First Man!?

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Waking up from hearing small indistinguishable noises not far away from where he was, Fyre slowly opened his eyes before he softly groaned in discomfort. Waking up after dreaming about his past memories, it was already a given that he'd have cold sweats since the memories he tried so hard to forget had resurfaced in his mind as if it just happened yesterday.

Meanwhile, across the room with their family doctor, seeing that his lover had woken up, Tian Zi quickly dismissed doctor Feng and hastily approached the Omega.

"Oh thank God you're awake, Fyre. Are you okay? Tell me if you feel anything in your body," Tian Zi worriedly asked. He already talked to doctor Feng and although there was nothing wrong with Fyre physically, Doctor Feng was afraid that the symptoms so far might have been caused by a traumatic experience. He couldn't really diagnose the patient with anything for now since the data was lacking but this was what he believed and he had explained and discussed this to Tian Zi.

". . ." Looking at his lover without saying anything, Fyre's tears suddenly started streaming down, making the Alpha panic.

"W-w-what happened? Are you in pain? Should I call the doctor back?..." Tian Zi bombarded not knowing what to do but he wasn't able to finish his words when the Omega suddenly hugged him and bawled even louder. Tian Zi didn't expect that Fyre would suddenly bawl so he was a little confused. Nevertheless, he hugged the Omega anyway and tried his best to comfort him.

"Shhh... it's okay. It's okay, I'm here... I don't know what's happening to you but you're fine now. No one's going to hurt you as long as I'm here. And even if there was, I'm going to make sure that their lives will be miserable, okay?" Tian Zi whispered comforting words, hoping that it would calm the Omega down. He's never been good against someone crying so he's trying his best at the moment. He hugged Fyre even tighter and wished that what he was doing was somehow helping his lover as he hated seeing him like this.

Tian Zi continued to comfort Fyre just like that while he caressed the Omega's hair. Meanwhile, Fyre never let go of the Alpha and continued to sob. He knew all of those memories were in the past and he managed to escape before any worst could happen so he repeatedly told himself he didn't need to continue being afraid of the things that did not actually happen but with his anxiety and depression which was worst back then, his experience had become something traumatic to him. It took him years to get better and he thought his past would not hunt him ever again but he was wrong.

"Zi..." Fyre called after finally calming down a little. He knew Tian Zi was currently confused at what was happening to him so he had decided it was better to tell the Alpha. Honestly, he never thought a day like this would arrive since he had almost forgotten those days but after seeing a photo of Lucien and Apollo together on Tian Zi's computer, he strongly believed his mate would need to know.

"Yes? What is it? Have you finally calmed down?" Tian Zi asked, still worrying as he held Fyre's cheeks and softly caressed them.

"T-That photo on your computer..." Fyre started and immediately his question confirmed the Alpha's suspicions. Before the Omega had fainted, he was looking at his computer which had a photo of Apollo White in his younger days with a friend. At first, he thought that maybe Fyre was just tired, causing him to faint but Fyre's reaction back then was different... it was as if he was afraid of something to the point of fainting. Tian Zi knew it was not Apollo so he figured it must have been the person with the actor but he wasn't so sure. He did try to find out who the man was but after checking, he was clean... so clean that it was suspicious.

"That... I'm sorry. I was trying to find some dirt on that bastard but I didn't know this was going to happen. I-Is the person next to him is someone you know?" Tian Zi apologized and later hesitantly asked, wondering if it would be good to bring it up knowing how just seeing the picture made Fyre faint. He knew for sure Fyre didn't react like that because he figured out he was doing some background check on Apollo or the fact that he had the actor's picture on his computer because that just doesn't make sense. He would have understood if Fyre yelled and kicked him but he didn't, and instead stood there in front of his computer shaking in horror before he fainted. Clearly, there was no other explanation to it except that maybe Fyre knew the person next to Apollo White. But then again, like what Tian Zi had found out, the man was clean.

"Hmmn..." Fyre nodded. He wasn't mad about the Alpha checking Apollo's background since Tian Zi didn't hide how he hated that actor but what he didn't expect was to see Lucien with him in a photo together. It even looked like it was taken when he was still with the organization. And although it was quite a shock, Fyre wasn't that surprised that someone like Apollo, who has a kind and caring image, would be Lucien's friend because Lucien used to be that kind of person to him until he revealed his real self to him.

"He's the first man who I..." Fyre began to explain but his words were soon cut off when Tian Zi suddenly asked him to stop.

"Wait!" Tian Zi said and a deep frown reached his face. 'The first man!?' Tian Zi repeated and his frown went even deeper. He thought he was Fyre's first man and now the Omega was saying that this unknown bastard was his first man?! Tian Zi instantly became mad, making Fyre become confused at his lover's sudden reaction.

