It’s Him!

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"And here we go again. I don't know what to do anymore with the two of you," Julie Walker said with a sigh. There was an obvious dark shade under her eyes, her hair was tied into a messy bun compared to her usual hairstyle, and it looked like she hadn't slept or bathed in two days.

"I give up already. I don't care anymore what will happen. Just go there and tell everyone the truth. I'll handle the backlash afterward so we could get this over with," she said in frustration as she massaged her temples. She couldn't wait to end all of this already and have her precious sleep after a good pamper night routine. It's been a while since she had one. Ever since Moonlight started filming with Fyre being the main lead, things had become so hectic. Not to mention, she also had to deal with Duke and his involvement with Apollo and Fyre.

". . ." Watching the poor Beta, Fyre couldn't help feeling bad for her. But it's not that he meant for all of this to happen. To begin with, he didn't want to act and he only agreed in memory of Remi. He just didn't expect it would be so fun to work in the filming industry if only not for the fact that it's a tough and one of the most competitive industries in the country. Tough because you lose your privacy, so many eyes are looking at you waiting for you to make a mistake and if you did, someone else can easily replace you.

If you're someone who's relying solely on acting, losing a role could mean the end of you. Now, Fyre could understand Veronica Chime when she decided to do something so impulsively. Of course, that still doesn't excuse her from all the selfish things that she did but at least he could see her now from her perspective.

"Well, that's what we came here for," Tian Zi replied with an arrogant smirk. Honestly, they didn't have time to have a press conference at this moment because they are still looking for Maverick. But since they've already executed the plan of abducting the secretary of defense last night and been in constant torture since then to have him reveal the location of Maverick, they have a little bit of time to spare until then. Furthermore, both Mo Laotian and Mo Hanlu were personally handling the situation as well as they always do, so there was not much they could do anymore.

"I apologize that this had to happen but I think after this, people won't be so obsessed with my dating life anymore," Fyre apologized as he scratched his nape. He didn't know why but the public is so obsessed with him nowadays. Of course, he does think that it was because of his involvement with the big names but it's not like he meant for this to happen. It just suddenly became like this and there was nothing he could do. He tried keeping his distance knowing his place but it wasn't too easy. At last, in the end, he ended up getting engaged with a Mo like everyone had already assumed from the beginning.

"Actually, they'll be more obsessed with you now but that's okay. I've prepared myself... now, you ahead and get this over with," Julie expressed with a snort. Based on her estimation, things will go wild in the next couple of months if the fact that he's engaged to Mo Tian Zi is revealed to the public but then again, it will be much better than Fyre being involved with multiple men at the same time.

Nodding at her words, Tian Zi escorted Fyre into the stage from the backstage as on cue, the PR head of sunrise entertainment, who was all this time talking to the reporters about the situation called upon him. As soon as Fyre stepped into the stage, people went wild along with their massive camera equipment as they flashed it upon him. For a brief moment, no one noticed him yet but after a while, people began to notice Tian Zi as well who was silently and carefully supporting his lover unto his chair before he sat along with him.

"Mr. Jones, we don't see Duke Davidson, Apollo White, or even Zian McCarthy. We came here to hear from them as well," one reporter couldn't help but ask the PR head upon seeing yet another unfamiliar good-looking man on the stage.

"Well, unfortunately, today's press conference will not involve them. They will also have their own press conference to address the situation but as of right now, a big revelation will come to light in the four corners of this room," Mr. Jones said with a sigh which made everyone very confused. Now that they thought about it, for a rush press conference, the event was very well-organized. Invitations were sent so this conference was exclusive, rules were also enforced upon coming in, there were many security guards to maintain peace, and not to mention there were food and servers roaming around to cater to everyone's needs. At first, reporters all found it weird but upon hearing the PR Head now, they finally understood why.

"Does this revelation involve the unfamiliar man behind you? Another reporter asked in curiosity because if the unfamiliar man was simply an escort, then why was he sitting next to the main star of this conference?

"Why yes..." Mr. Jones replied with a smile. "Well, I don't want any of you to wait any further so I'd like to call in Mr. Long to explain and answer some things for you," he added, which Fyre didn't mind as he stood up. If it was him from before, he would have trembled in fear because he absolutely hated talking in public. Of course, he still hated it now and he'd avoid it if he had a choice but right now he didn't, and thus he will tolerate it until it's over.

"It'll be okay. I'll go to you when you can't handle it anymore," Tian Zi whispered softly as he held Fyre's hand before he kissed it softly.

"Thank you, Zi," Fyre smiled back before he finally stepped in front of the podium. And as expected, everyone saw the sweet gesture just now and all reporters went wild and bombarded Fyre with questions.

"Mr. Long, what is your relationship with this man?"

"Does this mean you have another lover aside from the previous three men?"

"Mr. Long, please tell us the truth. Who is your real lover?"

"Mr. Long, many people believed it was Apollo White but now we are confused."

"Who is this man, Mr. Long?"

"What does the Mo family say about you now that you've involved yourself in such a scandalous situation?"

"Mr. Long, are you proud of yourself for doing this?"

"Are you not ashamed of making all these men fall for you?"

