
"Stupid throne?" An old judge stood up. "how dare you?" he said and attacked Fleur with lightening.

"Arghh..," she fell on the floor, aching.

"Fleur," Aqua and Huo rushed to her. But Emperor Aenon asked them to move away.

"No, move," he said.

"Pa, what is this?"

"A Celestial Dragon without purpose beed not exist," the old man said. "Dispose her," he ordered.

"What? kill me?" Fleur was shocked.

"Then go through me first," Aqua pushed Huo away and stood in front of her daughter.

"Ma no.." Fleur stood up.

The old man flew down the platform and stood opposite Aqua. The great saint who had lives for a million year ready to dispose the mother and daughter. Emperor Aenon and Demon King Huo stood there helplessly but he has confidence in his Queen.

They began to dual. It was pretty nasty The court room had heavy damages were the furniture erte destroyed, the the walls dirtied, the floors dirtier than ever. Huo took a deep breath calculating the cost of refurbishing and redecorating while he waited for the dual to end. And indeed Aqua defeated the old man.

"No one gets to decide the fate or kill my fist born I gave birth to with blood, sweat, and tears," she declared to the world.

Fleur was surprised. Her mother's fury while protecting her. Fleur could sense something bad approaching her. "As for my daughter's punishment," Aqua turned towards Fleur.

"I knew it," Fleur thought in her head.

Yara and Liya stood outside waiting for Fleur. To escort her back to the bed chamber. Aqua looked at Huo.

"Do it," Demon King said. Fleur looked at her father who looked furious.

"Fleur will be sent on an exile until she find her purpose in life,"

The old man smirked but was satisfied with the punishment. The other judges were a it shocked.

Emperor Aenon felt bad and disappointed about his family. But he did not put his nose in their business and remained like a spectator. He believed in his grand daughter's capabilities but she was aloof, naughty, and always rude. 'Maybe this time she will grow uo properly,' Aenon hoped. He was worried how Empress Rivera would accept the news.

"Seriously?" Fleur asked. Everyone turned to look at her. "Send me on exile? That's the punishment?" she asked again. "But.." she paused. 'No I should not reveal the news to them,' she thought and stopped talking. 'But god this is what I always wanted to do, I'm so excited...' her mind was loud and happy. 'but I know nothing about the other worlds, life and have no skills, shit I should have learned,' she regretted being lazy. "I will not come back as you said, until I find a purpose, if I don't..."

"You will..." Aqua said. She smiled. Everyone looked at her strangely. "The truth in the universe will help you find the purpose of your life," Huo looked at his wife with confusion. 'What is she doing?' he wondered.


"What? Now?" Fleur asked.