The Birth

The glorious wedding took place. One heaven and hell had never witnessed before. A marriage between a princess from heaven and the Demon King. A marriage everyone was afraid of. A power couple.

Aqua married Huo. A dragon married another another. Her crystals and water cultivation welcomed his soul sword techniques. A combination no one has ever witnessed. Even though Tai was killed, his fear he spread among his people remained. Everyone was afraid of what would come out of this marriage.

But Aqua and Huo only wanted each other. A rainbow on their say of marriage proved the unison to be blessed one in front of everyone.

Huo lifted her red veil when they reached their bed chamber. Everything was set perfectly. Aqua smiled as Huo lifted her veil and looked into her eyes.

"We made it," he said and sat next to her.

"We made it," Aqua nodded.


"Very," Aqua smiled and looked at him. "The battles, our death, the reincarnation, the trials, every single was worth it," she held his hands. Huo leaned closer.

"Say goodbye to your peaceful nights," He said leaning over her, taking her lip, kissing her deep, while his hands working on her maroon and black wedding gown and taking her. He made love like it was their first time. Aqua smiled even more seeing his desires. She did not stop him.

The star crossed lovers conquered the world and ruled over Demon Realm together. She gave away her titles in heaven and completely became a Demon Queen to keep her father and his people at peace.

The romantic adventure never stopped between the two, escaping from the palace and enjoying the honeymoon often. Aqua and Huo were Inseparable and a dynamic duo. But as feared by the people, the news came out.

"I'm pregnant," Aqua declared one day. Huo hugged her tight.

"We will have a one big happy family," Huo said planting a kiss on her belly.

The news reached every single Realm and it created chaos in their hearts.

"There is no need for such a panic," Emperor Aenon tried to keep everyone calm.

"She is.."

"She is just like any of us,"

"This should not happen, Emperor Aenon you know how we were not happy about the marriage itself,"

"Then did you not see how the heavens blessed them?" Emperor Aenon asked. "Say now?" to that nobody had anything to say. Empress Rivera sat there silently taking deep breaths.

Her second daughter and the fox Queen, Milan had taken the throne of Water Realm. And they to marry her off yet to Grand Prince of Water Realm Aiden, Milan's only love.

Aqua was often threatened to lose the baby.

"What is the problem with everyone? What the hell?" Aqua was stressed one day.

"Relax relax," Huo tried to hug her. But she pushed him off and threw thing and destroyed everything around her.

Huo asked the maids to leave the chamber. "She is angry, leave leave, prepare some snack, spicy ones, not sweet," Huo ordered and sat with Aqua itself. She was big and her delivery date was nearing. But the mood swings were going out if Huo'er's hands. Every day was different with her the journey of nine months. But he made sure he never lost his patience.

And morever Aqua was attacked twice after the news spread. It hurt her the most. And she was not merciful towards anyone who crossed her path. She had turned ferocious completely.

A week more and Aqua had her pain. It was difficult and unbearable to watch. Huo'er's heart kept pounding. He waited half a day and walked into the chamber losing his patience. He sat next to her, holding her hand.

"Men are not allowed," court lady said.

"We made the baby together, we will endure everything together," Huo'er said angrily.

"Huo, Huo don't leave," she cried and said. He planted a kiss on his her forehead.

"No no I'm here,"

Aqua's sister Milan walked in to the room. "Jin told me, I could not sit peacefully," She said and knelt on the floor, supporting Aqua.

"Breath breath," everyone said to her. "And push, push harder, just some more," everyone kept giving her instructions. "breathe, it's alright,"

And around 4 in the evening that day, a tiny baby cried out loud. The whole realm rejoiced with happiness. The baby girl kept crying and then fell asleep soon after Aqua fed her. She was happy and did not sleep for a minute. Sweets were distributed every where and the celebration lasted for a week. Huo stayed with Aqua until she felt better.

"We are blessed,"

"We are," Aqua agreed. Huo sitting next to Aqua kissed his baby and Aqua's forehead. Aqua handed him the child and watched him speak to her.

"We should name her,"

"What do you think?"

"I know a name,"

"Me too," Aqua said and smiled.

"Fleur," They said together.