Shiyun's Background

There were people chasing around the various realms in heaven. The prison who escaped with the Demon Princess is now a wanted criminal. It had no meaning, no specific reason, but the Floral Realm was not dealing things in a systemic way giving right to the fairies.

Arnika was in disguise. She changed her clothes wand bought some food with the money Fleur have her. She felt fresh and she had no cultivation enough to fight the guards from her Realm. She had portrait of Master Shiyun Fleur sketched roughly and handed her. As she promised her saviour, Arnika wanted to find this man. She hoped for a better life. Though she was super scared she did pretty well in disguise easily adapting to the local people in each town.

She had two meals a day. She was tried. She was weak. Malnutrition hunted her. She was not healthy. She walked and walked and at nights she would some place to rest but ur were never safe. She wondered often about Fleur. She wished she could have joined Fleur but she felt better when thought about how she would have dragged the journey due to her incompetencey and lack of cultivation.

"No No No, don't feel bad, that sister will be safe, you do well," she consoled herself.

Arnika that night stared at the portrait for a long time and sat on the branch of a tree hiding from the guards. She was on the run since morning in the Sky Realm. Luckily she had not run into any authorities.

"Where should I go? Where are you Immortal Shiyun or is it cultivator Shiyun?" she wondered in the middle. "I'm scared, I'm lonely, and I need help, please, please let me find you," she begged looking at the sky and gazed at the stars. She could see the stars cancer and aquarius. She wondered to whom those belonged. She had no idea those were Fleur's parents.

Arnika leaned back against a bark and sighed. "Let me live a decent life greater gods, I'm not selfish, I have never been, I just want a peaceful free life without subjected to discrimination and slavery," she talked looking at the sky. The winds were getting colder but she had nothing to cover herself with. She could not what would have happened to her if it is winter. "I might have froze to death then, my spirit cannot keep me warm," she whispered and blew air in hands and touched her cheek to keep herself warm. She did not know when she fell asleep.



The sky looked clear the next morning. The towns were once again buzzing with fairies and immortals, doing business, and earning money. The town of Sky Realm had some amazing cuisine one must try in their life time. Shiyun was wearing worn out robes of civilians, he also was in disguise, he was trying to hide from his own family.

The only son of second prince Zhou Hae of Sky Realm. He did not wish to disappoint his father or grandfather, the King of the Realm.

Zhou Shiyun the man who was given the title of Grand Prince wanted to become a true and fully trained cultivator for the sake of protecting his Realm. But living with Master Bo Hai made him feel good and find a purpose. But training Fleur was not part of his life plans. And the moment he began that he realized that every single belief and ideas he had in him changed. It changed him inside out. It changed his mind and made him question everything just like Fleur. He did not regret. That was the biggest thing. But the breaking of the relationship with Shifu Bo Hai was not something he was expecting. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine that Shifu would kick him out when he pointed out the hidden agendas behind Fleur's trial.

Shiyun took a deep breath combined drinking his tea before he left the Realm. He placed his cup down. And he lifted his head. He wanted to look at who was standing before him.

"Shifu Shiyun" he heard a girl's voice. He wished it was Fleur. But the voice did not belong to her. He then saw skinny girl, young, and weak. He did not recognize her.

"Who are you?" he slowly asked her. There was happiness seen evidently in her face.