Seggs Ban

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Their bodies glistened from the heat, Fyre's body arched and trembled in pleasure before he fell exhausted on top of Tian Zi's chest which the Alpha caught very carefully and at last managed to switch their position. He has not come yet unlike Fyre and so he needed a little bit more time to reach it.

"Hmmnn. Ahh! G-Give me a minute," Fyre heaved and moaned, once again arching his body. He's still very sensitive from reaching his climax and he wouldn't be able to handle more stimulation if Tian Zi continues thrusting inside him now. Unfortunately, eager to find his release, Tian Zi didn't listen and began thrusting anyway with such force drawing loud erotic moans from the Omega.

"I can't. I would have come a long time ago if you had let me handle everything. I've been holding back for a long time now and I can't take it anymore," Tian Zi replied, as he leaned closer to whisper against his lover's ears. Fyre was supposed to be tired and all, but all of a sudden he wanted to be on top and went ahead and came by himself. He's sure that Fyre could feel his twitching cock inside him so he should know that he too is also nearing the edge but he still went on and asked him to stop for a minute. If Tian Zi listened, for sure by then he'd go crazy from the delayed release and surely the Omega won't want that.

"Ahh... Hmmnn... I-I can't! I-It's too good~ Please... Zi, m-my insides are burning..." Fyre whined, clinging to Tian Zi as his eyes bulged open at the rough assaults. It feels good but it's too much for him. The overwhelming feeling of the pulsating cock inside him was on the verge of turning him insane.

"Shhh, it's okay. It's okay. Your insides are not burning at all. If anything, your womb is just preparing to take all my seeds," Tian Zi cooed and slowed down his pace a little but each of his thrusts was still deep and filled with a force that's been making Fyre's body shake uncontrollably. "Ahh see, down here likes it a lot," Tian Zi added between his groans, feeling his beloved's tight muscles continuously contract around him. It's wet and smooth but at the same hot and tight. It's literally eating him up.

"Ohh! Ahh... Zi~ I-I really caaant~ S-so hurry up and pour it all inside meeee~" Fyre whined again. He just came but he could feel himself reaching another climax that he wanted all of this to just end quickly. If this continues for another minute, he'll definitely go crazy or faint.

"Fuck! Don't tighten around me more than you already are," Tian Zi cursed before he leaned back and grabbed Fyre's torso. His sweat was gliding down his skin and finally, a shiver traveled from his nape, down to his spine and finally to his tailbone before he groaned roughly like a wild beast and the build-up pressure in his abdomen burst out.

"AHHH! OHHH! God~" Fyre shivered, goosebumps quickly covered his whole body as he felt the overwhelming amount of hot semen being poured inside him at full speed.

"Ahh, dammit!" Tian Zi cursed, his fingers buried unto his lover's soft and delicate skin before he slowly let go and caressed Fyre's lower abdomen pressing it a little. Meanwhile, still moaning in pleasure also coming himself, Fyre's toes curled down feeling the organ inside him slowly expand. There was a slight sting but it was faint enough for him to ignore and focus on the pleasure the knot had given him.

"I'm sorry. I accidentally knotted you again," After realizing what he had done, Tian Zi leaned down and touched Fyre's flushed cheeks before he apologized. They already talked about knotting and they have decided not to knot when they have work the next day simply because it takes a lot of toll on Fyre's body.

"It's okay. It felt good." Fyre conveyed and this time wrapped his legs around his lover and urged the Alpha to kiss him, to which Tian Zi did not decline. The kiss started soft and sloppy but it was not long before Tian Zi grabbed onto Fyre's nape and deepened their kiss exploring each other caverns to their hearts' content that when they finally decided it was time to separate, both of them were out of breath and their lips were so red from the rough kiss.

"Zi, how long are you going to continue pouring inside me?" Fyre asked in a daze and his hand made its way to his belly. He felt like any moment now, his stomach was going to bloat from all the seeds pouring inside him. While he didn't have a problem with it because he actually liked the feeling and he had gotten used to the knot, getting all the white stuff later on will be such a hassle. This is because aside from the usual aftermath, there was no way he could get all the semen out in a day so when he's at home he normally just let it be until it pours down itself but tomorrow he has filming the whole and it'll be embarrassing if he's got something dripping out of him while working.

"Urg, you know I can't answer that," Tian Zi blushed in embarrassment. This time he lifted Fyre and switched their position once again where Fyre's on top of him since it was much better that way than him squeezing the Omega with his weight.

"Hehe, I know. I like it actually, but I'm just too tired," Fyre confessed, feeling his eyes starting to get heavy. Truly if he was normal, this amount would have knocked him up. Too bad he wasn't but that's fine, he's trying not to give up since Tian Zi wasn't as well.

"I'm glad I'm no longer hurting you with my knot, you used to hate it a lot," Tian Zi responded with a chuckle, playing with the Omega's back which Fyre only responded with a soft hum. His eyes became heavier and heavier until he could no longer hold back and closed it. The fact that the Alpha's heartbeat beating against his ears wasn't helping him as well since it only sounded like it was singing him a lullaby so soon after, he quickly fell asleep as the darkness pulled him into a sweet slumber. Of course, Tian Zi noticed this and he just smiled dotingly, continuing with his soft and gentle caresses until he too fell asleep not knowing of the grave danger that would soon come their way.

