An Insecure Man (1)

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"What do you mean you're going on a dinner date with that bastard?" Tian Zi frowned in displeasure as he saw his lover preparing for the said dinner date. Actually, Frye didn't have to go if he really didn't want to that's why Tian Zi was now overreacting but with the mess they made yesterday and causing trouble to the actor because of it, the Omega couldn't help but at least accept Apollo's offer to go on a friendly dinner date with him. Not to mention, he had been declining the Alpha's invitations for the past weeks now and it'll be rude of him to continue declining him when Apollo was so nice.

"Yeah Zi, he's been very nice to me and he helped me a lot... There's also that thing we did so I had to at least accept his invitation as a sign of my sincerity... Anyway, why are you angry? It's not like I would choose him over you," Fyre frowned before raising an eyebrow. He got that Tian Zi was jealous but he's doing this because it's part of his job and he's ashamed to have caused that kind of trouble where they had to lie about him not feeling well when in reality, they were doing such indecent acts.

"Well, of course I'm better... but still... I don't like the sound of you going on a date with another man even if it's just friendly dates or because of your job since you're only allowed to date me," Tian Zi pouted as he took a step closer towards his lover and hugged him, burying his face against his neck like a defeated child.

"Hmmn, don't tell me "THE" Mo Tian Zi is getting jealous of someone inferior to him?" Fyre taunted with a chuckle and a huge smile plastered on his lips. Meanwhile, hearing his lover's words, Tian Zi pouted again before he pulled away before he crossed his arms against his chest acting upset.

"That's a trap question... If I say I'm not you'll get angry and if I said I am, you'll tease me," Tian Zi said knowing very well how the Omega would react to his words. Either way, there was no escape. On the other hand, when Fyre heard the Alpha's reply, he suddenly burst into laughter holding his stomach because he was indeed right. Well... it's not that he was really going to get angry but he will definitely act like one and if the Alpha said that he was jealous, he would surely and definitely tease him about it.

And Tian Zi hated being teased by him the most.

"Why are you laughing? I'm serious here, Fyre," Tian Zi whined, frowning at the still laughing Omega. Even though Tian Zi found it adorable that his lover was laughing so heartily to the point of tearing up, he remained frowning at him still upset that he was being laughed at for such a ridiculous reason.

"B-Because you're so cute..." Fyre said between his laughs as he wiped his tears before he tried to control his laughs but seeing that there was a blush on top of the Alpha's cheeks despite his serious expression, in the end he really couldn't stop himself from feeling so overwhelmed. He just felt so happy all of sudden even though clearly the Alpha was upset. Actually, he felt happier each day he spent with Tian Zi and his job. Needless to say, he still occasionally feel bad about his sickness but it doesn't affect him too much in the past days which Tian Zi made sure no matter what happens, he would still love him no matter what.

"Okay, fine... Do you want to come with me?" At last, after he managed to compose himself, Fyre smiled towards his lover and offered. This time it was him who took a step forward and wrapped his arms around Tian Zi's torso. And since the Alpha was way taller than him, Fyre rested his chin against his chest and looked up with his droopy eyes. Naturally, Tian Zi found it even more adorable that he couldn't help himself and suddenly lifted the Omega into his arms.

He didn't have any specific type but he was surprised to find out that he really liked it when Fyre acted adorable. Heck! He now even finds it adorable when Fyre cries or gets angry when back then, he thought nothing of it. The way Fyre's facial expression changes just looked so endearing for Tian Zi that he simply couldn't hold back.

"Waah! W-What are you doing?" Fyre whined in surprise being suddenly carried like a princess. He tried to struggle out at first but he later gave up knowing that his effort was hopeless and he was just wasting his energy.

"Aside from coming with you, I have a better way of telling that guy that you're mine," Tian Zi stated, putting down Fyre on top of their bed before he smiled enigmatically. Fyre was confused at first at what he meant to say but when he saw the Alpha already climbing on top of him, his eyes went wide as he pushed against his strong and muscular chest.

"W-W-Wait, I just took a shower and I'm about to go... W-We can't do this now," Fyre stuttered in panic, it was just three days ago that they did it so many times and ended up being scolded by Julie and truth be told, his body still hasn't fully recovered. His body still felt a little sluggish and his insides are still a little swollen from the huge knot he got back then. Tian Zi can't mean he wanted to do it now and make him smelling like an Alpha pheromones while meeting another Alpha!? He knew Alphas are possessive but he didn't think Tian Zi was 'that' possessive!

"This is the only way you can make me feel assured," Tian Zi declared in a serious tone, staring straight at Fyre's widened eyes.

"B-But I told you you can come if you want to~" Fyre whined as Tian Zi was already stripping down his pants so easily. He tried to pull it up again but as usual, it was simply a hopeless struggle.

