Aqua Knows Something

The Demon Realm looked calm on the outside. The sand dunes covering up the Realm from the heavens. It was the greatest advantage Demons had. Only the Demons can survive the dangerous deserts lying between heaven and hell. Some demons decided to take advantage of it.

The buffalo clan Demon Realm kept aside calling them the traitors were making their moves on outskirts. But no one knew about it. It was in the name of Princess Yuki, to reclaim her back.

Demon King Huo assigned the guards to alert the people in his Realm to stay away from the sand dunes due to the heavy stand storms. But his mind was occupied thinking about his daughter and troubles she would get into. He had already received an Intel about her interference in Floral Realm and kidnapping a girl with her. Now everybody is searching for two people. But luckily he managed to seal her powers soon as she left. But he could not understand how she flew.

Aqua on the other hand has been trying to meet Master Bo Hai who constantly kept turning down her invitation. She also was trying to reach her daughter Fleur's shifu who appeared to have gone missing since the day he ended training Fleur and left the Demon's Castle. No one had any idea about what happened to him.

"Don't you feel it is very suspicious my dear husband?" Aqua asked lying on her bed next to Huo, being very speculative about the situation.

"Don't decide anything, reach a conclusion and take an action based on personal assumptions Aqua, you never know what is taking place or going on," Huo advised her.

"I would not take any action Huo'er but why is Shiyun not at school anymore, what happened to him? what between he and our shifu? Why is he kicked out? Why is Shifu turning down our invitation? He had never done that before. He is around here, but his students lied that he is about to go in seclusion. Why did he lie and make others lie? Every thing happening and happened and especially regarding our daughter, it makes me feel that what I think could be right and what Fleur mentioned could be right too. It appears some people don't want the Celestial Dragon to take the throne because she is our child," Aqua explained every point.

"Hmm.. I thought about the same. But we need proof. For everything. There is no one else but her, They cannot make a substitution to the throne can they?" Huo asked a logical question. Aqua suddenly sat up. She covered herself with the quilt and got uo from the bed.

"What happened?" Huo asked. He got up and put oh his cloak.

"Nothing. I'm cold, let me dress," she lied. 'Could it be? Could they have found?' She closed her eyes thinking about the past. She was reminded of some of the old days in her life. The era if Tai and what he had done to Water Realm and her family. It was during that time she broke the rules of heaven, she hurt those who hurt her and refused her family. But in the middle of the war, she found a truth. A truth no one used to know. A truth she buried in her heart. The only truth she never shared with anyone, not even to Huo'er. "No way," she whispered. Her heart raised.

"Huh?" Huo'er did not hear it clearly.

'Could it be real?' she kept wondering. 'No, of course no,' she turned around and smiled. She picked her clothes from the floor and walked back to the bed. She sat next to Huo.

Huo'er wanted to calm her down and approached her again. He touched her cheek, looking into her eyes and kissed her again. He took her lower lip, and soon got on top of her. He caressed her and kissed her everywhere.

The night was cold and wind howling outside the window. After making love to each other, Huo'er fell asleep. But Aqua could not. She laid awake.