Woke up

The purple sky fell. A bright white light spread. The shield broke. The field turned back normal. Arena totally disappeared. No it was not dry dangerous dessert. It was her own room.

Aqua and Huo stood next to Fleur's bed. There were other judges and even Emperor Aenon watching everything that took place, waiting for Fleur in the royal court with King Huo'er. Fleur when she went to bed was hypnotised and created a world inside her head. Like a dream. She was expected to overcome the fears in her inside her dream. But nobody expected her to find out she is having her trail. Nobody expected that she would kill herself inside the dream. Nobody expected that she had no idea how to turn into a real dragon. She brought shame to her royal families in heaven and hell. She proved she is super smart but in the eyes of eyes she hurt her family. She shattered the hope of her mother and father.

Fluer opened her eyes. She felt too low.

"Dress and come to the court quickly, everyone is waiting for you," Aqua was serious and she did not look happy.

"Princess, please come," her maids and best friends Yara and Leya walked towards her hurriedly.

"I messed up," Fleur said to them.

"We understood," Yara said.

"Queen was worried," Leya started. "She kept praying and hoping for you, she remained next to you the whole time, though we did not see what happened, she was emotional half the time, she said she cannot imagine something happening to her Realm and her children and people,"

"Yes yes, but we did not understand anything," Yara said.

Fleur smiled. "I see," she definitely was not expecting her mother to be soft. "Well, let me tell you one thing then," she said to the girls.

"I'm in deep deep deep deep deeeeeep trouble," she took a deep breath and exhaled.

"It is not new your highness. When were you not?" Yara said and the two maids sat giggling. "Come let's get ready, elders are waiting for you,"

"Okay, pick a dress for me," Fleur got up and drank some water. She felt really tired and exhausted.

Fleur put on her Black gown. Something grand only a princess would wear. She wore that since it is going to be an official meeting. She palced the tiara on her head and made sure she walked properly. "How do I look?" she asked nervously. "Will I pass the other tests?'

"You will, You look beautiful, now go fast," Yara said.

"Okay," Fleur said and stepped out of the room. She walked through the corridors, she climbed down the stairs and everyone looked at her, whoever passed her. No one had ever seen the princess dressed up like this before. She saw Shifu Shiyun standing at a distance. He was watching her walk towards her. She ran. "Shifu," she called him. "Did you also see my perfect? Did you see how my level improved?"

"Hmm I did," he said and smiled. He took a step closer. Hs lifted his hands and moved it towards her head. Fleur stood still. She smiled. He picked the petal of a wild flower she had kept on her hair. It had the color of lavender. Then he handed her that and kept the other part with him. Fleur did not understand what he meant by doing it.

"Just be brave, from now on, just be yourself," he advised her. Fleur was surprised to hear that.

"What?" Fleur asked feeling astounded.

"Did you not always wish to be yourself free from all the lies and wrong things?" Shiyun reminded her.

"Yes but look who is saying it, what a surprise !" Fleur chucked.

"Go now, they are waiting," Shiyun said.

"Are you not coming?" Fleur asked.

"No," he replied.

"Why?" Fleur wanted to know.

"My work here is done," he said. He was smiling. Fleur noticed nothing in him and she nodded.

"Okay, leave," she did not realize that he will not be returning back to her to teach her. Shiyun nodded and he apparated.

Fleur stood in front of the court. The doors opened automatically. She took a deeo breath and stepped in..There were many elders. The judges who determine the identity of the Celestial beings. Heavenly Emperor and then the Dmeon King and Queen, her parents. She walked forward and bowed.

"Very late," an oldest judge from the panel of 8 judges told her.

"Sir, forgive me, for being late, but it took me time to dress up and ended up talking to my shifu," she explained. The judges looked at each other. Aqua closed her eyes. Huo looked at the gathered and remained silent. He was hating the process taking place.

Emperor Aenon stood up. He displayed the trial results. There were big letter written in red font. Fleur was not expecting much anyway.

"Mission Failed," Emperor read it out loud.