Broken Family

It was scorching hot. Flour stepped out of the gates of Demon Realm. She did not turn back. But at the same something sweeped her and the next moment she looked around she was inside a cave. "What the..." she wondered. Then she saw a person standing next to her.

"Ma.." she called. "What are you doing?"

"I just wanted to see you,"

"Oh The formality I get it," Fleur snapped.

"Fleur, that's enough," Aqua shouted at her daughter. "Stop being a spoiled brat, are you not a bit bothered about the way you're loving now? You are a crown princess, how can you be reckless and not study? how can you not cultivate? I have tolerated you enough, you can't continue this way. Because you're provided with everything doesn't mean you have the right to only exploit and never help father with anything, "

"Ma, please," Fleur begged her mother. "Am tired, am tired of your nagging, am tired of living here with you, am tired of having your shifu teach me things I am least interested about, I just want a carefree life, I just want to live like a normal person, what do you know about a peaceful life? she questioned her mother back.

"You're asking me about this? Really? The life you have right now , which your mother and father hard earned for you to live, does this look so violent and feel distressing to you ? Really?" Aqua got angry.

"Yes, what is it that's so special? What is it? What difference does it make ? I am still the demon and I don't get accepted sincerely, you think people want me on the throne? Even your relatives? and shifu? Can you tell me that you still share good relationships with heavens after you married pa?" Fleur kept interrogating her mother. "Look at the way a trail was arranged? Everyone should have put some effort so that I don't realize it's a trial, but what did they do? It was nothing but waking up from a nightmare I did the same? Why? don't you think it's evident? Who want me to win and who don't? Why do you still trust people blindly because they are acquaintances?"

"Seriously, I don't understand, who is putting wrong things in your head ?" Aqua was shocked to listen to her daughter's false accusations. But Aqua decided to clarify all if it. There is no smoke without fire.

"When you can't answer, you try to put the blame on someone, that's the way you choose to win an argument, am better than you are your highness, " Fleur was unimaginably rude. Huo walked into the cave listening to all her dialogues. He stood next to his wife, looking at his daughter, who didn't care to respect him either.

"You will leave the place, and not come back until you finish you punishment and trials, go to earth and don't come back home until you reflect upon yourself. He ordered his daughter specifically.

"Huo'er, " Aqua looked at him. Aqua did not want Fleur to go to earth. It sounded like a danger but she never told anybody why.

"You don't have to say anything, I know what am doing," he said to her and looked at his daughter who turned red with anger and started packing stuff.

"I won't stay here even for another second," she said. And soon without saying a word, Fleur walked out of the cave and disappeared. Nobody interfered in the matter. Aqua was upset and broken hearted. She didn't know how to handle her boisterous child and anger had made fluer's father banish her to earth. A young girl left out alone, far away from home, Aqua was worried. She understood the worries she put her parents through every time she rebelled at home when she was young when she was forced to train and cultivate. But only that when Aqua always surrendered in the end, her daughter was different from her; unyielding and a radical who is choosing what she shouldn't. Being a mother changed the views of Aqua, and she became like any mother who wants the best for daughter.

Though Huo and Aqua made a promise to each other to never let their daughter know about their history, the promise has turned into a great burden where now their daughter do not value them or see the worth for everything they had gone through oblivious to the truth and history. Moreover Fleur learned everything on her own which made her misunderstand a lot of things. Huo consoled his dear queen hugging her. They went back to the castle. Kai was resting. They let him be.

Huo ordered the maids to prepare Aqua's favourite meal for lunch and tried to keep his thoughts busy, to not worry about his daughter. He asked his personal guard to meet with him. They failed to understand Fluer's thoughts, influences she had on her and her choices.