Found The Answer

It was scorching hot. The light tickled the eyes while the sand storm often hitting made it hard to travel. The sky turned dark like it's the end of the day. The purple fire bolts falling down once a while creating an explosion in the Demon Realm. It was horrifying. "Why is this happening?" Fleur asked looming above.

"A monster living in the cloud laughed out loud. A rare monster Fleur had read about in the book. One everyone believed is dead. Fleur grew scared a little.

"You will not be able to defeat me and bring back you family and people,"

"So I can bring them back if I defeat you?" Fleur smirked. She was well aware that her powers would not match the monster at all. Yet she decided to fight. But the dragons blocked her.

"Ma.. Kai..." Fleur realised who these dragons are. "Maa.. let me go kill the Monster,"

But instead the spiritual dragon that looked like a zombie began to attack her. Dragon began to breath blue blazed fire. It looked scare. Fleur immediately lifted her hand and used the bracelet her mother gave her to wear for protection when she is in danger.

"Oh maaa.. it's me.. maa.. it's me Fleur, wake up," she kept saying. "Kai... kai it's your sister, it's me,"

"But both the dragons kept attacking her. Fleur began to run and use her weapon for defense.


Level 21

Weapon: Falchion

Skill/ Technique: Fire Ambush

HP 1200/1200

Matrial Arts: Kung Fu


Fleur unlocked a new set of power in the her weapon. She tried slashing but they were too high. She could not reach them. Neither did she know how to transform. She wondered. "Did they not tell me I'm a dragon? Why can I not transform?" she asked.

"Because you are a useless one," the spiritual dragon said.

"Maa how could you say that?"

"I'm not your anyone," The dragon said and made a sound. It began to attack her again. The heat was tiring and the dust often got into Fleur's eyes. The dragons took that chance and decided to attack her even more. Fleur fell on the sand dunes. Fleur lay still and watched as the dragon flew down to grab her. She held on tight to her Falchion. "one, two, three, four,

..." she kept counting. The dragon reached her and at that time she moved her weapon cut the fingers. The dragon whom she thought is her mother screamed loudly and backed. The other dragon also moved back.

"You two, stop it," Fleur shouted. "What is wrong with you?" Fleur ran around trying to distract the dragon. The fingers she splashed were lying on the sand with weird blood like substance.

"Wait, that is not my mother's crystals," Fleur said. She looked up. "Who are you?" she asked.

Fleur decided to run far away. But she saw the some zombies began to walk towards her. The dead demons walking towards her in the middle of the desert. "Oh shit," she said. She kept slaying the walking dead and moved forward.


Level 31

Weapon: Falchion

Skill/ Technique: Fire Ambush

HP 1500/1500

Matrial Arts: Kung Fu


Her level began to rise. And so did she unlock another set of power. "I wish I tampered the sword more," she muttered and she ran. She killed so many people as she ran. There were also Beast among them. Weird beasts she had no idea about. "Fuck, these are so scary," she kept talking. The sound of screeching and screaming disturbed her. "Stop this shouting, stop this madness," she shouted as she killed zombies one by one. She hit them, kicked them, and stabbed then with dagger and slashed their heads. She tried to take difference routes but all were same. "Why the hell is this happening? Where is grand pa? Where did the heavens go?" She asked out loud helplessly. Suddenly she saw that the zombies she killed faded and not fall dead on the ground. "Why?" she asked. She stopped running. She was panting hard. "Wait a minute," she moved around and saw many rushing towards her. And the dragon appeared to be chasing her but in the distance. She looked around once again. "Everything happening since the morning is crazy and meaningless. Everything was perfect until I fell asleep. There were no signs of Ambush. My father is a cunning smart man, brave and the best dragon existing in the universe and so is my mother. They will never surrender to death like what has just happened to them. My brother Kai is still young and not a fully grown dragon like this zombie water dragon chasing me. She looked at the dragons fast approaching her. "So this is a simulation, making use of of my fears in my subconscious and creating a world I definitely would try to fight and find a way to solve the problem. A simulated world like the one in nu fear where I will be abandoned, left alone, and blamed for being myself, a world where no one I love will leave, a world I hate the most, a world that demands my true self," She looked at one direction. Up at the sky. "Will this trial end if I die instead of finding the door?" she asked still looking at the sky and held her dagger close to her stomach. She fell down soon as she stabbed herself. She kept looking at the sky as her vision blurred. She saw the purple sky turning white and blue and a shield disappearing and she closed her eyes. She died.