Trust You

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"You aren't taking this seriously," Fyre whined before chewing on the inside of his lips. While he does understand the influence a Mo name brings, he's still worried. Of course, there might be a chance where he's just overthinking all of this and Lucien might actually have already forgotten about him and does not care about him now but he still couldn't help but get worried, especially towards Tian Zi.

"I've seen him beat people to death with his own bare hands," Fyre frowned at his stubborn lover as he added, which made Tian Zi widen his eyes very briefly before they came back to normal and sighed helplessly. He then brought his hands on Fyre's shoulders before he softly caressed them. 'Beat a person to death with their own bare hand?' Tian Zi thought and he couldn't help but chuckle at that. He had seen far more worse than that growing up. Be it beating a person with their bare hands, or feeding a living person to a hungry wolf after torturing them; their helpless and terrified screams fading behind the beasts growls as it crunched down their skins and bones, he had seen way more than that to cower from someone who's hobby is punching a person to death.

Nevertheless, he does understand Fyre's worry. After all, this lover of his still probably sees him as this arrogant prince following around his older brothers while hiding behind his prominent household. A helpless third generation young master who will just cower away from a punch. While most of it was indeed true, he had also grown into a beast himself so the Omega didn't really need to be worried since he's someone who can destroy a person without lifting a single finger—though it's also fine if he throws a punch or two. It's the perks of being an arrogant young master of the Mo family.

Still, it's cute to see Fyre worrying about him. Perhaps even more about him than to himself.

"Fyre, although I am happy, I can't help but think you're more worried about me than to yourself," Tian Zi conveyed.

"Because I am indeed more worried about you," Fyre replied almost immediately. He had already escaped from Lucien before so he was positive he could escape from him again but Tian Zi, he's a known figure. What if Lucien diverted his wrath towards the Mos? He simply can't let that happen. He can't cause the Mos trouble.

"Don't be. I can handle myself... In any case, I'm worried about you."

"But-" Fyre tried to retaliate but Tian Zi quickly covered his mouth and smiled.

"Anyway, let's not talk about that and leave everything to me. You don't need to worry about anything. I will make sure you'll be safe so all you need to worry about is finishing that movie. That way I can finally be by your side and you can focus on baking and conceiving our child, okay? That's what you want, right?" Tian Zi cooed which made Fyre hesitate but couldn't help but agree in the end.

"What are you going to do?" Fyre asked.

"Well, obviously I'm going to ruin those who dare to hurt you," Tian Zi replied with a smile like it was the most obvious thing to do. Fyre stared at Tian Zi and he knew for sure the Alpha wasn't saying that lightly. That behind his smile was the fact that he was indeed going to hunt down whoever was making him feel this way. And that made Fyre feel relieved even though he dealt with Lucien for years, it amused him how such a simple statement from Tian Zi already felt like he truly didn't need to worry about anything anymore.

However, even though he felt this way, he can't just leave all the work to Tian Zi. This is something related to him so he wanted to know Tian Zi's moves at least and if he could help, he would.

"Fine but I'll help you," Fyre blurted. Tian Zi thought for a moment before he smiled again and nodded, knowing that Fyre would insist on it anyway and in the end he wouldn't be able to win against him.

"Okay, but no staying up late at night, okay? Doctor Feng went ahead and checked you and he said you need more and can't let yourself be under stress while preparing for the procedure. He just said to continue taking the vitamins he prescribed, then sleep and eat healthily," Tian Zi informed softly as he carefully urged Fyre to lay on the bed to rest. Hearing the Alpha, Fyre became silent as he was reminded again of his condition. Judging from Tian Zi's words, it seems like they didn't succeed again this time.

Fyre subconsciously held on to his stomach and couldn't help but show a disheartened expression. Tian Zi noticed this and quickly held Fyre's hand, his thumb softly caressing his knuckles before leaning down so he could kiss it.

"Don't be sad. Although we didn't get lucky again this time, we still have a chance when we undergo Vitro," Tian Zi mentioned, making Fyre smile helplessly. At this point, natural conception would be impossible for them so Vitro Fertilization was their only option if they wanted to be the one to conceive their child. Although it's only a 40% success rate for someone with his condition, it was better than nothing.

