Kidnapped! (2)

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After calling his personal contact from the police force who he thought could help him, Paul drove his car in the direction he remembered the kidnappers went but from there he had no idea where to go. The person he contacted asked him to stay calm and not attempt to follow as it would be dangerous but he really can't just do that when he let all of this happen right in front of his eyes. So even though his head was still throbbing in pain and blood kept on gushing out from his wound, he couldn't let himself just sit in his car and wait for help. If possible, he wanted to rescue his lover as soon as possible.

"Dammit!" Paul cursed again as he punched the steering wheel before pulling over to the side of the road. He pulled his hair in frustration. Aside from the police, the only person he knew who could help him track someone a little bit faster was Fyre but the Omega wasn't picking up. Well, that was to be expected since it was already late and Fyre had been quite busy with his work recently so he also just can't blast his phone until he's answered. Additionally, friend or not, Fyre has no obligation to help him so he simply could not bother him, especially this late at night.

Once again Paul sighed in frustration. Since he had no idea where to start, he had no choice but to visit Maverick's place where his brothers and grandfather are currently living. Obviously, as Maverick's family, they needed to know what had happened as well. They might get upset with him for letting this happen to Maverick but he will take all that because it is true that he wasn't able to protect the Omega while with him.

At the same time, shaking in fear, Maverick silently cried after he was thrown into a dark room. His hands were tied and his eyes were covered. He didn't know exactly what was happening but he knew for a fact that this incident was related to his acquired freedom since he heard his captors discussing how their operation was supposed to be canceled but their superior still asked them to capture him, who was the cause of their organization's almost downfall.

". . ." Maverick squeezed himself at the corner as if doing that would somehow help him. Who would have thought his night would end this way? He was enjoying his time as always with Paul when suddenly all of this had happened. Ever since he went back, nothing but good was happening to him so he thought he'd finally be happy even though his relationship with Paul was not necessarily out of love. But both of them tried to be happy and were successful in such a short time.

Of course, at first, things didn't go as smoothly as they planned as both his brothers and grandfather opposed his sudden relationship with Alpha, considering his past relationship with both Daniel and Daniella. The same with Mr. and Mrs. Hymlyn. It's clear that they didn't want to do anything with the Sullens any longer but after a week of persistence, Maverick and Paul continued to hang out ignoring their family's rejection and they truly enjoyed their time.

'Is this going to be my end?' Maverick thought as he tried his best to suppress his bawls. He had been through a lot of dangerous situations in his life but he had never felt like his life was going to end like he's feeling right now. He saw how his captors hurt Paul earlier like he was nothing so Maverick was so sure that if he tried to resist even just for a bit, killing him would be as easy as breaking a toothpick. At this point, he had no choice but to accept his faith since there was nothing much he could do. And depending on his captor's plans, even if help arrives it might be too late for him.

'I-If it is... I hope my brothers and grandfather won't get too sad... Paul too...' Maverick thought again but later he laughed at the thought of Paul. Well, the Alpha might become sad but he believed he'll easily move on since it's not like the Alpha have feelings for him. Their relationship isn't in that kind of way. So for sure having him gone like this would mean nothing to him at all. After all, they were just two people with broken hearts trying to find happiness with each other. Their relationship was nothing but business and they just surprisingly got along.

"*sniffles*" His sobs echoed in the room, Maverick didn't realize that his own thoughts hurt him more than he expected them to be because he knew it was the truth. Even though he and Paul spent a lot of fun times together in the last few months, it's not like the Alpha would mourn if he died. At this point, he should just be thankful that at least he experienced how it was to be treated as someone special by someone other than his family just as he had wished. He had been foolishly looking for far too long but it was too late for him to realize that the one he was looking for was someone he had been acquainted with since he was young.

It's not to the point of love but he would be lying if he said that there were no feelings at all. After all, Paul is a good man. He is very sweet and caring, not a single person wouldn't fall for him if they spent a lot of time with him as he did.


Deep in his thoughts, a loud bang suddenly filled the silent room making Maverick flinch in horror. The sound signified that the door to the room he was in just opened and someone came in—perhaps his captor. However, he was not so sure as no one was talking, as if the person was just looking at him, observing him, and waiting for the chance to strike down.

