Shiyun's Decision

Shiyun returned back to school. Master Bo Hai was waiting for him.

"Shifu," Shiyun bowed paying his respect but Bo Hai took his thunderous whip and began to give his student serious lashes.

"You failed and insulted me, you made me lose my face, is this how I train everyone? Is this how i taught you? How could you go soft on a arrogant Demoness princess? How could you fail me by developing feelings for her? How could you break the rules? How could you take her to the Forbidden islands no one is supposed to know? Is that why I took you to those islands so that you can reveal it to other people?" And for every question Bo Hai asked he hit Shiyun with his whip. Shiyun's white hanfu turned red with his blood and tore open.

"You have disappointed me and I have learned a lesson to never dot on someone who may perform good but later backstab," To all the harsh words Master Bo Hai uttered, Shiyun did not say a word back.

"How could you as a cultivator give your heart to a Demon?"

"She is not a Demon," he said and looked up at Bo Hai. Shiyun was leaning down and he somehow managed to stand on his legs.

"How dare you?" Bo Hai got angry and raised his hands but Shiyun stopped him. It took Bo Hai by surprise.

"Is King Huo'er not your foster son? If so, is Fleur not your grand daughter? Did you not raise Huo yourself when he was almost killed by Late Tai?" Bo Hai could not say another word. "What is with the hatred towards Fleur? Is Aqua not your favourite student too? What happened to my master who never divided what Realm people are from? But why is my master now dislike and have hatred growing inside him? Why is that despite knowing I started developing feelings for Princess Fleur, you kept making me stay there? Why? What was your intention? Was it today's result? Was that your main intention? You always knew she is bright and hid it from us, you know well than any others the capability of the Celestial Dragon, you know well how she will realize it is all a trial. After all did you not design the arena and trial yourself making it obvious for a sharp girl to find out and wake up from her nightmare?" The questions were to the point that Bo Hai had absolutely nothing to tell Shiyun. "What is your intention? Why do you not want Fluer take the heavenly throne as the Celestial Dragon? Why are you close to..." he stopped. Shiyun stopped before he uttered the words he secretly found out from following his master. He stopped mentioning the matter.

"Shiyun," Master Bo Hai called. He dropped the ship and was no longer angry.

"Yes shifu," Shiyun answered.

"You are not qualified to call me that,"

"Shifu," so Shiyun called again.

"Because from this moment onwards I'm not your master, and you are not my student, I'm severing my ties with you, you are on your own from now on, you must never come back to school," Master Bo Hai said and walked away. Shiyun smirked.

"What a boring old man!" he thought. His whole body ached and bled. The wounds on his body lost it's meaning since the person who gave him that was nothing but a disappointing old matter. He could not even stand up properly.

"I should go the Xuan Cave in the ice Realm to heal from the Internal injury, it is going to take me months," he said to himself. "Shifu, you are such a rude man," he kept talking and managed to take his first step. It was painful. He first decided to take a treatment from local physician and get ready to travel to Ice Realm. But he doubted if Ice God Dong Fang Lixue will allow him to mediate and take bath in the river inside the Xuan Cave. "Oh god," he struggled. He really struggled every step he kept forward.

Master Bo Hai watched this from the distance. He felt awful. But he was determined to not forgive Shiyun and set this punishment aa an example to other students of his to never cross the limit.

Shiyun managed to reach a small village and find a small house to live with the money he had and took treatment. His cultivation needed to be upgraded. The physician rolled him with cotton and white clothes tying up the wound after cleaning them with herbs.

Shiyun wondered what would be going on in the Demon Realm and With Fleur.

Little did he know she was getting roasted for what she had done. He closed his eyes and remained silent.

"I will heal and will go back for her, she will need me, I have a lot to teach, I will make her sit on the throne, and I will show you shifu," he decided. "I will not let you replace her with your alternative you found."