"Mr. Long..." The questions kept coming in and it quickly overwhelmed Fyre, unable to answer any questions. Mr. Jones from the side reminded everyone to keep their questions one at a time but it was useless, everyone was already burning with so much curiosity especially after being displayed in such a scene.

"I... umm..." Fyre tried to answer but he simply could not. He looked at everyone in the crowd but his eyes began to blur out.

"D-Duke and A-Apollo are not my..." Fyre tried to talk addressing the main problem however hearing his answer, the crowd only became wilder. He looked at the crowd in a panic not knowing what to say to appease everyone when suddenly his eyes landed on a familiar silhouette. Fyre's eyes widened in shock before he staggered back a little.

His mouth opened and closed like a fish out of the water, Fyre wasn't able to say a single word. He was yet to check whether the man had really come back or not but he was quite sure that he was seeing the man now, Fyre could not help but be alarmed. Surely he wasn't hallucinating. That's definitely him! That's Lucien!

Fyre looked at the place where he saw the tattooed man again and for sure it was definitely him! Without a doubt, Lucien had truly come for him. With his eyes unfocused and his ears no longer hearing the loud voices from the reporters, Fyre breathing began to fall short. Seeing this, Tian Zi was the first one to notice his beloved's unusual behavior so without delay, he stood up and wrapped his arms around him before shooting his eyes at the crowd, thinking it was the crowd that did this to Fyre.

"QUIET DOWN!" Tian Zi yelled and in an instant, everyone quieted down as his loud and dominant voice reverberated across the room suppressing everyone. He lightly swayed his body while softly caressing his lover's back as the Omega clung to him. Fyre didn't even know that he was trembling and was short in breathing all this time. He wanted to quickly tell Tian Zi who he had seen but he was still unable to talk due to his shock.

Fyre peeked again in the direction where he saw Lucien but he was no longer there. A sliver of hope inside him thought that maybe he was really just imagining things but another part of him was sure that it was really Lucien. There were some changes in his overall appearance but he was positive that it was him! It's really him and he came to get him.

"Are you okay?" Tian Zi whispered but received no reply except a head shake saying that he isn't. When he agreed to have a press conference today, he and Tian Zi specifically made the security tighter to avoid problems so he didn't know how Lucien managed to get inside.

"It's okay. I'll take over from here," Tian Zi assured before he looked around to find Julie Walker approaching them to help, to which Tian Zi didn't hesitate to accept as he handed Fyre to her so his lover could rest, away from the peering eyes. When it was only him left on the stage, he turned to everyone with a glare not sparing anyone in the corners of the room. And for some reason, even though they didn't know who he was, the reporters remained silent and waited for Tian Zi to talk.

"Mr. Long is really not used to crowds like this so I will have to take over," Tian Zi began saying even though he too was not very used to crowds as well.

"M-May we ask who you are?" One of the reporters raised his hand and asked in curiosity. For some reason, even though they didn't know him, there was a gut feeling that he was not just a simple person.

"Well, aren't you all looking for me? I'm Fyre's fiance," Tian Zi replied with a frown. Upset that the crowd had made his beloved tremble in fear like that. He was so eager for this press to happen but he did not expect that would be Fyre's reaction.

"Fiance?" The reporters repeatedly said as their video cameras continued to roll.

"What about Apollo White, Duke Davidson, and Zian McCarthy? Are you aware that your fiance is having an affair with these men?" Another reporter stated, making Tian Zi glare in the direction. 'How dare this man accuse Fyre of being in an affair!' he thought as he continued his glare.

"Affair? I don't know what you are talking about. I've never left Fyre's side so I don't see when he had an affair," Tian Zi replied monotonically, his expression obviously unimpressed and displeased. Meanwhile, hearing his response, whispers quickly filled the room before one of them finally had the gut to voice out their thoughts.

"I'm afraid you've been wearing the green hat. We all know that Mr. Long went on a date with Apollo White and he seemed to have an intimate relationship with his personal assistant as well. They were all taken photos of being intimate. We don't see you anywhere around Mr. Fiance. Who are you again?" The report said with an obvious mockery in his tone. He didn't know where the man in front of them had been hiding but there was no way he wouldn't know the news of his fiance's obvious affair.

"Hmmm, first of all, I was there on the said date with Mr. White. And I must say the photographer did a pretty good job of making a less than five-minute meeting seem like a passionate meet-up between secret lovers. Secondly, I am Fyre's personal assistant, I just simply altered my appearance to that of Zian McCarthy. In short, he does not exist and there was simply me," Tian Zi said without knocking around the bush and as soon as his words came out, everyone quickly grasped in shock. At this point, they have been looking at Tian Zi for quite a while, and finally, a few individuals seemed to have recognized him.

Although he wasn't really known, Mo Tian Zi is a very popular figure as well and a lot of reporters had tried to memorize his features in case they saw him since he's today's most capable bachelor who instantly became very successful upon launching his company at the age of twenty-two.

"Oh my god! Y-You're Mo Tian Zi!" One female reporter shouted in shock that as soon as everyone heard her, another surprised gasp repeatedly echoed in the room gawking at the frowning young Alpha.

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To be Continued...