Fleur's decision

Flour could hear the guards patrolling outside. Not everyone sleep at night. Especially demons. She had learned that half the population prefer night life in the Demon Realm than end the night sleeping soundly. The night markets over flowing with demons and travellers and the only market in the universe working all day and all night. Just like those section of people, Fleur preferred the night life either. Fleur's mission was simple like every other might. But some one caught her red handed.

"Shifu, I.. I was bored so I came here,"

"Bored every night and come here for looking around, and then stay up till morning and gi back to the castle and sleep until the sun is about to bid farewell for the day?" Shiyun asked.

"Hey I do not sleep all day," Fleur said and took few steps backward.

"Well more or less the same, the good hours of the say are soent sleeping what's the point?"

"What are you doing here? How did you get in?" Fleur questioned back.

"If you can get in with this underdeveloped tricks of yours? Why can I not?" Shiyun asked back.

"Underdeveloped? Hey that is rude!"

"Truth is always bitter," Shiyun titled his head.

"Shifu please go back," Fleur tried to be peaceful.

"We will go together," he said.

"No I'm not sleepy," Fleur refused.

"Neither am I," Shiyun shrugged.

Fleur picked a book and threw at him. "I said leave,"

Shiyun was prepared he moved swiftly and caught the book before it landed with a thud waking anyone around. "Who are you to say that?"

"The princess of Demon Realm, is that not enough? I keep seeing how you show no respect when it's me,"

"If you are a princess, earn your respect," he began to irritate her.

Fleur took a scroll just checked what it is and threw it at him making sure it's an irrelevant one. Shiyun laughed out loud. And she disappeared.

"You want to play dirty? Then I will," Shiyun said to her and then they began to dual.

"Oh shit," Fleur said. She could not defend and hold him longer. And she could feel herself feeling tired as she fought. 'This is not good, I'm not capable,' she thought. She tried to go to a corner and hide on the top floor and hide to meditate and try to restore her energy. She was panting hard.

Shiyun searched for her everywhere. And then he used his powers to sense her presence. In the end he did find her. He walked towards her silently. He did not wish to alert her. He settled down on the floor before her. She was meditating seriously. Shiyun could not help but smile the moment he set his eyes on her.

"Sit straight," he slowly whispered in her ears. He breathed in her scent and moved away quickly. The scent of a wild flower. That was what Fluer smelled like all the time. But he could not help but wonder what she would look like in her true form. A dragon. Shiyun's heart skipped a beat and he sat keeping his distance from her.

"Why do you create a bad image for yourself Fleur in front of others?" he asked her.

"Because I don't want to become like everyone around me,"

"What is it about? Become what?" he asked for clarifications.

"A fighter, like a weapon my mother used to be, not used to be, the way my mother was looked up on," Fleur said. "Throne is not something I want, that is not the.." but Shiyun cut through.

"Are you trying to run Way from your responsibility?" he asked openly. "And did your mother not over come all that?"

"Overcome, what about the consequences she faced?" Fleur opened her eyes.

"Consequences are what makes us stronger,"

"No," Fleur disagreed.

"Fleur tell me one thing,"

Fleur looked at Shiyun. She was prepared.

"Enough to live on my own,"

"What is your level?" Fleur smiled.

"Level 59

Skill: Scholar's Internal

Martial Arts: Karate

HP: 20000

Technique: Magic Fist

Weapon: Dagger" she said to him.

"You learned alone?" Shiyun asked.


"By reading the books?"

"Yes," she said again. "I taught myself truth, beauty, reality, skills, and techniques. I did every single thing on my own," she said proudly.

"But none of these sync with your body and it's against the cultivation a Celestial Dragon needs," Shiyun sounded worried. "Is this your idea of rebelling against everyone dear to you, choosing the opposite of who you are?"

"To all of you it is rebelling, to me I'm just living my way, but all of you forget this one thing," she said. "I never chose this life, so since I was born without my will, why can I not live according to my will?"

"You will regret the decisions you ha e made my dear, you will some day, but I don't want to see that, and it is never too late to return back," Shiyun got up from the floor.

"Your trial will begin any time. The moment i utter the word you are prepared, it will," he stood and turned away.

"Don't let few knowledge you read misguid you from reality," he advised her.

"For the trail you mentioned, I'm prepared already, but once I set my foot outside, shifu I will not..." Fleur got up and spoke to him. Shiyun stood still for a moment and he vanished. What she told him is something that should not be happening in the family and the Realm.