Heated Conversation

"A Celestial Dragon would have saved the family spotted, remove the spell and bring back order. A dragon would have tackled the solution instead of running away. But what happened here? When the trial was held not only did you run away, cried, and called for help,"

"Hey I did not ask for help," Fleur said.

"Silence," Emperor Aenon shouted. Then she did realized she thought of getting help. Dhe did think about her grand father. Fleur remained silent.

"You called for help, ok it could be forgiven. But the way to realized this is trial and then the deed done after that. How dare you kill yourself and wake up from the trail? You did wrong, you also wronged the dragon god. You have sinned and denied your real self," the old judge went on. "A sinner should not be pardoned, who ever she is, whatever the position she holds," Fleur looked at her mother and father who stood looking down. She could see the tears glistening in her mother's eyes but holding to keep her pride.

Fleur felt bad for a second. "So we have made a decision," the judge said. "Seeing how low the level of your cultivation is, failing to meet the required standards, and failing a simple trial that should have taken place thousands of years ago, we have come to the conclusion that your existence as a cultivator and a Celestial Dragon is doubtful and questionable. And also another test to prove you are a Demon will be held, to see which side of the family you have inherited the Genes and primordial spirit from,"

Fleur felt offended hearing this. So did Queen Aqua and Demon King Huo. Huo looked at the judges. Aqua stopped him from walking towards them.

"Wait," she said and looked at her father, Emperor Aenon.

"I agree," Emperor agreed to the judges. Aqua did not understand what is going on.

"Stop this nonsense," Fleur said laughing out loud. That surprised everyone. "What are you all talking about?" she asked.

"Fleur," Emperor Aenon called her. "Keep quiet,"

"Why should I grand pa? Please tell me that," Fleur asked back. "To keep insulting me and my family? Don't drag them into this, just because I'm born into this universe does not mean I owe all of you, i was not given a choice before my birth, it just happened, then why am I being pushed to the corner with responsibilities and threats?"

"Fleur, stop," Huo said to his daughter.

"No Seriously, I'm done. I keep listening to such speeches of glory, happiness, righteousness, when nothing is right," Fleur said. "I'm disappointed and dissatisfied with e everything in heaven and hell. Some people turning into traitors, some backstabbing the trusted people, while some don't want to be part of anything, I'm that, I don't want to be part of anything,"

"Fleur," Aqua shouted.

"Ma don't stop me, see I have been reading a lot gaining my knowledge and all I learned is nothing is worth here,"

"You are a Celestial Dragon who should take the throne, it belongs to you, and you have to take responsibility of this world and help people lead a better life," Aqua said.

"I don't want to take that risk and this stupid throne," Fleur shouted back equally.