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Woken up feeling sluggish, Fyre shifted from his sleep only to shiver uncomfortably feeling something big and foreign inside him. At first, he thought it was the massive load he received last night but he soon realized that it wasn't, of course that too made him feel very full but his problem was that his kidneys weren't going to last long.

"Zi~" Fyre whined as he struggled to move away from his lover's grip. He tried to separate their connection but the Alpha must have felt that and suddenly pulled him even closer and grind inside him, pressing against his back and hitting a sensitive spot.

"Ahhh! W-Wait! W-Wake up!" Fyre cried as tears started building up. He really wanted to go to the toilet and relieve himself so Tian Zi being inside him and grinding deep was not definitely helping at all.

"Hmmm? But it's still 4 am," Tian Zi groaned, still half awake before he suddenly pushed Fyre onto the bed, towering over him before he slowly pressed his hips so he could be even deeper inside his beloved. However, because of this, Fyre panicked and wiggled his legs. Being squashed by Tian Zi's weight made his situation even worse as he just wanted to go to the toilet even more.

"Ack! S-Stop kidding around! I need to go to the toilet... Ahh~ Stooop! Stop thrusting so deeeeply~" Fyre whined, his tears finally streamed down. The thought of him peeing on the hotel bed quickly made him terrified. If that really happened, he'd never show himself public ever again.

"Ahh. N-No~" Fyre bawled, causing Tian Zi to finally wake up from his daze. He lifted his body up and looked at the crying Fyre and he immediately felt guilty.

"I'm sorry," Tian Zi was quick to apologize before he pulled out of the Omega and without waiting, he lifted him into his arms before walking to the toilet room. Meanwhile, Fyre was still sobbing, hiding his face against the Alpha's chest. When they finally reached the toilet bowl and helped Fyre towards it, the Omega suddenly started glaring at him, making Tian Zi feel uncomfortable that he quickly covered his dangling manhood.

"You're not forgiven!" Fyre suddenly said with a pout. Hearing this, Tian Zi scratched his nape not knowing what to do, it's been a while since Fyre had been this upset with him and like always, he never knew how to console him since he always just teased him instead. "You're definitely not forgiven at all!" Fyre said again and this time, Tian Zi sighed and thought he deserved it. It was his fault after all. He should have controlled himself even when he's half awake.

"N-No sex for you until I finish filming the whole movie!" Fyre added with a pout, his lashes were still damp from his earlier cries as he tried to wipe it of. At the same time, as soon as Tian Zi heard Fyre, his eyes went wide in shock.

"WHAT! No way!" Tian Zi complained. Tentatively, filming the remaining scenes for the movie still takes about 2-3 weeks but could also extend to a month. There's no way he could last a month without having a dose of Fyre. He's barely holding on in five days. He'd go crazy in a month!

"Hmmp! T-That's what you deserve since it's all you can think about!" Fyre said between his labored breaths as he began to relieve himself but found it difficult to do so with the semen that has been trapped inside him till now began dripping out. He already knew a lot was left inside and maybe it never even had a chance to go out but he couldn't believe it was 'that' much that he couldn't stop himself from quivering holding onto the nearest handle to support his effort.

"Wha— You're joking! There's no way you'd last—" Tian Zi argued but he was quickly cut off by Fyre.

"Try me! I can last long just fine!" Fyre insisted as he growled. Seeing the furious Omega, Tian Zi halted a bit before he suddenly pouted.

"Tsk. Fine! You're not going to get any of this too," Tian Zi scoffed and decided not to cover himself any longer as he crossed his arms arrogantly. It's not like he was the only one who liked it. Yes, he probably went overboard but there's no way Fyre could last a month without him. So if Fyre wasn't giving him lovey-dovey moments then he too decided to do the same. That way when Fyre couldn't hold back, he'd teach the Omega a lesson so next time he won't even utter such nonsense ever again.

"Tch! Fine! Who wants you anyway!" Fyre whined with a frown.

"You do but you're not getting any if you continue to say such nonsense," Tian Zi countered, making Fyre shake even furiously at this childish behavior. Once again, he wondered why he loved such a man when he was so annoying like this.

"Urg!! You're so annoying!"

"But you love me anyway," Tian Zi countered again that even though Fyre was clearly annoyed, Tian Zi was enjoying their bicker especially when the Omega suddenly got silent at his remark unable to talk back since he probably can't bring himself to lie and say he didn't love him.

"See, you do love me," Tian Zi teased, hearing no response at all before he walked close to the Omega.

"W-What are you doing!? Don't come any closer! I'm still mad at you!" Fyre yelled and was about to escape but feeling the massive lump gush out of him, his legs shook, and remained seated on the toilet bowl.

"You're the one who's mad at me and I'm not, so I'm going to take care of you as always. Feel free to hit and kick me but I'm not going to budge," Tian Zi said with a smirk before he suddenly lifted Fyre again and this time walked towards the shower room. Since both of them slept without cleaning up, it's probably best to take it now that they're already awake.

"Y-You're really so annoying!"

"Yeah? But you still love me anyway," Tian Zi said with a chuckle, once again making Fyre unable to utter a comeback. "I love you too but you aren't going to have a taste of me until you take that ban back," Tian Zi added but as stubborn as he is, Fyre just scoffed and crossed his arms. Now that this was how the Alpha was going to respond against his words, he will surely make him beg for him soon.

"Tch. And you're not getting any of me too."

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To be Continued...