
"Yes now," King Huo said.

"Pa," Fleur tried to talked to her denied. But she was denied.

"Leave," Aqua said. But the mother's heart was aching to see her child leaving home god knows how many years.

"Okay, fine," Fleur agreed casually and disappeared. She first went back to her room. Knowing well Fleur would go back to her chamber. Her maids, Yara and Liya ran their best to catch up with her.

When the girls reached the room, the princess was looking a her weapons. She was taking them with her.

"Princess, why did this happen? How come they are so cruel?" Yara asked. "Why did king and queen agree to it?"

"Because this is not in the hands of Ma and Pa, we have a complicated heaven and hell family matters, it's all interconnected," Fleur explained.

"But still, it's just a trial," Liya said.

"But it had the power to determine my fate and future and I messed it up, so they are angry," Fleur answered.

"But why did the queen dual with the judge?" Liya asked her doubt.

"That judge wanted me dead saying a useless being is a burden for the universe,"

"How dare he? The old hag," Yara got angry.

"No Princess, Don't leave, please," Yara begged.

"Or take us with you," Liya opinionated.

"Absolutely no," Flwur said strongly.

"Sis, Fleur sis," Kai walked in.

"Kai," Fleur smiled.

"Where are you going?" he asked his big sister.

"Work," she lied.

"What work? Can I come?"

"Oh no no no no Kai, it's a dangerous work for sister, you should not come, stay with ma and la, woh will look after them, you must learn well,"

"I will be like sis," he said. Yara and Liya giggled. Fleur looked at the girls. And they stopped.

"No please, no I beg you," Fleur then laughed. "One of us should be good, two bad ass children would reduce the life of our ma and pa," Fleur said. "Then I will be good, like ma and pa," Kai said and smiled. "I will come for you soon as I learn,"

"Deal," Fleur said and hugged her brother. Fleur had taken what she wanted to, with her, and decided to leave. Her mother and father did not come to her room to send her off. Fleur did not even change her dress. She just stepped out. She had no idea where to go. Fleur stepped out of her room walked down. It appeared the people in castle were yet to know about her departure.

"Please come back soon," Yara said.

"Or let us know where you are, we will come for you, we will sneak out," Liya promised.

"Castle rules are strict, don't mess up by sneaking out, I won't even be here to rescue you two," Fleur advised them.

"I will take care of everyone," Kai said firmly. Fleur tousled her brother's hair and smiled. They stepped out to the ground and walked towards the gates.

"I have something for you," Kai said.

"What?" Fleur asked.

"This will help you," he said and handled her a roll of something. It was a cloth for sure. And it looked familiar. Fleur opened it a little it.

"Oh my god!" she exclaimed. "Kai,"

"Keep it, I stole it from pa's desk," Kai said proudly. Fleur understood how her mother is behind this activity making her son do it for her daughter. Fleur took a deep breath. She did need a map of everything. This is the special map that contains even the tiny detail of a place in all the planets. Fleur turned to face her people with her.

"Bye, take care," she said and everyone waved at her.