"What the matter?" Fyre asked, frowning towards the Alpha as well.

"First man? I-I thought I was your first man! You said I was your first man and now you're saying that bastard was your first man?!" Tian Zi complained, holding Fyre's shoulders as he glared at him. Did Fyre lie to him about being his first man? While this was definitely off-topic and completely irrelevant, he just couldn't help feeling betrayed. And now that he thought of it, even though it wasn't necessarily true, Fyre did not bleed that night.

"What the fuck!!! Why are you asking me right now?! Let me finish first before you comment on something, stupid Zi!! Of course, you're my first man!!! Did you not believe me?! Anyway, that's not what I'm trying to say, dumbass!" Fyre yelled in surprise at the Alpha's sudden words. He couldn't believe the Alpha was jumping to conclusions that were definitely off-topic.

"But you said he was your first man! A-And you didn't bleed that night," Tian Zi continued to frown, his mind still left on his previous thoughts. While it was not right for him to say this to Fyre since he also had a lot of people to whom he almost had lost his first with, he couldn't help being upset. He already had a suspicion that Fyre might know the man in the picture and he's been feeling frustrated at the thought that he might be the Omega's past lover but hearing such words from Fyre, can anyone blame him? Fyre reacted like that upon seeing the man's picture, what if Fyre still has feelings for him considering he was his first man. He heard before Omegas tend to get attached to their first Alphas. While not for every Omega, there were also quite a lot of them who confirmed it.

"The fuck! Not all Omegas bleed, Zi! Why are you so stupid!? And I already told you, I said he wasn't! You are my first man!! What I was trying to say was he was the first man with whom I had a crush on! I was 15! I was so young. That's all in the past and I love you now," Fyre tried to explain and this time Tian Zi had his eyes wider.

"What!? That's a lot worse than I thought. He's your first love? I thought I was your first love? Should I feel threatened now?" Tian Zi said again completely ignoring the latter words which made Fyre become even more annoyed and frustrated. He was going to tell the Alpha about his past but now he was just fixated on the useless parts which was who his first man or his first love was. Honestly, does that even matter now?!

"Zi, I said crush!... Not Love. You're my first love, dammit! Anyway, can you shut your mouth for a second?! I was going to tell you about my past but you kept interrupting me and continued to assume such ridiculous thoughts, besides he is a dangerous man!" Fyre expressed and honestly he wanted to smack Tian Zi's head right now but held back and took a deep breath. At the same time, hearing Fyre's words, Tian Zi calmed down a little. Although he had more words to say, he chose to shut his mouth for the time being following the Omega's demand.

"Fine!" Tian Zi said as he stared at his beloved. He thought, at least Fyre looked like he was fine compared to yesterday. "But I'll be asking about this specifically later," Tian Zi added, still not giving up on the thought making Fyre sigh and wondered why he has not kicked the Alpha yet.

"So? He's a dangerous man? Are you afraid of him? Do you want me to ruin his life for you?"

"Zi, this isn't a game! This man had killed hundreds—No! Thousands! He's not someone you've encountered before. And yes, I am afraid of him. I've been hiding from him for a long time and I thought he had forgotten about me but I might be wrong. I'm not too sure but he might even be on my tail now since it looked like Apollo is connected to him, considering they have photos together," Fyre said with a frown because the Alpha wasn't seeing the situation seriously.

"Zi, he might kill you. I don't want that!" Fyre added worriedly. He knew how obsessed Lucien was towards him and knowing that he's now engaged, the Alpha might target Tian Zi before taking him.

Hearing Fyre, Tian Zi smiled and thought for a bit before finally becoming serious. He knew Fyre had a past that he didn't know yet and he also already figured it might be something dangerous so for a long time, he had been gathering his power. Although it is true that he had not killed a person ever in his life, that does not mean that he had not dealt with dangerous people before. It's been a while now since he had done work for his brothers personally but Fyre must have forgotten, he was his brothers' informant.

And his brothers have dealt with a lot more dangerous people in the past couple of years. It's the reason why he's been so obsessed with learning about computers and programming. He wanted to be of help to his brothers that he honed these skills to the point where he had become one of the bests in this field.

"Fyre, did you forget who I was? I'm Mo Tian Zi, it's not that easy to kill a Mo," Tian Zi chuckled before softly pinching his lover's nose. While it is true that he's confident because of his family name and its influence, he also did not see anything wrong with it. He was born with all the resources he would need, there was no way he would shy away from it now.

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To be Continued...