Normally, IVF(In Vitro Fertilization) has a 55% success rate for Alphas and Betas who are commonly more worried about conception unlike Omegas. Omegas are naturally fertile so it's very uncommon for them to use such a procedure but of course, there was nothing wrong if they did. For Fyre, it's just disheartening that an Omega like him would do something like that in order to get pregnant.

Omegas are supposed to be breeders, it was the whole reason why they were discriminated against up until the 20th century. But to say that he couldn't get pregnant, one wouldn't be able to help it but be slightly depressed about it if put in this situation. A body that goes into heat but couldn't get pregnant, it's something so laughable and pathetic.

"Okay," Fyre replied in understanding. What choice does he have? Almost zero percent or 40% that the IVF promised?

"Hmmm, sleep now." Tian Zi smiled before leaning down to kiss Fyre on his forehead but as he was about to pull away, Fyre held onto his arm and looked at him through his lashes as if purposely looking pitiful.

"Where are you going? Aren't you staying with me? Please stay with me, just until I fall asleep, okay?" Fyre softly asked with a pout while still pulling Tian Zi down because he seemed like the Alpha was going to leave him alone in the room and for now, he didn't want that. And indeed, Tian Zi was planning to work on something to start his plans, he also plans to call his eldest brother but looking at Fyre, how can he resist such a request? So in the end, he smiled and nodded with a chuckle as his lover's cute pouts.

"Sure, but let me fetch my computer first," Tian Zi said and Fyre nodded with a triumphant smile. Tian Zi briefly left the room and came back after a couple of seconds with his computer and some papers with him, making Fyre frown a little. He didn't know Tian Zi was this busy so he thought he made such a bothersome request.

"I didn't think you were busy, Zi. I'm sorry for asking you to stay with me," Fyre said as soon as the Alpha sat beside him and settled in.

"Nah, I'm not that busy so no need to feel sorry. Besides, I work well with you beside me. Even if you didn't ask, I would have gone back anyway because I'd be too worried to work on anything."

"Are you sure?"

"Hmmm, so now hurry up and sleep," Tian Zi said before he brought his palms over Fyre's eyes and covered it. He didn't let go for a while and since Fyre didn't struggle so Tian Zi thought the Omega closed his eyes but he was a little surprised when he was not when he removed his hand. Instead, Fyre was looking at him directly without saying anything.

"I said sleep. Why are you so stubborn?" Tian Zi conveyed with a chuckle. Meanwhile, Fyre continued to stay silent staring at the Alpha. This was because he hadn't told Tian Zi about his past yet but it looked like the Alpha wasn't interested in it because he wasn't asking anything. He was willing to tell Tian Zi everything but it would be weird if just suddenly started talking.

"What is it?" Tian Zi asked after a while of staring at each other without talking.

"Zi, aren't you going to ask me about my past? About Lucien?" Fyre finally asked, making the Alpha tighten his lips. Of course, he wanted to ask but he just couldn't. Seeing a photo of the man was enough to make Fyre faint, he can't ask him for more and bring back traumatic memories. He didn't want to see Fyre in pain.

"Lucien huh... but it's okay. I don't want you to remember something you don't like. I'll just find it out myself so no need to stress out yourself," Tian Zi replied dotingly and this time his fingers brushed against his lover's hair.

"I'm willing to tell you everything about my past though since it's you Zi..." Fyre said sincerely "A-And it's not that bad, nothing happened to me," Fyre added, forcing a smile. Although it is true that he didn't want to remember such memories again, he wanted Tian Zi to know because he trusted him. However, he also had to assure Tian Zi that he was fine. The Alpha had been the most considerate of him since the beginning, it's the least he could do. Furthermore, he didn't want the Alpha to know about his past from someone else. He wanted to be the one to tell him.

And truthfully, his past wasn't that traumatic. But maybe because he was young and grew up in a loving family, witnessing some things he wasn't used to terrified him. And now that he thought about it, the things he was most terrified about were the what ifs.

"I do want to know Fyre but please don't say nothing happened to you because clearly whatever it is, had traumatized you... But I'm willing to listen as long as you please don't force yourself, okay?" Tian Zi cooed softly. Fyre was touched by his words and nodded. It's something he had already decided so he won't back out now.

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To be Continued...