The Ambush

"Sleep early," Shiyun said to Fleur. "Don't even think about sneaking out of the bed chamber to the library again, I always have my eyes on you, you cannot mess anything," Shiyun warned her. He then left her alone walking back to his chamber.

The night looked peaceful. The stars in the sky shining bright. Fleur stepped out of her bath. Her body was aching everywhere and decided to take a hot water bath. She felt a relief. She dried her hair and looked for her clothes. The dinner waited for her on the table. She could smell good food. The aroma of meat watered her mouth. "Here I come my babies," she said excitedly as her stomach kept growling.

Fleur put on her night gown, had her dinner and later laid down on the bed. She decided to sleep early. The wind howling and the owls hooting. Thus rustling sound of the leaves from Castle's garden Queen Aqua grew was pleasant to the eyes for everyone who passed by. A rare seen in the Demon Realm with greens.

Fleur felt the time moving very slowly and kept herself calm. She knew well about her bodily conditions. Shiyun's words echoed in her head.

"You will get killed, at this rate with this wrong cultivation. Why are you doing this to yourself?" Fleur grew afraid. But she could not just agree to the people around her.

Fleur did not get a deep sleep. She kept hearing noises. She heard people screaming. She could hear explosions in the distance. She opened her eyes, she was lying down normally. But what she witnessed was entirely different. When Fleur opened her eyes she saw her mother's crystals, the unique shield protecting her.

"What the.." Fleur was shocked. Outside the shield that protected her lay the rocks and stone, dust, and fire.

Beyond the shield, half the roof of the castle has been destroyed. There were smoke everywhere. She saw few guards running around. Maids trying to help the wonder. There were also dead bodies lying around.

"What happened?" she asked the guards. But the guards put their heads down. They could not meet the eyes of the princess.

"It was an ambush. We were betrayed, our security systems breached, and hacked, We failed in the war, Demons are getting assassinated, everyone is dead,"

"What about the King? Where is the Queen and my brother?" She asked.

"We are sorry princess Fleur, our Prince Kai was abducted and Queen went to rescue him and..... and.." they could not tell her.

"Pa, where is Pa?" she forced them. "Tell me where is the Demon King?"

"Beheaded," they said and left. "Sorry your highness, sorry," Fleur's heart almost stopped when she heard the news. She dropped her dagger and lost her balance. She fell on the ground.

"Shifu.. Shifu.." she mumbled. She looked around. "Shifu.." she wanted to call Shiyun. But he was not around.

"Its all because of you, you bitch, you lousy Demoness, you are the reason," an old lady came shouting. If you were never born our King and Queen would have lived happily. Look how you changed their fate, you killed them. You lazy ass. You could work and protect anyone. So to protect you she used her powers to not wake you from your sleep. She knows you are useless and let you sleep like you do all your life and went to rescue her son, are you not ashamed of yourself,"

Fleur's eyes filled with tears. Her blood boiling. "No, no that is not true," she shouted back. the old lady kept cursing the princess and she was dragged away by the soldiers. Fleur summoned her weapons and walked to the court. But the most hurtful scene unfolded before her. The lifeless head of her father kept on the throne while the body lay on the floor still bleeding. Huo'er was dead. But no one knew who killed him. Fleur screamed her lungs out. "Paaaa, paaaaa," she cried. "Paaa no paaa wake up," she stayed there crying for few minutes. And she remembered. "Ma.. Kai.." she got up and rushed out of the court. She furiously dashed out of the castle. "Ma wait for me, I'm coming, please keep fighting, don't die," she kept praying. That was the first time she prayed to gods. "Please keep them alive," and at that time something stopped her from moving forward. She was in the middle of the strange dessert. She heard a horrifying screech. Fleur stopped and looked around. She saw something rising in the sky, towering over her. A dark strange thing with wings and red eyes. It breathed water. She looked around and saw another one rising too. It was white and had blood all over it. "Dragons," Fleur realized. She took her Falchion out. She knew the scholar internal would not help her. She decided to use the fire ambush. But it had no much HP, minimum vitality and she had yet to temper he weapon. "Oh fuck," she said.