned in need, his womb twitched in anticipation for an Alpha's seeds. Truly, if someone was to paint the two of them now, it would have been a masterpiece. Their damp hairs and skin glistened with sweat along with their beautiful expressions. Surely, a painting of this scene would highly depict an Alpha and an Omega in their heat but still, their strong love and desire for each other prevailed.

"More~ Ahh..." Fyre continued to whine which Tian Zi couldn't help but comply as he smashed his hips roughly against the Omega making him groan deeply each time.

"Zi~ I want it... I want it so bad... Ahh~" Fyre whined with his tear field cheeks. He couldn't wait anymore, he wanted to be filled to the brim, he wanted it more than ever but just when he wanted it the most, the Alpha was holding on longer than usual.

"What do you want?" Tian Zi said between his groans. Of course, he knew what his needy mate wanted, and truthfully he was on the brink of giving it to him but he wanted to hear the Omega say it. He wanted to hear him admit that he misses this so much just as much as he does. The Omega did a great job of having him hold back for more than a week. In the least, he wanted to hear it at this moment.

"Ahh... Pleaseee... d-don't make me say it~" Fyre whined, if it was possible his eyes almost turned into a heart shape hearing such a question from the Alpha. He only just discovered it to himself but he becomes more aroused when Tian Zi uses his dominant voice against him. He didn't understand why or maybe he was just a pervert but it just gives him the shivers and he'd crave being bred more than ever.

"Fyre, say it... I'll give whatever you want," Tian Zi insisted, leaning close to whisper against the Omega which Fyre liked a lot as he moaned and leaned back so the Alpha's body heat would transfer to him. Of course, Tian Zi liked it as well as he wrapped his arms around his lover and pressed him against the wall where he continued to thrusts deeper and rougher.

"Uhh... Ahh... Ohh, God!" Fyre whined, his eyes rolled back at the pleasure he was feeling. This was only their first-round but the feeling was incredible that he could no longer resist the urge to come.

"P-Pleaseee, fill me up... put your seeds inside me, Zi~" Fyre whined, his tears streamed down as he twisted his arms back to grab on the Alpha's locks. At the same time, a satisfied smile flashed on Tian Zi's lips before he buried his face against Fyre's neck and came hard, squeezing the Omega between him and the wall.

Their moans continued to echo in the small space as they began kissing passionately, far from sated. Tian Zi was still coming but he grabbed Fyre and lifted him a little before pulling him as he sat on the toilet bowl without pulling their connection making the Omega sit on top of him. Because of this, Fyre squeaked in shock feeling their connection became deeper if possible.

"Fuck, I-I can't hold it," Tian Zi suddenly groaned in pain, making Fyre confused for a second before he felt the Alpha grab his waist and started to thrust him against their deep connection as if he didn't weight anything.

"Ahh, I-I just caaaame~ Ohh..." Fyre whined, his tears continued to stream as he shut them close in order to prevent them from rolling back. However, just a couple of seconds later, it busted open when the movement stopped and something inside him began to expand.

"Uhh...Hmmmn…. N-Nooo~ i-it hurts..." Fyre moaned and later complained, gripping onto his lover's thighs. If he was to count how many times Tian Zi had knotted him, this would have been the 4th time but it still hurts like the entrance to his womb was forced to open a little wider. The doctor said he needed to get used to it if he wanted to have a higher probability of conception but it's too difficult.

"I'm sorry... I promise it won't last long," Tian Zi apologized sincerely. To be honest, he didn't really like knotting Fyre even though for the most part it was an instinctive desire for him as an Alpha but knowing that his beloved gets hurt every time he did it, of course, he wouldn't like it. However, he simply can't control it. He did a lot of research on this matter to better manage himself during lovemaking but there wasn't really a single thing that could help him. Knotting comes from the desire an Alpha has towards his partner and it's purely instinctive. In actuality, Omegas are supposed to accept it, especially when it's their mate but of course, with Fyre's condition, it'll be a bit more difficult for him than others.

Nevertheless, the only way to stop him from knotting Fyre was to stop loving him... which was ridiculous since they've bonded pretty much as soon as they became lovers and bonding comes from the deep emotion an Alpha and Omega felt for each other.

"Hmmnn... i-it's so big..." Fyre mentioned and caressed his lower abdomen. He could strongly feel the hot semen pouring inside him like a faucet making his stomach feel fuller and fuller.

