The Fusion

Level 5

HP 1090/2500

Technique: Fire Ambush Technique

Weapon of choice: Sword

Vitality: 89/100

Martial Art Added

Learning: Kung Fu

The improvement was clearly evident. But there was no will. Still doing it for the sake hence every step, every action took only quarter effect than the original.

"Don't mess up, learn it with your heart Fleur,"

"I'm trying," Fleur would always reply. Shiyun did his best imparting knowledge to her everyday.

"You would not learn until you see it," Shiyun said one day, grabbed her arms and apparated to a distant place.

"Where are we going?" Fleur asked.

"You will see," Shiyun looked way. He tried his best to understand the choices she was making. But at the same time it was hard since Fleur was not opening up.

They reached an island. They watched from the top. Fleur was shocked.

"What is this place?" Fleur was equally horrified. "They are not demons are they?"

"No, they used to be fairies, trained to become immortals, but greed ruined them, some of their souls and spirits did not have enough power to contain the cultivation they were forcing their body with. It have them severe backlashes and some went out of their mind. This fairies are put here together and give best treatments possible. But the moment some get better they do the same to themselves until the primordial spirit dissipates," Shiyun kept talking. "They were given choices, but they chose the wrong ones over and over again,"

"Why were they so adamant about becoming an immortal?"

"Because they have powers and a security, they have a purpose,"

"But that is not everything," Fleur said.

"Take my hand," Shiyun said. Fleur held on to his arms and they travelled again. He took her to another island. Fluer felt an unusual energy around them.

"Where is this?" Fleur asked again curiously.

"Have you wondered where the primordial spirits of prisoners and the dead ones get dumped?"

"NO," She said.

"This is the place. The fusion,"

"WHAT?" the princess was shocked.

"This land here holds the spirits of millions, you cannot enter this land, not even Emperor, you will get killed with the negative and poisonous energy easily. The spirits are combined and generate an energy that no living being whether a mortal or an immortal can stand, except,"


"Nothing just a wrong word, nobody can enter this land," Shiyun corrected his words.

"Why do they come here?"

"Fleur, every life born has a purpose, some fulfil it, some don't, to the greater gods if we do not fulfil our duty and find our purpose, it is a sin," Shiyun said "In schools, the first subject we are taught is about this place,"


"Becuase we cultivator have the responsibility,"

"What responsibility?"

"To become the guardian of this galaxy, this universe, in our unique way, every birth has meaning like mine, line yours," he said looking into her eyes. He was aware that he is talking to a wall. But he still kept doing it.

"Is it not a choice? What if we choose something different and fulfill a different purpose?" Shiyun could not say anything back to her. The journey was not successful instead he was bombarded with question which he could not answer back half of them.

"Forget it," he said feeling tired.

Shiyun took her back to the castle. "Let's call it a day," he said to her and walked back to him chamber. He had no mood to continue training that day. He took a risk and showed her around two Forbidden places to young cultivators. If his shifu hears this, Shiyun will definitely be turned into a pickle. But the risk he took was not valued by the princess, one he started caring without even knowing it.

Fleur took a bath. She kept thinking about the two places she visited with her master. "I know you took me there to realize the importance of my birth but still you failed to answer my question," she said. "No soul in the world will understand me, and what I want. And clearly throne and bloodshed is not what I want," she told.

Fleur as usual decided to sneak out of her chamber in the middle of the night and walked into the library. She decided to read some book about the islands she visited. She walked to the first floor and she remained still. She dropped the lamp she held in her hand and it echoed inside the library. The man in front of her stood smiling.

"The lazy princess who do not care about books and any royal affairs, the boisterous princess who hates and never visits library but choose to sleep through the day," He went on. "The sloth like Demon Realm's princess who choose..."

"What are you doing here?" Fleur asked. She got into trouble. She was aware of it. His smile told her that.