"P-Please... don't hurt me," Maverick begged between his cries, unable to handle the pressure even though he knew that his plea was useless. Still, he should at least try. There were still a lot of things that he wanted to experience. He had already given up on his own life before and thought it didn't matter if he died but after coming out to his brothers and grandfather and learning that he was loved more than he had expected, and now knowing what it feels to be treasured, he wanted to experience more. He didn't care if he was acting greedy or selfish but he truly believed that he wasn't asking for too much. He did his best not to hurt other people, he even gave up his first love because he didn't want to hurt his friend and now that thought that he might have found the one person that could make him feel all the things that he craved for, he thought maybe it wasn't too much to ask for more.

He had truly been patient and so now he wanted to fight for his own happiness. Not for a man but for himself.

"Relax. I won't hurt you." A man suddenly said and even though he sounded nice, Maverick still couldn't help but tremble, facing in the direction where the voice was coming from.

"Of course, not unless you give me what I want," the man said, making Maverick cry not knowing what to do. What could possibly be this man want from him? His voice didn't sound familiar at all so he wasn't sure what he wanted from him.

"Please, please. I have nothing..." Maverick begged because he truly didn't have anything. He just got his freedom and is still adjusting to a life where he didn't need to hide, where he didn't need to constantly fear. He hasn't yet acquired anything except that little happiness Paul had given him and it hasn't even been that long.

"That's not true. Only you can help me with what I want."

"W-What do you mean? I-I don't know you at all... I can't help you..." Maverick expressed between his sobs but this time the mysterious man didn't reply and instead Maverick just heard him sigh. It was then he felt someone's hand on him before he was yanked up and made to sit on what felt like a metal chair. He was so terrified for his life that he bawled louder, especially when his blindfold was removed and was faced with an unfamiliar man.

"Please, please... Y-You must have mistaken me for a wrong person," Maverick begged again but as expected, the tall and tattoo-filled man didn't budge. He was silent and observed Maverick as he begged before he too took a chair directly in front of him to sit on.

"Fye Long... You know him, right? He's the person who helped you take us down," he said and in an instant, Maverick's eyes went wide. The fact that Fyre and Tian Zi were the ones who helped him was a secret and there were only a few people who knew so he didn't know why this man was mentioning the fellow Omega. Not to mention, it sounded like he knew Fyre personally, and something telling him that this man would hurt his friend if he ever got his hands on him. Even though he was quite jealous of Fyre because he was the one who softened Tian Zi's heart, he would never betray him. Not again! Falling in love with Tian Zi when he clearly knew the Alpha liked Fyre and vice versa, was already a form of betrayal.

He will not bring harm to Fyre even if it would mean death for him. If he did, he'd never be able to live the dream life he wished for.

"I-I don't know what y-you're talking about," Maverick muttered, tears continued to flow.

"You don't need to lie because I already know... You see, Fyre got away from me long ago. I merely want to get him back so even though the Boss didn't want your life anymore, I need you in order to get my Fyre back," the unfamiliar man said sounding rather eerie that even though his thoughts—whatever it is—wasn't meant for him, Maverick shivered in fear. Now he was sure that when this man ever got his hand on Fyre, he would surely cause him harm. He can't let that happen.

"I-I really don't know what you are talking about. F-Fyre and I aren't even close... In fact, I-I've only ever talked to him w-when our family gathers. W-We never hang out with each other s-so I can't help you at all," Maverick stuttered in panic, neither lying nor telling the truth. Because while it was true that he and Fyre were never close nor hung out with each other that often, the two of them are indeed friends. Fyre told him that himself. Maverick remembered feeling so happy back then since he never really had a friend so whatever situation he's in, he could never betray his only friend. He'd rather die!

"It's fine. I don't really require you to do anything. You just need to stay here with me for the time being and when I get what I want, I will let you free." The man said with a seemingly gentle smile, once again sending shivers on Maverick's body. If he wasn't the man's prisoner at all, he would believe such a gentle and kind smile. He had dealt with many kinds of people before and he knew people who are able to smile like the man just now as if they wouldn't hurt a fly are the worst kinds.

"Please, please... Just let me go, I will not be of help to you at all."

"I'll be the judge of that. As for now, please enjoy your stay here. You will be treated with utmost care. It's only for a while though because you will be helping me get back what's originally mine and by then I will set you free."

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To be Continued...

A/N: Read up to 46 Chapters more on my P a t r eon or Buyme a coffeepage page.