
"Damn it," Fleur kicked a stone on her way. Her parents left her. But her mother was not willing. "No no no don't feel guilty you spoke the right thing, let ma dig what is going on here, let us have some fun for the coming days, you always wanted to set out on your own Fleur," she told herself and took a deep breath. She made sure she carried the weapon and regretted wearing the royal gown. She had little gold with her and silver not enough to be wasted on clothes before reaching the destination she has to live in.

The sun rose and set everyday. And Fleur slowly found the gate to exit from heaven. She took the empty paths and the gates. But the Realms she passed through, it was not that impressing. Before she reached the gates to travel to earth, Fleur had to go through certain fights.


Fleur witnessed wrong doing in each place she visited. The beasts had slavery. The low level beats could work only low level works and maid jobs.

The wind realm had food division between higher and lower status people.

The floral realm separated their fairies and had categories for them. The flower faires, the fruit faries, the bee fairies. They had different areas for living and not allowed to interact with each other. They are given different levels of work, they are given different uniforms and they are not allowed to date each other.

Something like caste system existed everywhere. Fleur was surprised. "What is this? What is grand pa doing? Does he not know this is wrong? He may be good and popular but he should not let such things slide," Fleur talked to herself.

"But the lower ranks exists. We cannot be immortals easily unless we cultivate for years, it is not easy like being born as an immortal in great families with great bloodlines. But those ppl do not understand the value of it, how many of us do you think will be able to survive the trial and cultivation for being an immortal?" a girl walked out of garden while Fleur was resting.

"Who are you?" Fleur asked looking at a girl around her age. She looked lean, that Fleur could see the bones in her body around neck, hips, and ankles. Fleur handed a steamed bun she had to the girl standing in front of her.

"Thank you," the girl immediately took the bun and had them.

"What happened?" Fleur could not stop herself from asking the question looking at the girl and her dirty dress and body. The girl looked up at her face.

"Punishment," she said.

"A criminal? Woah what did you do?" Fleur took a step back.

"Talked to a friend of mine from flower fairy village,"

"Oh broke the rule,"

"We both got punished but he died, his cultivation was weak, I'm left to die,"

"Wait what? Death is the punishment,"

"No, starving, one who survive the month will be left alone and taken back to the community," she said.

"Jeez you don't deserve this," but the girl smiled listening to the words of Fleur.

"What is your name?" Fleur asked her.

"Arnika," she said. "I'm a gooseberry, a fruit fairy," she smiled again.

"Fleur," Fleur said. "but don't tell anyone you met me,"

"You must be an immortal, dont worry i won't, I cannot put another flower fairy I mean immortal at risk and get punished along," she said.

"Come with me," Fleur said and took Arnika with her. They almost reached the gates of the Floral Realm to get out. "Don't live here, let's get out," she said.

"Are you sure?" Arnika asked.

"I'm sure," Fleur said. "Are you? why do you want to live here? families?"

"Families don't work the way it does in other Realms,"

"Then you have no reason to live here," Fleur told the girl.

"She has every reason, as a fruit fairy," they too heard another female voice coming from their back.

"Oh my god, another flower immortal," Arnika said.

"Run," Fleur said and took Arnika's hand. They ran and ran and stood before the gate but everyone circled them; the floral guards. All were ladies. Floral Realm had highest population of women and had very less number of men. Fleur safeguarded Arnika eho had no cultivation and fought as she used her tricks and fooled the floral immortals and they quickly apparated and left the Realm.

"argghhhhhh," Arnika was shouting as they flew in the sky above the clouds. Then they found a safe place and landed on top a tiny hill. "Have we touched down?" Arnika asked.

"We have," Fleur said feeling shocked. imIt was her first time using this power of hers. A Celestial power that unlocked when meeting an urgent situation.

"Nice," Fleur said and looked all over her.

"Yeah," Arnika turned excited.

"Listen since I'm found here, I cannot stay here any longer, I'm leaving to earth,' said Fleur to Arnika.

"I will come too,"

"No you cannot," Fleur stopped Arnika. "You need a little bit of cultivation to pass through the gates. So I need you to find a man, he is my shifu, seek help and he will teach you, just mention my name," Fleur said. "He will teach you with the suitable cultivation and techniques for you,"

"Oh," that was all Arnika could say.

"His name is Zhou Shiyun, go hurry," Fleur urged Arnika. In few minutes Fleur left Arnika creating a copy of map she had admnd gave the girl it.


Fleur thus smiled and took a step towards the gate. Her life was about to change forever. "Let us go have fun," She told herself. "Let us conquer the another world, wohoo," she said excitedly. But she had no idea what would happen after stepping out of the gate. She did not know it was portal. Energy portal that would take her to some place. She had no idea what happened to her except seeing a flash light. "Wait what?" she said but fell deep. "Arghhhh," she shouted.