
It was birth no heaven and hell has witnessed recently. The strange and a rare phenomena on the sky for a month. The clearest skies with all the stars shining bright even during the day time in the shape of a Celestial dragon.

"This cannot be real," people said.

"A god is here,"

"It is marking the birth of a Celestial being,"

"A heir to throne is born,"

"But who will it be?"

"Why is a Celestial being born to a Demon couple?"

"Aqua should never have married Huo,"

"But Huo is not a complete Demon either,"

Arguments and controversies had no end. But Huo and Aqua never cared about it.

"When Fleur turns five, we will have to test her, she will go through a little trial to prove her identity as a Celestial Dragon," Emperor Aenon informed his daughter Aqua.

"Why?" Aqua questioned? "To satisfy the needs of people who only gossip and create fight?"

"No, everyone go through this trail,"

"Never have I heard such a trial for a child before nor in any history book I read here," Aqua snapped at her father.

"Aqua," Emperor Aenon raised his voice.

"Relax, relax, we will decide when it is time, there is plenty of time, Fleur is an infant now, leave it," Huo made the truce between father and daughter who were equally stubborn. Demon King did not like it but could not blame either.

Fleur was a really pretty baby. Very very naughty and loved by all. Everyone was spoiling since she is the first born of two great people to ever love. The Demon King and Queen. The maids pampered the child. But Aqua was the only one strict towards her child.

"Fleur, come to ma," Aqua said.

"No leuurr wants to play," baby would say and keep playing around the castle. Hundred eyes had to be kept around her to stop her from getting hurt or keep her away from doing something mischievous.

Aqua began to worry about her child while the rest never bothered. Fleur was growing up. But she was doing absolutely nothing.


Her level was 0

Cultivation - NIL

Technique - Chose none

HP - 1000


Fleur can be easily defeated and killed. Aqua had if her Queen's guards and Huo'er's one King's guard protecting Fleur, watching out for her.

"She will be okay," Huo'er consoled Aqua one night. "Let her take time,'

"Fleur has not chosen book, she has not touched a single weapon we placed in her room, she is not doing anything a princess is expected to do either at her age. Maybe it's my fault. I don't know. Are girls generally like this? Or was I the only one working at an age so young?" Aqua wondered.

"You were forced to do many things when you were younger than Fleur now is,"

"Right, right, there is no need for me to worry, I don't want my child to become like me, let her take her route then," Aqua said. "What do you think is her interest in?"

"I have no idea I literally have not seen Fleur do anything here, she just walked around and play with the kids of our maids here," Huo said and lay back on his bed. "Morever I still cannot believe we are parents," he chuckled.

"I know I know, everything is part of life my dear husband," Aqua agreed and lied next ti him.

Fleur in her room, woke up when she made sure everyone in the palace has falled asleep and got into the library. It appeared that what Fleur really liked was reading. Reading stories. That's how she enjoyed passing time. But Fleur was brilliant than any one imagined she would be. Hearing from people how she is destined to take the throne of Heaven, what belongs to her grand father at the present, she did not want it. She did not like the fact that things are predestined for her. She wanted to make her on destiny, create paths for herself. Hence Fleur decided.

"I will never live up to anyone's expectations," and she was sure about it. But she did not understand how important her existence is. How precious it is to be a Celestial Dragon born after ages in the universe.

Every day Fleur sneaked out of her bedroom. She would spend few hours before sunrise in the library, read stories and return back to ger room and sleep in. She would wake up around noon and have lunch straight.

"You are late again today," Aqua would go meet her. "You sleep for a really long time,"

"Yes, I love sleeping, do dragons hibernate?" Fleur joked to her mother.

"No jokes Fleur, go for training, uncle Hawk is waiting for you to teach archery, did you forget what day it is today?" Aqua reminded her.

"No," Fleur said and washed her mouth after eating. She put on her robes for training and walked out with her mother.

Various activities were planned for Fleur for each day in a week. From Sword technique, extra skill set training, archery, martial arts, law classes, and basic skills such as first aid, cooking, and reading (general and specific subjects under King Huo'er's) But Fleur would always find excuses and bunk atleast two classes a week.

"Fluer, you are growing up so quickly," Queen Aqua said one day while doing her daughter's hair herself.

Aqua by that time was pregnant with second child and was planning to tell Fleur about it.

"Get to the point," Fleur said and she turned around.

Aqua smiled and pinched Fleur's face. 7000 years had passed since Fleur's birth.

"You are going to have a sibling soon," Aqua announced before she told anyone else. Huo walked in at the right time.

"What did you say?"

"Pa you are going to be pa again," Fleur got all excited Aqua.

Huo looked at Aqua. "Is it.. Is it true?" he asked her.

Aqua smiled and nodded cradling her tiny baby bump. Huo hugged and kissed her.

"Oh please," Fleur covered her eyes with her hands. And the three laughed out. Fleur hugged the bump of Aqua and stood there with her parents.

There was another reason for her excitement apart from feeling happy in getting a company.