"Fyre, please don't say anything that'll arouse me any more than I already am, or better yet, just don't talk at all," Tian Zi begged. Fyre should just stop talking from now on since everything that comes from his mouth felt like an aphrodisiac to him. He didn't even know it was possible, or maybe he was just a pervert but Fyre's every little action truly made him want to hold the Omega down and just fuck him aimlessly. He's too adorable whether he was mad, happy, or even sad and he couldn't help himself.

Truthfully, he needed help and might need some counseling for this—if that was a thing.

"Tch, did you just tell me to shut up? Is it my fault that you're always horny, you pervert?!" Fyre whined with a pout, leaning back against the Alpha.

"Oh yeah? Who wanted to do it here in the first place? Aren't you the more perverted one?" Tian Zi countered, mumbling against his lover's neck as they waited for his knot to deflate and maybe start another round. Meanwhile, hearing his lover's words, Fyre dropped his mouth open in disbelief. Even if it was true that he was a pervert, he didn't want to be told to by someone who's also the same.

"Ack! Y-You... shameless bastard! It's your fault that I was suddenly in heat," Fyre whined again, unable to retaliate. At this point, even though he was still feeling pain, he could easily forget about it since he was talking to Tian Zi. Maybe Tian Zi knew this was going to distract him, that's why he would converse with him every time.

"I thought you didn't like doing it with me with my current face?" Tian Zi mumbled again against Fyre's moist neck but this time, his hands traveled down his crotch and grabbed the tiny thing. "You're surprisingly hard even when you're doing it with a man who doesn't have your fiance's handsome face," Tian Zi teased and tugged on the erect flesh which made Fyre moan holding onto the arm that was holding him hoping that the Alpha would stop stimulating him more than he already was.

"Ahh, s-stop...! T-This is just a p-psychological reaction! Of course, I won't do it with uglies," Fyre panicked as he began to feel pleasure again even though it still stings inside him.

"Excuses..." Tian Zi whispered, finally pulling away and letting go of Fyre's twitching shaft but instead of letting his lover rest, Tian Zi dazedly grabbed Fyre's jaw and pulled him closer so he could kiss him from the back. Fyre whimpered at the rough action but he closed his eyes and opened his mouth to give Tian Zi better access.

As their lips crashed and their tongue danced in a loving and passionate manner, their bodies began to sway softly. This manner continued for long minutes, no further words exchanged until eventually their connection finally deflated. Of course, considering their current location and condition, one would think the two would end it there... Unfortunately... or rather, fortunately, the two of them continued to succumb to their desires not caring whether people are looking at them at the moment or later the whole set was rescheduled due to the missing lead character.

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Fyre and Tian Zi—also currently known as Zian—sat across Julie Walker as they both—well, at least Fyre—looked apologetic at the mess they've made. Julie glared at the lovers before she eventually sighed, massaging her temples.

"Look. I know you two are engaged but I can't have this happening again. People are doing their best in the film to make all of this become possible. This is a hundred million dollars movie production and I get that Mr. Mo here has the capability to compensate for whatever monetary loss we had today but the time and effort spent can never be brought back. Simply said, we don't have time to delay things just because you two wanted to have your lovey-dovey moment with each other," Julie started, looking at the two filled with disappointment in her eyes. She didn't have a child but looking at the two, it felt like she was scolding her two teenage boys for doing something they shouldn't have.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Walker. I promise we won't do it again," Fyre apologized and his face indeed looked guilty because he didn't know what went to his head and agreed to do such a thing in public. Hearing this, Julie sighed again and shook her head because, in contrast to the Omega, Mo Tian Zi does not look apologetic at all. In fact, he looked like he didn't care in the slightest like the young master that he is.

"You know what, fine. I forgive you and I won't make you promise to do something like this again but at least try and minimize it. This is a workplace, not your personal hotel or breeding ground. What would you do if someone saw you and took a picture or video? It'll be a huge scandal when we're even halfway through the production." Julie said and stood up, giving up at the thought that the two would actually not do this again because she knew they would. So instead, it's better to tell them to do it at the right place because it'll be bad if they're photographed.

"I'm sorry," Fyre apologized again, he had no excuses.

"Just be mindful next time although I'd like to think there won't be a next time."

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To be Continued...