
A large round thick thing was brought to the table in a big box with some kind of sauces. Fleur smelled something new and amazing coming from the inside. Everybody in the shop was staring at her attire as she looked at Arya for explanation about the pizza they have ordered. She wanted to know more. She looked excited.

"Well, this is the large sized Mexican chicken and pepperoni pizza with loaded cheese, along with garlic paste for the dip," Arya introduced her to the new dish presented in front of her. Arya noticed how people were staring her. She ignored and helped Fleur eat it. Arya found Fleur very unique.

Fleur took the first bite of her first earthly food and tears filled her. Her heart skipped a beat like she found true love in life.

"What happened?" Arya asked her, worried, seeing the strange girl's stranger reactions.

"This, " Fleur said and swallowed the food. "This is so yummy," Fleur looked at her hand observing the pizza carefully. She enjoyed each bite of admiring the taste of chicken and cheese. She has never had such an amazing plate of food in her life ever. She felt that living on earth is a blessing even though life is short but worth it.

"I know, I know, no need to cry, just have all you want, can't believe this is the first time you are having pizza," Arya said taking her share. "Where on earth were you?

"I was never on earth. The place i come from have nothing like these things on earth," Arya looked at unbelievably. But she did not understand that Fleur was speaking frankly.

"Is there even a place like that these days?"

"Yes, larger than this," Fleur said very freely as she had her pizzas. Arya looked at her in wonder and took a bite.

'What a weirdo,' she thought. 'Who is she?'

Half an hour later, fleur sat back on her chair, her tummy full, happy and tired. But she was aware how she had no place to stay.

Arya paid something to the cashier. "What is this?"

"Money, what else?" Arya told her.

To Fleur it then clicked humans use money like she use gold coins and silver coins. She took out her pouch and showed Arya her gold coins.

"My god, what are you carrying?" Arya was shocked and covered Fleur's hands for others to not see it. "Is this bag full of such things?" Fleur nodded to it. "Don't take it out or show to people like you showed me, the world is bad people would even kill you get such precious things,"

"My god, humans are worst than demons,"

"Yes, so keep it safe, hide it," Arya advised Fleur.

"I don't have your money, how can I live without it?" Fleur said.

"What do you want?"Arya asked her as they stepped out of the pizza shop.

"Food, clothes like you and house," Arya laughed out loud.

"What?" Fleur asked her. She was regretting her conversation with her mother already. Feeling lonely, clueless and a totally stupid person. She clutched on her gown tightly trying her best to control her emotions.

A tainlong wandering alone far away from home.

"You definitely can't afford a house, but clothes maybe and food, to live every day, alone like this you gotta make a living, " Arya said.

"Means?" Fleur asked.

"Job my dear girl, work," Fleur pretended and looked at Arya. "You have to do work to make money and then support yourself to live, to eat, to dress, " she said. "Did you see that pizza shop was looking for a part time worker. Like that you can go work at places that are hurting,'

"What do I have to do in that pizza shop?" Fleur asked her.

"Do what that boy did to us, serving food of course," she enlightened Fleur. "For home you can stay with me, but you should pay me rent, and clothes, we will sell that one gold coin, and buy everything you need, looks like you don't have a thing to you," said Arya observing her carefully. She took Fleur's hands and walked towards a jewellery to sell the gold. "Just one, save the rest for later, keep it safe," Arya advised her. She did not ask much about Fleur and her background. She just trusted a strange girl she met and decided to give her shelter.