
"Fleur, in a month, you will go through a trial. It will not be a special place or moment. But it will be just loke the normal life but facing many hurdles. No one will be able to help, you have to figure out everything on your own, using the powers,"

"I know shifu, I know everything,"

"If you don't solve the puzzles, you will be hit with lightening. You have to endure all of it," Shiyun kept advising. He was not sure what Fleur is planning.

"Shifu relax, I got this," Fleur assured her master. She had found ways to over come the trial.

Shiyun let her train and left the castle. He had a meeting with someone important.



Aqua, Huo and her father Emperor Aenon and discussed about the trial for the Celestial Dragon that should have taken place years back.

"Next week," Emperor Aenon confirmed.

"Yes your highness," Huo'er agreed. He smiled and looked at his Queen who looked tensed. She was sure Fleur would do something.

"I know my daughter well, we will be prepared for the trial well," Aqua said.

"You should not help her," Emperor Aenon reminded his daughter.

"I will not, I assure you that, but there is something else I'm going to take care of,"

Huo'er got up from the chair. "What do you mean?" he asked her.

Aqua got up and looked at her husband. Aqua looked at her father who looked equally confused.

"Let's go, pa we will see you on the day of trial," Aqua said and held Huo'er's hands.

"Aqua," Huo tried to speak to her.

"We will talk later," she said to him. She bowed at her father and she stepped out. Demon King did not understand what was going on.

"No we are not going back unless you tell me what is going on," Huo said stubbornly.

"Huo'er, maybe we failed being good parents," Aqua told her husband.

"What? Why?" Huo asked looking confused again.

"I have been following every single track of Fleur, and I have been asking Shiyun, her shifu, everything about her. I found some matters which is very disturbing,"

"What?" Huo grew tensed. The moment he heard his daughter's name and involvement he began to worry. "Tell me clearly,"

"Fleur does not want to be a Celestial dragon and take up on her responsibilities, she feels sick, and hates it and.." Queen Aqua paused.

'"And what?"

"And, Fleur has been pretending to be lazy, and not interested in learning skills," Aqua continued. "She has been learning everything alone, she practiced scholar's internal on her own, self taught martial arts skill. But everything is against her primordial spirit which will heart her. The backlash is sure to happen," Aqua said everything.

"She should not be doing this to herself,"

"I don't know what our guards have been doing every night, but she succeeded in sneaking out of her room, going to the library, reading book she should not have, she hates it here, she hates our history, she hates people, everyone, and it is not the right thing, and more importantly I cannot force her since she had read about us in the books, we lived against our wills and we cannot force our children the same. She is going to take advantage of the situation,"

"I will not let her have her way this time," Huo'er said.

"Can you do anything about it? You cannot! she is not a child, she has grown up," Aqua explained. "We cannot make every decision for her,"

"Do you not see it, she is going to ruin the trial," Huo'er worried.

"That is why we will take care of it,"

"What else did Shiyun say?" Huo asked.

"She is planning to run away," Aqua revealed. "But he is not sure, Fleur does not open up," Aqua revealed. "I should have known when she fired few questions towards me before we had Kai. She asked me was it all worth dying for and what we have now?" Aqua took as deep breath and looked at the clouds above them. "Shiyun also made a mistake, he begged me to not tell Shifu Bo Hai about it,"

"What did he do?" Huo'er grew concerned.

"He showed Fleur the islands. The Fusion,"

"WHAT?" Demon King was hell shocked. "Why the hell would he do that? No one should see those places,"

"Shiyun thought if she shows her the suffering of the lost and abandoned primordial spirits Fluer would understand her purpose and live choosing the right path, he was wrong, now he is worried,"

"Fleur is not like we see at all, why did we fail to understand our daughter, where did everything go wrong?" Huo searched for the reason.

"It was wrong since the beginning," Someone else said from the back. Huo and Aqua turned around.