"As your assistant, right? I don't want to. I want to come as your lover," Tian Zi conveyed as he refused to come as an assistant this time because he knew that the 'bastard' was never going to take him seriously. And it's not like he could come as Mo Tian Zi because it is a dinner date and the Omega can't bring someone along with him on a date! Even more so that he's an Alpha.

"B-But you can't~" Fyre whined. A deep shade of red flashed on top of his cheeks as he watched Tian Zi spread his legs apart. "I-I'm going on a date, you know!" Fyre added which made Tian Zi's eyebrows twitch in irritation hearing the word 'date'.

"How can you date someone when you already have me," Tian Zi frowned, pulling Fyre's lower torso close to him so it could settle between his thick thighs. He had planned to eat him out but now he just wanted to shove his rod in and make the Omega unable to say such a word again.

"Photographers are surely going to take photos of the two of you later and the whole country would think you two had fallen in love. Do you want to plant such thoughts in people's minds? You're mine!" Tian Zi conveyed with his sharp jealous eyes. He is well aware that he's being immature at the moment and it's not like Fyre was really going on a real date but still, he absolutely despised it.

"Well, that was the whole purpose," Fyre replied, hiding his face, feeling shy that his most private area is being exposed in-front of the Alpha. Even though they're comfortable with each other now, he still couldn't help feeling shy when he's this exposed.

"Well... I may be supportive and would do everything you want me to do but you'll have to compensate me this time," Tian Zi said while unbuckling his pants and soon fished out his semi erect member. When Fyre peeked at it, he chewed on his lips as goosebumps began to cover his whole body. It was too sudden but as he felt the tip of the thick rod rub against his entrance, he began to wet almost automatically.

"Ahhh! Oh God! Hmmn," Fyre squeaked in surprise when the huge thing easily slid inside him even though there wasn't any preparation. His muscles squeezed the colossal size as his body shivered at the sudden deep penetration.

"Are you sure you didn't want to do this? You're sucking me in so easily," Tian Zi teased after a rough groan. As usual, even though he slid in so easily, he could feel the tight contractions around his girth.

"S-Shut up and j-just do what you want! Hmmn... Ahh..." Fyre yelled in embarrassment before he moaned, feeling the lengthy tool inside him grew bigger and bigger. It's funny how moments ago he was prepared to go and leave the house but now he's having the Alpha inside him like it was nothing. Fyre's eyes traveled at the wall clock and he chewed his lips again knowing that he'll be late for that dinner.

"Then don't mind if I do," Tian Zi smirked and soon they both began getting lost in pleasure not knowing an hour had passed and it was past the time at Fyre meeting time.

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At the restaurant. Fyre had just arrived as he offered his hand to his date who was waiting for it and unexpectedly, he soon felt his lips against the back of his hand. Fyre froze briefly at the sudden intimacy and quickly pulled his hand hoping that one specific individual had not seen that. Of course, that was just all his wishful thinking because Tian Zi who had also just arrived in a separate car halted his walk as he glared at the two. In his mind, he could not believe that the Alpha was daring enough to kiss an Omega's hand who obviously smelled like another Alpha.

He refused to believe Apollo did not notice Fyre scent because he had made sure Fyre was covered with his pheromones before letting him go earlier. But now, the actor just straight off ignored that as if challenging him!

"I-I'm sorry I'm late... There was an emergency I had to take care of," Fyre awkwardly apologized as he secretly looked around before he drew back his gaze to Apollo who was still smiling charmingly at his excuse.

Anyway, just like he had expected, Fyre was already more than an hour late and could not express how guilty he was at the moment, especially since it looked like the Alpha had been waiting for him for such a long time despite his smiles.

"It's fine, I wasn't here for long, I'm just glad you didn't cancel this date," Apollo replied, flashing his most charming smile again as if he was trying to captivate every weak-hearted person in the vicinity. Not that Fyre was captivated but he really appreciated the Alpha's words since there was no way he wasn't here for long and if he guessed it right, Apollo must have been waiting for him for more than two hours. Nevertheless, he was going to humor him and nodded as he followed him towards their table. But just as they were about to reach it, Fyre's leg had suddenly given up on him as he stripped and conveniently fell right into Apollo's arms.

"Are you okay?" Apollo asked, hugging Fyre who still had no strength on his legs. He knew the situation was bad but he really couldn't gather any strength in his legs and could only apologize to the Alpha and hope one specific black-haired individual wouldn't just lash out on them and cause trouble. Of course, once again, that was just his wishful thinking because before he knew it, Tian Zi was already pulling away from Apollo and all he could do was to mentally curse.

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To be Continued…